Nedelja, 5. XII
U ovom broju donosimo: 1. In memoriam:
Leslie Nielsen
Oma� nedavno preminulom komičaru 2.
sa Facebook-a 4.
Palačinke 8 činjenica o palačinkama 5. Oporuka
Podu�i vic
Vi mora da ste iz� ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Kolorado Springs, Konektikat;
2424-2460) 8. �irom
Izve�taj sa izbora za Miss i mistera na sajtu
"Domać" |
NIELSEN (1926-2010)
se svakog dana gomilaju raznorazne odvale sa dru�tvene mre�e
"Facebook", na sajtu
su počele da se
pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo
vam najbolje odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa je lak�e da ih
postavimo u
tekstualnom obliku. Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo
učesnike u komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2], [3]
itd. Napomene će biti
crvenom bojom.
Status: Kako su neki tipovi sme�ni.
Raskinu sa devojkom preko poruke posle 4
meseca. Ne smeju u lice. Očaaaaj! Ne vraćam se takvim stokama! Mr� u
[2]: Tako je, [1]! Napu�i mu se qrca! Debil!
[3]: xaxaxaxaxa "Tako je, [1]! Napu�i mu se qrca!" axaxaxa!
[4]: Hahahaha. "napu�i mu se
qurca"??? [5]: [2], pogledaj dobro �ta si napisala
[ FB ] Status: Ulogira san se na Fejs preko
digitrona. Aaaaaa prejebeno!!! Samo se nevide
slike ba� dobro. [2]: Kaj? Kak to? [1]: A lipo. Uzmi digitron u ruke pa ću
ti reći. [2]: Jel obični ili na kompu? Neku�im. [1]: Obični. [1]: Tipkaj 333 pa "puta"... 2 puta
djeljeno 222... puta 33... puta 22... puta 666 puta dijeljeno 666 puta
55 i
onda stisni "sin" [2]: Kaj je "sin"? [1]: Stisni ili Sin ili Cos ili AC [1] (posle 17 minuta): Nije. Poku�at ću
na nekom drugom sutra, sam' trebam ih naći... :P Valjda će mi uspjet.
[ FB ] Status: It's 1:00 time to skate! [3]: No, it's not gonna rain today. Tomorro it is. |
![]() |
[2]: You don't hear the thunder???
[2] (minut
posle): LMAO! That was my
sound on my TV... My bad xD
[ FB ]
Status: ██████████
mi�em! Stavi ovo
na zid 5 grupa ili strana ili u 5 komentara i kad to zavr�i� ogrebi
mi�em ovo
crno i pokazaće ti se ime onoga ko te voli!
[2]: Kako da ogrebem ovo? Odgovori brzoooo!
[3]: :
██████████ ogrebi
mi�em! Stavi ovo na zid 5 grupa ili strana ili u 5 komentara i kad to
ogrebi mi�em ovo crno i pokazaće ti se ime onoga ko te voli!
[3]: Ma, da. Ne pi�e ni�ta.
[4]: Stavi ovo na zid od 5 grupa, ogrebi ovo
mi�em i sjebi monitor! Hahahahaha!
![]() |
[ FB ] Status: OMG! If you
type your Facebook password in a comment box it comes up as stars!
hahaaaaaa!!! Awesome!!! [2]: ****** [2]: That's awesome. [3]: ********** [3]: Hahaha! Nice!!! [4]: ilovefrodo69
[ FB ] Status: Finally home with the internet!
:-) I'm so hungary! [ FB ] |
Status: What did I do over the summer? I
climbed a mountain, broke a boat and made
some new friends. Just the usual.
[2]: Well I broke a mountain, made new boat
and climbed some friends.
[ FB ]
Status: God is a DJ, life is a dancefloor,
love is the rhythm, you are the music!!!
[2]: Who's the drunk guy who bothers everyone
and eventualy gets trown out?
[ FB ]
Status: Hung out with Buzz Aldrin
[2]: I bet he took you to the Moon. ;)
[3]: That toy story character? To infinity
and beyyyyoooonnnnndddd!!!
[ FB ]
Status: Everytime someone likes/comments
this status � Michael [2] has to drink.
You, Trevor
[3], Josh [4], Torie
[5] and 49
like this.
View all 34 comments
[ FB ]
Status: ROCKTOBER!!!!!
[2]: Classical music? Bachtober.
[3]: Footwear? Socktober.
[1]: Work at Walmart? Smocktober.
[2]: Need security? Locktober.
[4]: Down at the monastery, it's frocktober.
[5]: Creepy tendencies? Stalktober.
[5]: Slow cooking? Crocktober.
[3]: Can't find your own style? Mocktober.
[1]: Need a place for your boat? Docktober.
[3]: Lucky for you, u, it's Cocktober. =))
[2]: Unfortunately, it is also blocktober.
[1]: I cant believe you guys would act this
way!!! Shocktober.
[ FB ]
Status: Tell me a scary story.
[2]: Your mum and dad had sex and made you.
![]() |
[ FB ] [1]:
you could see my heart, what
would you do?
[ FB ] [1]: Next person that says anything I will
hack your account! [2]: That's illegal. lol And since you said
it, I can just report you. [3] (majka):
Aren't you supposed to be taking the dog out? [1]: U wanna bet? [3]: No hacking! Take the dog out! [2]: That's like the worse thing to say when
your mom says "take the dog out" [3]: If that dog is not outside in 2 minutes,
I'm gonna turn on my web cam so your friends can watch me kick your ass! |
[ FB ]
Status: in bed watching the news
with a sleeping
wife, baby, and a cat. Get any better?
[2]: Trade cat for a dog.
[3]: Then trade the dog for a pizza
[2]: And the baby for beers?
[3]: Then who would get the beers out of the
[2]: Wake up the wife?
[3]: So, to answer the question: yes, it can
get better
[ FB ]
Sa "Info" stranice profila:
Activities: Zanima Me Samo Moj
Dečko and 24 more
[ FB ]
�ika Jak�ić: Zdravo Sale! Kako je na moru? Kada
se vraća�
za Srbiju? Mi od 12. avgusta počinjemo sa snimanjima, nadam se da će�
se do tada vratiti.
Sa�a Popović: Mo�e� me samo za kitu uvatiti. Ne
vraćam se
vi�e. Ovde ladim jaja. �ivim kao car. ;)
(prim. red.: nije poznato da li je to
pravi profil ili fejkovan)
od 05. studenog
1986. god. Sastavljen od
Općinskog suda u Makarskoj OD SUDA PRISUTNI: ... P r i j e p i s O P O R U K A
ojom ja,
ni�epotpisana Andrija�ević
Tere�a pok. Ante iz Krvavice, Krvavica BB, rođena
u Krvavicama 19. februara 1937. godine, potpuno sposobna za rasuđivanje
i po svojoj slobodnoj volji
raspola�en svojun imovinon za slučaj smrti i to kako slidi:
1. Svojin
nasljednicima na mojoj cilokupnoj imovini
određujen mu�a Vinka Andrija�ević pok. Ive iz Krvavice, Krvavica BB,
sina Mirka Andrija�ević iz Krvavice, Krvavica BB i ćer Katicu
Ro�ić rođ. Andrija�ević iz Krvavice, Bratu� BB, osim na
pokretnoj imovini pod točkun 2. i 3. ove oporuke. 2. Postelju, iz desne sobe na drugon katu kuće, ostavljan susidu Anti Bero� pok. Mate iz Krvavice, Krvavica BB, kao znak zahvalnosti jer me na njoj "dobro upira". |
![]() |
Ovu san oporuku napisala svojun desnon rukon i vlastoručno
je potpisujen.
X. 1985.
Andrija�ević Tere�a v.r.
![]() | �
Vi mora da ste iz Kolorado Springsa ako� (USA, SD CO, poglavlje
XLV) �
Vi mora da ste iz Konektikata ako� (SAD, poglavlje XLVI) 2432. You actually think your school is badass because there are druge 2433. You doooo have an accent. Dont think so? Read this sentence aloud� Did you pronounce the "t" in "don't"? Do you pronounce 2434. When opening a new dunkin' donuts is the talk of the town for 2 years because its actually within driving distance |
2435. It's not uncommon to have your house completely veiled by smoke
from the neighbors woodstove
2436. The center of town is the only excisting traffic light.
2437. The local attraction is the liquor store.
2438. You are part of the CT stereotype and spend your days looking
your huge window in your mansion onto your ginormous lawn and ride your
horse inbetween golf sessions
You are not surrounded by hicks, but "thugs". yea, you're street, or at
least you like to think you are 2442. You know exactly where the only six places to cross the CT river are- 'cause damn the lack of bridges is annoying� |
2443. When you have to drive at least half an hour to get a quart of milk that doesn't come straight from a cow.
2444. When the new Walmart opens and it is the talk
of the town for at least a month.
2445. You realize that knowing the first and last names of every single
one of
your class mates, in addition to their full life story, is not normal. 2448. We get cooked�not smashed, blasted, plastered�but cocked 2449. Summer social highlights involve carnivals and county fairs 2450. You know members of the FFA 2451. You're school has an AG department | ![]() |
2452. You know of at least one local pot farm
2453. It's not uncommon to see signs like "Turtle xing", "Horse xing"
or "Tractor xing"
2454. You have actually seen all the stars at night
2455. You find the sound of crickets in august "soothing"
2456. Coyotes keep you up at night, or cows mooing do
2457. Sneaking out requires a mode of transportation away from the
woods� Or meadows� Or protection from coyotes
2458. Summer highlight = keg parties
2459. You have hiked up a big hill or small mountain at least once for
a keg party.
2460. At least one of your friends has a sick house right on the water