Way back when I
was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the
corner of
the basement of the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait shop… You know
the place… Well anyway, back then life
was going swell and everything
was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every
morning my mother would make me a big ol' bowl of sauerkraut for
I said to my mom, I said "Hey, mom, what's up with all the
sauerkraut?" And my dear, sweet mother, she just looked at me like a
cow looks at an oncoming train, and she leaned right down next to me
and she said: "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!!!" And then she tied me to the wall
and stuck a funnel in my mouth and force fed me nothing but sauerkraut
until I was twenty six and a half years old. |
when I swore that someday, someday I would get outta that basement and
to a magical, far away place where the sun is always shining and the
air smells
like warm root beer and the
towels are oh so fluffy!
Where the Shriners and the lepers play their
ukuleles all day long and anyone on the street will gladly shave your
back for a nickel. Wacka wacka doodoo yeah! |
large Albanian women with
severe body odor, and the little kid in back of me kept throwin' up the
time, the flight attendants ran out of "Dr. Pepper's" and salted peanuts,
and the
in-flight movie was "Bio-Dome" with Pauly Shore, and, oh yeah, three
of the airplane engines burned out and we went into a tailspin and
crashed into
a hillside and the plane exploded in a giant fireball and everybody
Except for me. You know why?
'Cause I had my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright
Had my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright position
Had my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright position
Ah ha ha ha Ah ha ha Ahhhh
So I crawled from the twisted,
burnin' wreckage. I crawled on my hands and knees for three full days
along my big leather suitcase and my garment bag and my tenor saxophone
and my
twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed
snorkel. But finally I arrived at the world famous Albuquerque Holiday
where the towels are oh so fluffy! And you can eat your soup right out
of the
ashtrays if you wanna. It's OK, they're clean
Well, I checked into my room
and I turned down the A/C, and I turned on the Spectravision and I'm
just about
to eat that little chocolate mint on my pillow that I love so very,
very much
when suddenly, there's a knock on
the door. Well now, who could that be? I say "Who is it?" No answer "Who is it?" There's no answer. "WHO IS IT?!" They're not sayin' anything.
So, finally I go over and I
open the door
and just as Isuspected! It's some big fat
hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril (Oh
man, I hate it when I'm right). So anyway, he bursts into my room and
he grabs my lucky snorkel and I'm like "Hey, you can't have that! That
snorkel's been just like a snorkel to me" And he's like "Tough" |
my eyebrows and I took
out his
appendix and he gave me a colonic irrigation! Yes, indeed, you'd better
it (Deep Breath). And somehow in the middle of it all, the phone got
off the hook and twenty seconds later, I heard a familiar voice. And
you know
what it said? I'll tell you what it said
It said:
"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again"
"If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator"
"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again"
"If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator
In Albuquerque… Albuquerque"
Well, to cut a long story
short, he got away with my snorkel, but I made a solemn vow right then
there that I would not rest, I would not sleep for an instant until the
one-nostrilled man was brought to justice. But first, I decided to buy
arms all around and just runnin',
runnin' like a constipated wiener dog and as luck would have it, that's
when I ran into the girl of my dreams. Her name was Zelda. She was a
calligraphy enthusiast with a slight overbite and hair the color of
peaches. I'll never forget the first thing she said to me. She said:
you've got weasels on your face"
That's when I knew it was true
love! We were inseparable after that. Aw, we ate together, we bathed
we even shared the same piece of mint-flavored dental floss. The world
was our
burrito! So we got
married and we bought us a house, and had two beautiful children -
Nathaniel and Superfly. Oh, we were so very very very happy, aw yeah. |
OK, like one time, I was out
in the parking lot tryin' to remove my excess earwax with a golf pencil
when I
see this guy Marty tryin' to carry a big ol' sofa up the stairs all by
So I, I say to him, I say: "Hey, you want me to help you with that?",
and Marty, he just rolls his eyes and goes: "Noooo, I want you to cut
my arms and legs with a chainsaw". So I did.
And then he gets all indignant
on me. He's like "Hey man, I was just being sarcastic!" Well, that's
just great! How was I supposed to know that? I'm not a mind reader for
out loud! Besides, now he's got a really cute nickname - Torso-Boy. So
he complaining about?
Say, that reminds me of
another amusing anecdote. This guy comes up to me on the street and he
tells me
he hasn't had a bite in three whole days. Well, I knew what he meant,
but just
to be funny, I took a big bite out of his jugular vein and he's yellin'
screamin' and bleeding all over. And I'm like "Hey, come on, don'tcha
it?" But he just kept rolling around on the sidewalk, bleeding, and
screaming. (screaming sounds) You know, just completely missing the
irony of
the whole situation. Man, some people just can't take a joke, you know?
Anyway, um, um, where was I?
Kinda lost my train of thought
Uh, well, uh, OK. Anyway I, I
know it's kind of a roundabout way of saying it but I guess the whole
point I'm
tryin' to make here is I HATE SAUERKRAUT!
That's all I'm really tryin'
to say. And, by the way, if one day you happen to wake up and find
yourself in
an existential quandary full of loathing and self-doubt and wracked
with the
pain and isolation of your pitiful meaningless existence, at least you
can take
a small bit of comfort in knowing that somewhere out there in this
crazy old
mixed-up universe of ours there's still a little place called
Albuquerque… Albuquerque… Albuquerque (Albuquerque)… Albuquerque
Albuquerque (Albuquerque)… Albuquerque (Albuquerque)
I said "A" (A)
"L" (L)
"B" (B)
"U" (U)
"querque" (querque)
Albuquerque, Albuquerque,
Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque,
Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque… Albuquerque (drum
Crtani napravljen prema ovoj pesmi:
¤ Vi mora da ste iz Minesote ako… (USA, poglavlje LX)
3124. You can drive without your license because you
know if a cop stops you he'll know you and let you go. 3126. Your directions
include "when you see the Waffle House" or "turn on the dirt
road". 3127. You say
"sir" and "ma'am" if there's even a chance someone is even
thiry seconds older than you. |
3128. You don't assume the car with the blinker light on is actually going to turn anytime in the near future.
3129. When you here the
number "4" your first thoughts are of Brett Favre.
¤ Vi mora da ste iz Misurija ako… (SAD, poglavlje LXI)
3130. Everyone you know
has been on a "Float trip"
3131. "Vacation"
means driving to
3132. You think
3133. You know in your
heart that Mizzou can beat
3134. You went to skating
parties as a kid.
3135. You can't think of
anything better than sitting on the porch in the middle of the summer
during a
3136. You've ever said,
"it's not the heat, it's the humidity".
3137. You know what
"Home of the throwed rolls" means!!!
3138. You know what
"cow tipping" or "Possum Kicking" is.
3139. You think "frog
gigging" should be an Olympic sport.
3140. You don't put too
much effort into hairstyles due to wind and weather.
¤ Vi mora da ste iz Mičigena ako… (SAD, poglavlje LXII)
3141. You define summer as
three months of bad sledding.
3142. You think Alkaline
batteries were named for a "Tiger" outfielder.
3143. You can identify an
3144. Your idea of a
seven-course meal is a six pack and a bucket of smelt.
3145. If during the summer there are more out of town plates than
3146. Owning a Japanese car is a hanging offense in your hometown.
3147. You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre.
3148. The Big Mac is something that you drive across.
3149. You bake with soda and drink pop.
3150. You drive 75 on the highway and you pass on the right.
3151. Your Little League baseball game was snowed out. 3153. You know how to pronounce "Mackinac". 3154. The word "thumb"
has a geographical rather than an
anatomical significance. 3156. You know that 3157. Your
favorite holidays are Christmas, Thanksgiving, the opening of deer
season and Devil's Night. |