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Nedelja, 15. I 2006.

Logo Leteći bumbar 097

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Intervjvu sa PDV-om                     Tekst poslao čitalac (ili čitateljka)

            Profil PDV-a BiH

3. Crna Guja                                       Engleski jezik

            Nekoliko citata iz serije

4. Čestitka

            Čestitka povodom pravoslavne Nove Godine

6. D�ejla � kraljica svemira               Tekst poslao čitalac (ili čitateljka)

            D�ejlin kutak

7. Otvorena vrata

            Izgleda da joimamo materijala od hrvatske predizborne poezije

8. Filozofiranje                                    Tekst poslao čitalac (ili čitateljka)

            191 filozofska misao (45-58)

Hari Poter - monta�a


Slovo Lični profil poznatog poreza na dodanu vrijednost koji je rođen 01.01.2006. i tako postao dr�avljanin Bosne  i Hercegovine

Ime i prezime:

            Pe De Ve

            Peder, a neki me zovu PedeVer.
Kako vas zovu u Makedoniji:

            Porez na kuku lele.
Mjesto rođenja:

            U Bosni i Hercegovini vlada opće mi�ljenje da kada ja izađem iz�  tj. kad se rodim, da će tada tek da ode sve u PM tj. da se svi vrate u PM.
Imate li neku anegdotu:

            Znate li kako će se zvati Paravac kad se uvede PDV? - Zvaće se Padavac a Adnan Terzić će se zvati Aladin Terzić.
Kako će biti kad vas uvedu:

            Mlijeko i lijekovi će doći na isto pa će se mlijeko kupovati kao Mlijekovi. Kruh će biti te�ak kao bruh.
�ta na bosanskom znači skraćenica PDV:

            U raznim gradovima se različito zove. Npr.: U Kiseljaku: Porez na Du�u i Vodu. U Sarajevu PDV se prevodi kao Plati Duplo Vi�e.
Znak u horoskopu:

            Opasnost na putu.
Imate li hobi:

            Di�em cijene uvis.
Va� �ivotni moto:

            Zbog PDV-a nema� novog DVD-a.

            Treniraću cijene da skaču uvis.
Ko vam je uzor:

            Krvni pritisak - jer samo on skače br�e od mene.
Čemu ne mo�ete odoliti:

            Jeftinim cijenama pa moram da skočim na njih.
�ta morate imati u fri�ideru:

            Poslije uvođenja PDV-a u fri�ideru se ne mora imati ni�ta. To je dobra strana uvođenja mene tj. PDV-a jer postoji mogućnost da se fri�ider pretvori u muzej.
Najdra�a zemlja:

            Bosna će mi biti najdra�a. Voliću je do groba - tako neki ka�u.

Mače u �oljici

Koji broj cipela nosite:

            Ma, �ta će mi cipele kad ću da zgazim sve pred sobom?

Kakva je razlika između PDV-a i političara:
            Političari uzimaju samo 10% od posla, a ja uzimam 17%.
Hoće li poskupiti knjige:

            Neće - narod mora da čita kad nema �ta da jede.
Hoće li poskupiti lijekovi:

            Kakve to veze ima. Dobra stvar sa uvođenjem PDV-a je u tome �to će nestati razlike između bolesnih i zdravih, tako da neće biti razlike između onih koji imaju rak i koji ga nemaju. I jedni i drugi će u biti umrijeti od gladi.
Imate li neki vic o PDV- u:

            Znate li �to plavu�a hoće da uvede PDV u gaće svog mu�a? - Pa da bi im ona stvar skočila za 17%.

�ta biste radili da ne radite to �to sada radite:
Tek ću da vam radim.
Koji posao volite, a koji ne:

            Volim da gulim sve po redu.

Da niste to �to jeste, �ta biste bili:

            Rata za kredit ili hrana u fri�ideru.
Imate li kućnog ljubimca:

            Imam, to su Mujo i Suljo. Obojica su do�la na po�tu da tra�e da im se uvede PDV kao telefon jer misle da se on uvodi kao struja ili kao telefon i da će im od toga biti bolje. Mujo je pitao ima li dvotarifni sat za PDV.
�ta najprije primjećujete kod osoba suprotnog spola:
Na �ta ste slabi:

            Volim da se dodajem tamo gdje mi nije mjesto.
Gdje ćete ljetovati:

            Od ove godine samo ću ja da ljetujem, a svi ostali će da se gu�e u Jadranskom moru.


            Prvi serijal

 Blackadder: Let all men who go to Don Armour tomorrow remember to go before they don armour tomorrow.
 Blackadder: Run away from the hills! If you see hills, run the other way!

 King Richard: Blood! Death! War! Rumpy pumpy! Triumph!
 Blackadder: You see, the thing about heaven is that heaven is for people who like the sort of things that go on in heaven. Like, well, singing, talking to God, watering pot plants.
 The King: Chiswick! Fresh horses!
 The King: If you cross me, now or ever, I shall do unto you what God did unto the Sodomites, understand?

 Blackadder: As my tutor, old bubble face, used to say: "make love and be merry, for tomorrow you may catch some disgusting skin disease."
 Blackadder: My God! In twenty four hours I'll be married to a walrus!

 The Queen: Look at the two love birds!
Blackadder: One love bird and one love elephant.

 Blackadder: I've just been hearing about your work in Taunton. Imagine that - every single person in the village having an affair with the same duck.
 Percy: Only this morning in the courtyard I saw a horse with two heads and two bodies.

Blackadder: Two horses standing next to each other?


            Svim čitaocima koji novu godinu slave i po Julijanskom kalendaru �elimo srećnu Novu Godinu!

 Blackadder: Dear Lord, who made the birds and the bees... and the snails, presumably, erm, please help me, a little animal too, in my despair. I have bee a sinner, but now I intend to follow the path of the saints: particularly the very religious ones.
 King: St. Juniper once said: "By his loins shall ye know him, and by the length of his rod shall he be measured."

            Drugi serijal

 Blackadder: "Yes, it is", not "That it be". You don't have to talk in that stupid voice to me. I'm not a tourist.
 Flashheart: Thanks, Bridesmaid. Like the beard. Gives me something to hang on to.
 Flashheart: She's got a tongue like an electric eel and she likes the taste of a man's tonsils.

 Nursie: Ointment. That's what you need when your head's been cut off. That's what I gave your sister Mary when they done her. "There, there", I said. "You'll soon grow a new one."
 Queenie: Oh, Edmund: then this is it. Have you got clean underwear, and don't eat foreign food and watch out for strange men and discover me a country and bring me back a vegetable and� oh, everything.
 Percy: Don't be ridiculous, Baldrick. You know me. I mean, I laugh in the face of fear and tweak the nose of the dreadful spindly killer fish.

 Nursie: If you weren't quite so big, it would be time for Mr and Mrs Spank to pay a short sharp trip to Bottieland.

 Percy: I mean, money isn't everything. Think of clouds and daisies, and the lovely smiles on little babies' faces.
 Queenie: I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a concrete elephant.
 Queenie: I know why you want to get out of it, because I remember the last time you had a party, I found you face down in a puddle wearing a pointy hat and singing a song about goblins.

 Queenie: If we went around punishing people for being stupid, Nursie would have been in prison all her life.
 Blackadder: Oh, God, God, God! What on earth was I drinking last night? My head feels like there's a Frenchman living in it.
 Ludwig: You find yourself amusing, Blackadder.
Blackadder: I try not to fly in the face of public opinion.

            Treći serijal

 Blackadder: Give the likes of Baldrick the vote and we'll be back to cavorting druids, death by stoning and grass for dinner.

George: Now I've got my lovely fire I'm happy as a Frenchman who's invented a pair of self-removing trousers.
 Blackadder: Baldrick, believe me, eternity in the company of Beelzebub and all his hellish instruments of death will be a picnic compared to five minutes with me and this pencil if we can't replace this dictionary.
 Blackadder: "Something is always wrong, Balders. The fact that I am not a millionaire aristocrat with the sexual capacity of a rutting rhino is a constant niggle.

Uradi sam: Sankanje na kauču

 Blackadder: You see the ancient Greeks, your Highness, wrote in legend of a terrible container in which all the evils of the world were trapped. How prophetic they were. All they got wrong was the name. They called it "Pandora's Box", when of course they meant "Baldrick's Trousers".
 Blackadder (on actors): You mean they actually rehearse? I thought they just got drunk, stuck on silly hats and trusted to luck.
 Baldrick: Well, Mr Blackadder always says, when the going gets tough, the tough hide under the table.
 Blackadder: I'm as poor as a church mouse, that's just had an enormous tax bill on the very day his wife ran off with another mouse, taking all the cheese.
 Blackadder: Baldrick, have you no idea what irony is?
Baldrick: Yes, it's like goldy and bronzy only it's made out of iron.
 Blackadder: Ha! I laugh at danger and drop ice cubes down the vest of fear.
 Blackadder: The girl is wetter than a haddock's bathing costume.

 Blackadder: We're about as similar as two completely dissimilar things in a pod.
 Blackadder: A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn.
 George: I'm doomed! Doomed as the dodo!
 Blackadder: Baldrick, does it have to be this way? Our valued friendship ending with me cutting you up into strips and telling the prince that you walked over a very sharp cattle grid in an extremely heavy hat?
            Četvrti serijal

 Blackadder: "I know from long experience all my men have the artistic talent of a cluster of colour-blind hedgehogs in a bag."
 George: "I'm absolutely top-hole, sir, with an ying and yang and yippiedeedoo."
 Blackadder (to Baldrick): If you were to serve up one of your meals in Staff HQ, you would be arrested for the greatest mass poisoning since Lucretia Borgia invited 500 of her close friends round for a wine and anthrax party.

Torbica sa bokserom

George: Well tally ho! With a bing and a bong and a buzz buzz buzz!
 George: I'm thick. I'm as thick as the big print version of the Complete Works of Charles Dickens.
 Blackadder: Everything goes over your head, doesn't it, George? You should go to Jamaica and become a limbo dancer.
 Blackadder: We're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun.

 Flashheart: If word gets out that I'm missing, 500 girls will kill themselves and I wouldn't want them on my conscience - not when they ought to be on my face!
 Blackadder: I've no desire to hang around with a bunch of upper-class delinquents, do twenty minutes' work and then spend the rest of the day loafing about in Paris drinking gallons of champagne and having dozens of moist, pink, highly experienced French peasant girls galloping up and down my� hang on...

 Blackadder to George: Somewhere outside Saffron Walden there's an uncle who is seven feet tall with no chin and an Adam's apple that makes him look as if he's constantly trying to swallow a ballcock.
 Melchett: If you come back with the information, Captain Darling will pump you thoroughly in the debriefing room.

 Melchett: 'I'll just have to sit this one out on the touchline with the half-time oranges and the fat wheezy boys with a note from matron, while you young bloods link arms for the glorious final scrum down.'
 Blackadder: 'Whatever it was, I'm sure it was better than my plan to get out of this by pretending to be mad. I mean, who would have noticed another madman round here?'


01. 06. 2005. - Nesretan slućaj

            Danas smo u �koli imali nesretan slućaj. To je kad se iz zajebancije desi neko sranje. Mi smo neki ostali na velikom odmoru u razredu da se nebi morali upisivat glupoj Ameli u glupi spomenar, a ona stalno ganja raju po igrali�tu da se upi�u. Mi smo se zajebavali po razredu, a glupi Amar je uzeo kredu islomio je i baco u zrak. Onda su on i Denis bili retardirani i glupirali se i fatali kredu u usta. I mi smo svi znali �ta će bit i bilo je ne sretan slućaj, a to je da se Amar počeo davit s kredom. Mi to prvo nismo odma skontali, al brzo smo skontali. On je ne�to ka�ljo i kreketo i bio crven, a mi smo se svi sasrali �ta će sad bit. Onda je Ajla otrčala da zove nekog u zbornicu pa su se svi �ivi rastrčali a Amar je cjelo vrijeme krčo i davio se. Onda je Denis reko da je gledo na TV-u kako kad se neko davi da ga spasi� pa ga je ufatio sleđa i stisko mu stomak a Amaru je onda bilo jo� gore, al njega Denis nije popu�to već je stisko i stisko dok Amar nije počeo povraćat. Nama je svima to bilo fuj gadno, al je Denis tako spasio �ivot Amaru. Tako je Denis posto spasilac Amara. Na� razrednik je taman do�o u razred kad se nesretan slućaj rje�io. Nama je svima bilo drago jer Amar nije umro i mi nismo najebali. Ni Amar nije najebo, al je ispo glup, a Denis je ispo super i zajeban. Ako vas interesuje, prst me vi�e ne boli. Izljećena sam. Pa sam za to i juče i danas i�la u �kolu, a ja kad se vratim iz �kole kad sam prva smjena uvjek gledam TV sve dok starci ne dođu sposla. A osim toga �ta ja jo� volim radit je izać napolje da se igram i igrat igrice na kompjuteru. Eto ja sam se naprimjer sve dosad igrala otkako sam do�la iz �kole a do�la sam u malo pro�lo 12. Moje omiljene igrice su "Unreal turnment", "Serouis Sam" i "Half life". Te se igrice zovu pucačine. To znaći da u njima puca� i ubija� neprijatelja. Kad je bio raspust zimski sad mi smo se igrali da je rat. Mi smo tu bili pomje�ali sve iz igrica i iz pokemona i digimona zato �to tad nije bilo "Shinzo" i "Shaman kinga". E ovako smo se igrali: kao nama su svima pale s neba poke lopte i mi smo svi imali svoje pokemone moj je bio Kakuna. I mi smo imali borbe a ko izgubi ide u logor. A logor nam je bio lafo jedan haustor, a jedna Belma je bila čuvarica haustora tojest logora. Al smo mi brzo skontali da je bolje bit u logoru jer nije zima. Pa smo se prestali igrat rata.


Slovo Pro�ao sam gradom i ugledo plakat

 pogledam i kriknem: "Ajme nemoj kakat"!

 Sa svakoga zida, s prvog, s' drugog kata

ubija me poziv otvorenih vrata.


Neću vi�e gledat index. Oj, "Iskone", hvala

kao home svi imaju ime tog portala.

Tata mamu, djed će baku, a sestra će brata

uputit da odsurfaju do otvorenih vrata.


I za to ste potro�ili cijelu hrpu kuna

a penzići nek sanjaju ćevap sred somuna.

Ak' prefali pokrast ćete jo� poneku banku

pa svi slo�no odglasajmo za na�u Jadranku.


Vidim na "Dnevniku" obja�njenje slatko

oči ma�e nitko drugi nego Maček Ratko.

Nije ka�e to nikakva Kosorska reklama

već od toga bude bilo mnogo bolje nama.


A nas ovce u oboru ba� nitko ne �ljivi

briga one u Saboru, jebe se i Ivi.

Sad će netko reći Dellboy samo pljulje,

al' narod ima takvu vlast kakvu zaslu�uje


He Ain't Heavy, He's My Uncle (1991)

Boycie and Del reminisce at The Nag's Head.

Boycie: I remember a few years back when I had that important client coming over from Belgium and I was trying to get tickets to Wimbledon to impress him. You said "Leave it to me, Boycie. I gotta contact at Wimbledon".

Del: I got you two tickets!

Raquel: That's right! They drew nil-nil with Ipswich!


45. Takozvani mir, zapravo je interval između dva rata.

46. Tuga se ne utapa u vinu; u njemu se br�e nauči plivati.

47. Neki piju da zaborave, ali ne zaborave da piju.

48. Neki piju od radosti, neki od tuge, a neki od jutra.

49. Groblja su puna nezamenljivih ljudi.

50. Čovek se probija dok je mlad. Kasnije pazi da se mladi ne probijaju.

51. �ta vredi da za tvoju besmrtnost zna čitav svet, kada za to ne znaju crvi.

52. Kad Bog ne bi postojao na zemlji, trebalo bi ga izmisliti.

53. Bogu se obraćamo kad �elimo postići ne�to nemoguće. Za ne�to moguće dovoljni su nam i ljudi.

54. Bolje je biti dobro obe�en nego lo�e o�enjen.

55. Ja ne znam �ta mi je bio deda; vi�e me brine �ta će biti njegov unuk.

56. Čovek je jedina gre�ka prirode.
57. Verujem u čuda otkad sam saznao da je Utrilo za �ivota naslikao dve hiljade slika, a sada ih ima četiri hiljade.
58. Smatram da je jedna od velikih sloboda koje donosi demokratija i sloboda govoriti gluposti.
USB fle�



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