Nedelja, 10. X 2010.
ovom broju donosimo: 2.
strana digitalizacije Muke tehničara 4. Stvari koje
bi voljeli reći naglas na poslu
Odabrane rečenice
Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti. 6. Avatari Kako proceniti osobu na osnovu njihove slike u avataru (isecane, zumirane i slike pod uglom) Pismena žalba7. Locirajte se! ![]() |
Analni prijamnik ● Proljetos je u našu redakciju nazvala jedna odlučna baka iz Podbiokovlja kazavši: - Vratila bih kupon koji sam dobila za tu digi... televiziju. Meni to ne treba! Ja ću i dalje gledati kao i do sada. | ![]() |
- Gospođo, ali ako imate stari televizor onda morate kupiti digitalni
prijamnik. - upozorili smo je.
- Zadovoljna sam ja i ovako. Ma ne treba meni ni boja. Mogu gledati i
- Ne kupite li taj prijamnik nećete moći gledati ništa. Sve će
vam biti crno. - dodali smo.
- Eeee, jadna sam ga. Vrag odnio i taj stroj. Reći ću onda Ivi da to
kupi i isprikapča. Ajde, hvala i bok!
Baka je valjda sretno prešla
na digitaliju, jer nam se Ive - nije javio.
- Dobar dan. Ja sam kupio DVB-T retriver. -
pohvalio se, pak, gospodin
službenicima na dežurnom telefonu e-Hrvatske. Drugi je pitao "koliko
digitalni eastriver?", a trećeg je zanimalo gdje se može kupiti -
Neki su se posve smeli u
svoj sili stručnih izraza, da su na kraju pitanje formulirali ovako:
- Oprostite, gdje je moguće kupiti analni prijamnik?
Kod onih koji su se sami
bacili u akciju dolazilo je do svakojakih situacija, kombinacija i
- Stavio sam vanjsku antenu
u sobu na ormar. Nešto nije u redu... Je li potrebno uključiti
televizor u
struju nakon što spojimo digitalni prijamnik?
● Spojio sam satelitsku antenu na taj vaš prijamnik i sad nemam signala... S koje strane televizora treba staviti prijamnik?...
Ne radi mi digitalni
prijamnik. Pa zar ga treba spojiti u struju i na TV?...
![]() | ●
A evo i nekoliko
zanimljivih razgovora stručnih operatera s onima koji su se u muci
obratili za pomoć.
● - Mate mi nije donio kupon. Zašto?- Oprostite, tko je Mate? - Mate? Pa, poštar. - Glasi li pretplata na vaše ime? - Je, je. - A je li adresa na kojoj živite jednaka onoj na računu? - Nije. - Znate, ako ste promijenili adresu stanovanja, morali ste HRT-u prijaviti promjenu pretplatničkih podataka. Možete to učiniti i sada. |
- A šta
će to Mati?
- Nakon
izmjene podataka, poštar će vam
na pravu adresu donijeti kupon.
- Ma šta će to Mati kad on i ovako zna gdje živim...
A neki su pisali
"direktoru za digitalne prijamnike":
"Dragi direktore, pišem vam u ime moga muža Mate koji kruha ne jede
godina. Umro je. Molim vas da mi dostavite kupon na moje ime jer ja
● Ili: "Dragi direktore, malo sam zagubio kupon, što mi je činiti"?
● "Prijamnik mi se ne uklapa uz namještaj. Postoji li možda u nekoj drugoj boji?".
("Večernji list")
1. I can see your
point, but I still think you're full of sh*t. 2. I don't know what
your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. 3. How about never?
Is never good for you? 4. I see you've set
aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public. 5. I'm really easy to
get along with once you people learn to see it my way. 6. Who lit the fuse
on your tampon? 7. I'm out of my
mind, but feel free to leave a message. 8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant. 9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying. 10. Ahhhh. I see the
f *ck-up fairy has visited us again. |
11. I like you. You
remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
12. You are
validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
13. I have plenty of
talent and vision; I just don't give a sh*t.
14. I'm already
visualising the duct tape over your mouth.
16. Thank you. We're
all refreshed and challenged
by your unique point of view.
17. The fact that no
one understands you doesn't
mean you're an artist.
18. Any resemblance
between your reality and mine
are purely coincidental.
19. What am I?
Flypaper for freaks?!
20. I'm not being
rude. You're just insignificant.
21. It's a thankless
job, but I've got a lot of
Karma to burn off.
22. Yes, I am an
agent of Satan, but my duties are
largely ceremonial.
23. And your cry-baby
whiny-arsed opinion would be?
24. Do I look like a f*cking people person to you?
25. This isn't an
office. It's Hell with
fluorescent lighting.
26. I started out
with nothing and I still have
most of it left.
27. Sarcasm is just
one more service we offer.
28. If I throw you a
stick, will you leave?
29. Errors have been
made. Others will be blamed.
30. Whatever kind of
look you were aiming for, you
31. Oh I get it. Like
humour, but
32. An office is just
a mental institute without
the padded walls.
![]() | 33. Can I swap this
job for what's behind door number 1? 34. Too many freaks, not enough
circuses. 35. Nice perfume (or
aftershave). Must you marinate
in it? 36. Chaos, panic, and
disorder. My work here is
done. 37. How do I set a
laser printer to stun? 38. I thought I
wanted a career; it turns out I
just needed the money. 39. I'll try being
nicer if you'll try being more
intelligent. 40. Wait a minute -
I'm trying to imagine you with
a personality. 42. I'd like to help
you out, which way did you
come in? 43. Did you eat an
extra bowl of stupid this
morning? 44. Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma. 45. If you have
something to say raise your
hand… then place it over your mouth. 46. I'm too busy, can
I ignore you some other time? |
48. Have a nice day,
somewhere else.
49. You're not
yourself today, I noticed the
improvement straight away.
50. You are as pretty
as a picture, I'd really like
to hang you.
51. Don't believe
everything you think.
52. Do you hear that?
That's the sound of no-one
53. I see your lips
but I don't hear anything.
1. Hajde, molim te,
ti sjedni ovdje, a ja ću
tebi reći to što si ti sad meni rekao.
2. Samo jednu minutu,
pa se opet vrati tamo.
in 2% of
portraits, cropping and angle is due to drunkenness, laziness, or lack
artistic prowess, and doesn't otherwise reflect subjects character
Guzica moli premeštaj položaja
Žalba protiv lokacije
Dole gde se ja
nalazim, potpisana guzica, molim da se razmotre tegobe i moj položaj u
sledećim nepravilnostima:
- Svi me
ugnjetavaju i sede na meni
- Uvek sam u
tami i ne vidim ni Sunca ni Meseca
- Nemam pravo
glasa, a kad se oglasim svi
- U higijenskom
sam pogledu na zadnjem mestu
- Zadnja primam štampu i to zgužvanu
- Moja najbliža
komšinica prima meso, a ja
- Mojoj
komšinici stalno dolaze novi gosti pa me
- Kad dolaze kod
nje vešaju torbu na moja vrata i
time mi čine uzurpaciju poseda
- Na stepeništu
nema svetla, pa se gosti moje
komšinice često zalete i na moja vrata
2237. You've learnt to keep your opinions about Bromley to yourself.
2238. Street Wars on Sky One makes you proud.
2239. Your parents believe that the KM is God, and you're slowly
warming to
their way of thinking.
2240. The more mention of the
2241. You visit Tovil every year
to laugh at the tacky Christmas lights. In October.
2242. You know exactly where a giant flower-covered sheep can be found
at any
one given time.
2243. The #151 bus brings you out in a cold sweat 2244. You have your own seat at Bluewater 2245. You have swapped your monthly trips to 2246. You smile smugly at outsiders' mispronunciation of places such as Trottiscliffe, Lympne and Loose, but don't bother to correct them because you know they won't understand. 2247. Despite its occupants' claims to the contrary, you know that 2248. Gold lacy blankets and Burberry prams are normal. | ![]() |
2249. You are either Team Stagecoach or Team Arriva; there is no
2250. You would never ever pick up a hitchhiker from Bluebell hill.
2251. You have seen Barry Evans a fair few times on your Kentish
travels, and
have a rough idea of where Kelly Brook resides.
2252. You find yourself proudly screaming "
¤ Vi mora da ste iz Kentakija ako… (SAD, poglavlje XLIII)
No matter how much you think you talk normally, when you head up North they all think you talk like a redneck
2254. Your English teacher says things like "Y'all" and "Ain't Got None"
2255. The best restaurant in town is the Cracker Barrel
2256. You still believe the South should be it's own nation
2257. You believe the Civil War was not a far fight
2258. It's not an uncommon site to see a fat man in overalls and a cowboy hat
drivin' down the road in a beat up Chevy with a confederate flag hangin' off
the back with music from Johhny Rebel blastin' out of his radio
![]() | 2259. Biscuits, gravy, and grits is your favorite breakfast 2260. Wakin' up with coons and squirrels on your back porch is not an uncommon thing 2261. To you, huntin' aint killin', its sorta like grocery shoppin' 2262. You own at least 10 country or southern rock CD's 2263. You only own a pair of church shoes and winter shoes 2264. In the summer you don't wear shoes 2265. Even your grandmother chews tobacco 2266. You consider the northern part of the country "The Union" 2267. A rebel flag doesn't simbolize racism to you 2268. Your church parking lot is filled with pickups 2269. The first words out of your mouth every time you see friends are "Howdy!", "Hey!" or "How y'all doin'?" 2270. A carbonated soft drink is a coke, regardless of brand or flavor. |