Nedelja, 7. XI 2010.
ovom broju donosimo:
Kako se razgovara, a kako ne. 3. Da li i vi imate
problema sa kosom?
rešenje za
sve probleme sa kosom! 4. Brak
i seks
Teorije stand-up komičara
Čas logike Ili: Zašto propada američka ekonomija
Kako izbeći nezgodne situacije
Vi mora da ste iz… ako je većina
ovih tvrdnji tačna (Kolorado,
Kolorado Springs; 2345-2376) |
Slično kao "Balkanski poslovni rječnik" iz broja №230. Levo je dobar primer bračnog razgovora, a desno loš. Može se to gledati i kao razlika u razgovorima posle nekoliko decenija braka.
O Dragi, jesi li se
umorio? = Jadan ne bio, opet si se
usafunjo! O Dragi, hoćeš li i
danas s prijateljima na
piće? = O'š se opet naroljat' k'o i juče? O Možda da razmisliš još o tome? = Je l' to u tvom selu krave pasu pamet djeci? O Baš bi mi prijala
romantična večera uz
muziku. = Haj' ti rasuči jufku, ali prvo meni naspi jednu rakiju i
kupi dvije-tri teretne pive.
O Malo bih se odmorila poslije ručka. = Ko me probudi nogu ću mu slomiti. | ![]() |
O Imamo dvoje predivne djece = Imamo dva hajvana, jedu ko krmci, a isto tako i uče.
O Ba— si slatka
večeras. = Slatka si ko ona
Zekulja sa "Milka" čokolade.
![]() | Opada
vam kosa? Imate perut? Kosa vam je posle kupanja uvek mokra? Imate dlake na glavi? Razvijaju vam se niži primati u kosi? Svrbi vas glava posle 30 dana bez pranja kose? Ovo su samo neke tegobe s kosom koje muče milione i milione kao što ste vi! Naučna istraživanja su utvrdila da širom planete, svaka osoba bar neki period u svom životu ima kosu! To je zaista zabrinjavajuće! Zagađenost vazduha, globalno otopljenje i svetska ekonomska kriza nemaju blage veze s tim fenomenom i pojavom! Predstavljamo vam nas najnoviji proizvod iz kozmetičko-degenerativne kolekcije BBB (Be Bold Bitch)! Da, niste pogodili! U pitanju je "Varikina 3000 Gold Platinum Plus"! Za samo nedelju dana, ostaćete bez celokupne kose i skalpa! |
zadovoljnih ćelavaca
svakodnevno nam šalje "Voice"
mailove (verovatno jer su i oslepeli, pa ne
mogu da nam pišu) zahvale i podrške!
Pridružite se milionima
zadovoljnih ćelavaca i
postanite član "BBB" porodice!
Za samo 34. 534,3€ + PT + PDV + PPDV + APP + DEK (dohodak za ekonomsku krizu) + SDZGDAKĆZZS
(Simbolična Donacija Za
Gladnu Decu Afrike Koju Ćemo Zadržati Za
Sebe) dobićete ne jednu, ne dve
već tri boce od po 200ml "Varikine 3000 Gold Platinum
ili naručite potem E-mail adrese:!
informacija na našem oficijalnom sajtu
1. When I
was born, I
got a choice - A big dick or a good memory. I can't remember what I
Marriage is the only war where you get to sleep with the enemy.
15. Q: What are the three biggest tragedies in a mans life?
A: Life sucks, job sucks, and the wife doesn't.
16. Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
A: Breasts don't have eyes.
17. Despite the old saying, "Don't take your troubles to bed", many men still sleep with
their wives!
![]() | Why America's economy fell off the
cliff? John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (made in Japan) for 6 am. While his coffeepot (made in China) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (made in Hong Kong). He put on a dress shirt (made in Sri Lanka), designer jeans (made in Singapore) and tennis shoes (made in Korea). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (made in India) he sat down with his calculator (made in Mexico) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in India) he got in |
his car (made in Germany) filled it with gas (from
Saudi Arabia) and continued his search for a good paying American job.
At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his computer (made
in Malaysia), John decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (made in
Brazil), poured himself a glass of wine (made in France) and turned on his TV (made
in Indonesia), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in America.
And now he's hoping he can get help
from the president (made in Kenya)!!!
What's for dinner?
Can I help you with dinner?
Where would you like to go for dinner?
~ ~ ~
Are you wearing THAT?
Gee, you look good in brown.
Wow! Look at you!
~ ~ ~
What are you so worked up about?
Could we be overreacting?
I'm with you, honey, those guys are the scum of the earth.
~ ~ ~
2347. During a thunderstorm you wonder "which I-25 underpass is flooding".
2348. You never plan a picnic between 3:30 and 6:00 in Spring or Summer months.
2349. If it rains more than 2 days straight you compare the weather to being in
2350. You voted for higher taxes to fund Coors field, but voted down taxes for public transportation.
2351. You have a broken windshield.
2352. You see no reason to travel to
2353. You carry your $3.000 mountain bike on top of your $500 car.
2354. You thought "Californication" would be banned by Amendment 2.
2355. You think "
2356. You have a business degree and are frying burgers at a McDonald's in Vail.
2357. You have a flat tire in your refrigerator and your garage.
2358. You own a big dog named
2359. You cast out your fishing line while white-water rafting.
2360. You've never seen the tourist attractions in your own city.
2361. You think a pass does not involve a football or a woman.
2362. You are 82 years old and take up snowboarding. 2363. Your real Y2K fear was running out of Celestial Seasonings tea and trail mix. 2364. The entire top of your head is bald, but you still have a pony tail. 2365. You personally wouldn't pay $10 per head to drive up 2366. You get depressed after one day of foggy weather. 2367. You think that formal wear is ironed denim. 2368. North means "mountains to the left;" south is "mountains to the right"; and east and west are where all those damned liberals keep moving in from. | ![]() |
2369. You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels "sticky"
and you notice the sky is no longer blue.
2370. You consider a three-piece suit to be a pair of shorts, a sweatshirt and Birkenstocks.
2371. You see your East Coast relatives now more than when you lived there.
2372. You think gun control is a steady hand.
mora da ste iz Kolorado Springsa ako… (SAD, Kolorado,
poglavlje XLV)
2373. You're
tired of having to abbreviate "
2374. You remember the old, tiny Bijou bridge and when trucks would crash into it, backing up traffic forever.
2375. "
2376. If you went to Doherty, you thought Wasson was ghetto. If you went to
Wasson, Mitchell was the ghetto. If you went to Mitchell, it was Sierra. If you
went to Sierra… welcome to the effing ghetto, bitches.