U ovom broju
foruma "Domaći.de".
dvobroja. 4. An
Astrology Chart
for Bacteria
Horoskop za
Preporučujemo ga da im ga vi pročitate, pošto one ne umeju da
čitaju. 4.
Malo enigmatike: pronađite
pogrešnu reč u rečenicama (kolekcija iz starih brojeva
"Politikinog Zabavnika")
Preneseno iz "Pometa",
subotnjeg dodatka "Slobodne Dalmacije" 7. Bread
Štetne posledice konzumiranja hleba 8. Leksikon
domaćih reči i izraza |
dakle dođe i taj dan.
Mojoj sestri po babine
linije, ovaj,
pardon, po babinoj
liniji je rođendan. I tako…
Ja spremah za ovaj svečani
dan, jer
sam 'teo da,
ljudski da čestitam
Želim ti sve
ono što sama sebi želiš da ti se ispuni.
Da imaš što manje briga, što više razbibriga.
Da imaš što više
prijatelja, a što manje neprijatelja.
Da mi budeš uvek zdrava,
srećna i
ispunjena u svakom smislu.
Slavljenica i ja smo rod po babinoj liniji,
tj. preko baba
Stanimirke, inače,
treće žene deda
Ristivoja. Inače
deda Ristivoje se ženio 3 puta,
a vanbračne veze da ne
brojimo. Sve
su ga devojke u
Kuškundaljevu, svojevremeno,
dobro zapamtile. Ima 3 sina
(sinovi se zovu redom od nastarijeg: Milenko,
Dragojlo i Srboljub) i 4 ćerke
(ćerke se zovu redom od najstarije: Milka,
Rozalija i Kostadinka),
vanbračnu decu nećemo
da spominjemo.
sestričini zaova, e
pa njenoj svekrvi teča je direktan rod sa ženom koja je
bratanica tečine svastike,
e pa njenoj ujni od
zetove strine snaja, tj. ujnine tetke
bratanica, tj.
moja baba (sa
majkine strane). E,
odatle sam ja rod sa baba
Slavljenica je
u srodstvu sa baba Stanimirkom preko deda
Ristivoja. Pošto
je baba Stanimirka glavna u kući
konačno je neka žena uspela
da doaka deda
Ristivoju), tako
se i rodbinske veze računaju po njoj,
te smo tako ona
(slavljenica) i ja rod po
babinoj liniji. Pozdravi, želje i čestitke od familije iz
Kuškundaljeva: ● Stric Milenko poručuje svom kumu Slavoljubu da će da mu noge prebije ako mu ne vrati onih 200€ što je pozajmio još prošle godine i usput tebi čestita rođendan. | ![]() |
● Stric Dragojlo ti poručuje, da je mlogo, ovaj, mnogo srećan zbog ovog radosnog događaja (tvog rođendana) i želi ti sve najbolje u životu. Istovremeno poručuje i svom pobratimu Jevremu da će da mu vrati za 6 meseci onih
![]() | 1000€ što planira da
pozajmi od njega, već
sutra. ● Stric Srboljub se pridružuje čestitkama i pita te je l' imaš 300€ na zajam. Vraća čim bude imao. ● Tetke: Milka, Sibinka, Rozalija i Kostadinka se u paketu pridružuju čestitkama. Inače tetka Milka ti lično i personalno poručuje da će da ti sašije venčanicu, kad budeš ređila da se udaš, al' će da ti da popust od 20%, tj. neće da ti naplati punu cenu. ● Mali brat Milojica i dalje vozi oni roleri, pardon, one rolere, što ih je dobio za rođendan pretprošle godine, a i on ti čestita rođendan i pita kad ćeš da dođeš u Kuškundaljevo, jer 'oće da te upozna. Ti, doduše nisi bila u selu nikad, al' krv nije voda, geni su čudo, a za devizni račun da ne pričam. I zato mnogobrojna rodbina iz,dotičnog, Kuškundaljeva ne zaboravlja da si ti nji'ova i ne odriču te se nikako. Još i da da dodam da te i teča Miladin puno pozdravlja i želi ti mnogo sreće i zdravlja u životu, a svom sinu Milojici i ženi Sibinki želi prijatan dan. E,tako— Autor teksta: Johnny-Delija
svih 12 astroloških znakova se pojavljuju u originalnoj verziji)
strological science holds that the differential
monthly positioning of the stars and planets
controls human mood, personality, and
even fate.
But what of the
daily variations in the location of the star that is
responsible for all life on earth-the sun? Might this simple diurnal
affect the lives of more primitive, shorter-lived organisms, such as
prokaryotes? If the relative hourly positions of the Sun and Earth do
bacterial fate, a sample horoscope for the common laboratory bug, Escherichia
coli, might read something like this. Numbers indicate time
of day (AM or PM)
when a bacterium was born.
Aries (12 to 1)
A long dark stranger may be swimming into your life.
Might be a good idea to eliminate any viral sequences from your genome.
This special someone has an F plasmid with your name on it. Excess
oxygen may be in your future. Crank up the superoxide dismutase and
hoard vitamins C and E. Taurus (1 to 2)
You will develop ampicillin resistance. Take
advantage of your new beta lactam splitting talents and venture into
drugged media. Look for a nice, tetracycline-resistant mate and start a
multi-drug resistant family. Gemini (2 to 3)
A creep with wandering pilli will make a pass at
you. Why not take all his genes and leave him an empty mass of
lipoprotein? You're feeling motile, but should avoid the south side of
the petri dish. Don't be intimidated by eukaryotes. Cancer (3 to 4)
Your stars are definitely off course, and you will
likely be engulfed by a hungry euglena. But every cloud has a silver
lining-you will develop a trusting relationship with its mitochondria. Leo (4 to 5) |
two? A hearty virus will sweep through your parent colony. Rest and get plenty of complex sugars to avoid this nasty little phage.
![]() | Virgo (5 to 6)
Great financial news-New England
BioLabs is hot for your plasmid. But things slow down when your home
plate gets
shoved into the cold room for two weeks. Use the time to do some badly
repairs to your cell wall. Libra (6 to 7)
feeling mischievous and consider ruining a grad student's thesis by
inexplicably altering your phosphofructokinase expression. Sure, it
might be
fun to wreck a scientist's career, but can you handle the extra glucose
- 1,6
bisphosphate? Be sure to get rid of excess acid before visiting your
mother. Scorpio (7 to 8)
Rich medium supplemented with
casamino acids is in your future. Rev up the Embden-Myerhoff pathway!
sticking you chemoreceptors into other cells' |
business. Some of your more sensitive friends may be experiencing pre-S phase-syndrome and are best left alone.
Sagittarius (8 to 9)
Beware lab techs promising golden
opportunities. You'll only get a nanometer-thick coating of precious
before you take a little trip to the scanning electron microscope.
Prepare to
spend some time caring for a friend in heat shock.
Capricorn (9 to 10)
Isn't it time you grow up and
divide? Your friends have all set up colonies of their own. So stop
living off
the nutrients released by your dead relatives, and GET A LIFE! Live or
lyse, my
Aquarius (10 to 11)
An urge to rediscover your roots
sends you on a trip to your homeland-a young student's lower bowel.
should be easy: Microbiologists rarely wash their hands before eating.
Pisces (11 to 12)
Ethanol has become your main source
of carbon, you soused bug. Keep it up and you may wake up wondering how
ever acquired the ability to fluoresce. While you're thinking of it,
stock up
on catalase-where there's oxygen there's peroxide. Divide early and
Dragi kolega dugo
se nismo vidjeli. = Gdje si, pička
ti materina?
Mislim da niste
dobro sagledali sve aspekte
ugovora. = Jebem te ćorava.
da se šalite. = Sereš.
koju imate ne odgovara činjeničkom stanju. = Jedeš govna.
nismo zainteresirani za reklamu. = Koji će nam kurac reklama?
Smatram da
njegovo mišljenje ne treba uvažiti. = Ko ga jebe.
nikako niste u pravu. = Puši kurac. Vaša
sekretarica je jako simpatična. = Je l', jebeš ti to? Ovaj projekt je lako ostvarljiv. = To je pičkin dim. On
nema mnogo uticaja. = Može da mi ga
popuši. Hvala. = (izraz koji ne
postoji) Izvinite. = Jebi ga. Neću. = Hoću
kurac. Hoću. = Kurac neću. Oni
nisu bitni za izvršenje posla. = Ko im jebe mater. Nemojte se uzbuđivati. = Ne pizdi. Ne razumijem Vaše stajalište. = Je l' ti to mene jebeš? Moja
potraživanja nisu plaćena. = Kog kurca ne plaćaš? Da
li biste bili ljubazni da mi objasnite zašto odbijate dalju suradnju? = Koji ti je
kurac? Uputit ću mu oštar prosvijed. = Jebat ću mu i oca i mater | ![]() |
u mogućnosti da Vam damo robu na odloženo plaćanje. = Dam ti kurac na
Na žalost, ne mogu Vam u tome pomoći. = Boli me kurac za to.
upit nije upućen na pravu adresu. = Koji kurac mene pitaš?
suradnik nije me obavjestio. = Nije mi reko, jebo ti on mater.
dobri i učinite mi uslugu. = Nemoj me jebat i odradi to.
to nije u stanju odraditi. = Di si tu pizdu našao, on je glup ko kurac.
suradnju sa Vašom firmom. = Odi u tri pičke materine.
naša firma ne stoji najbolje. = U govnima smo do guše.
From the Manual of the freeware
statistical program OS4 on the enlightened use of statistics:
Important Warning for those who
have been drawn unsuspectingly into the
use of bread:
![]() | 1. More than 98% of convicted
felons are bread users. 3. In the 18th century, when virtually all bread was baked in the home, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years; infant mortality rates were unacceptably high; many women died in childbirth; and diseases such as typhoid, yellow fever, and influenza ravaged whole nations. 4. More than 90% of violent crimes
are committed within 24 hours of eating bread. 5. Bread is made from a substance
called "dough." It has been proven that as little as one pound of
dough can be used to suffocate a mouse. The average American eats more
than that in one month! 6. Primitive tribal societies that
have no bread exhibit a low incidence of cancer, Alzheimer's,
disease, and osteoporosis. |
7. Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and given only water to eat begged for bread after as little as two days.
8. Bread is often a
"gateway" food item, leading the user to "harder" items
such as butter, jelly, peanut butter, and even cold cuts.
9. Bread has been proven to absorb
water. Since the human body is more than 90% water, it follows that
bread could lead to your body being taken over by this absorptive food
turning you into a soggy, gooey bread-pudding person.
10. Newborn babies can choke on
11. Bread is baked at temperatures
as high as 400° Fahrenheit (200°C)! That kind of heat can kill an adult in less
one minute.
12. Most American bread eaters are
utterly unable to distinguish between significant scientific fact and
meaningless statistical babbling.
I za kraj:
All people born in 1830, and ate carrots are DEAD!
Uzoran građanin - Plaughed citizen
Pop-pevač - Priest singer
Gura kao mećava - Pushing like a blizzard
Crveno na pruge - Red on railways
Krov na kosu stolicu - Roof on hair chair
More, ne može!- Sea, can't!
More, marš! - Sea, march!
More, bre - Sea, brother
Drugo ispravljeno izdanje - Second straightened
Samoupravne strukture - Selfruling structures
Dala mu je korpu - She gave him basket
"10×10": 501. preplašim; 502. buketom; 503. šefu; 504. čela; 505. tugujem; 506. žene; 507. devica; 508. bajke; 509.
dopust; 510. kosi.