Nedelja, 26. VI
U ovom broju donosimo: 2.
sa Fejsbuka 4. Anegdote
Doskočice poznatih ličnosti 6.
Vrste prde�a
Kako, po načinu prdenja odrediti osobine vlasnika Vi mora da ste iz� ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (severna Nevada; 3376-3417) |
Status: You know it's spring when
the leafs
are out.
[2]: Leaves
[1]: No, no, [2]. Toronto Maple Leafs! :-))
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: What's in front of you
that you never see? [2]: It's the future. Isn't it? [3]: A ninja.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: On nights like this, alone and
cold, I silently gaze to a spot in the sky,
hidden behind the clouds lies a star of stars... I close my eyes and
feel a
warm breeze, an echo of what use to be... I miss you now more than
ever... [1]: Not about you. | ![]() |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Happy national "Take your kid to
work" day! That is why I'm not
at school. :-P
[2]: So, where are you? (njegov
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Does "I caught myself singing a
Justin Bieber song" go at the
beginning or the end of a suicide note?
[2]: end
[3]: Start it out that way, everyone will
understand right from jump
[4]: That is the note. No further explanation is necessary
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Osama Bin Laden: BRB. Someone's at the door.
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[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: tanning tanning tanning tanning
tanning tanning [2]: Cancercancercancercancer
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Chat: daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi
daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj
mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj
mi daj mi
daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi
daj mi
daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi daj mi
daj mi
daj mi daj mi daj mi
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: "Da sam krala, krala sam..." � kad je to nama Ceca govorila, a niko je nije kapirao ^_^ Miljan: �ena di�e kredite, prodaje kuće, stavlja ih na apoteku... Na �ta je spala i to ako se dogovori sa njima oko kućog pritvora...[1]: Miljane, ovaj... kuće stavlja na apoteku? |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: I have several hours left at the
"West Ed" mall. What should I
do... I'm at the apple store now.
[2]: Alright, first, go to the abercrombie
store on the 1st floor. To the right of the entrance when you walk in,
you will
see mens blazers. Grab the third one in on the hangers. It should be
stripy and moderatly expensive. Buy this coat. Leave the store and make
a right
hand turn. Enter the footlocker directly beside you. Go to the shoe
display with the "Nikes" on them. You will see a pair of "Nike
Jordans", black and white in color. Buy these in size 10 (43
prema evropskom standardu). Do not
put these shoes on. Just buy them, tip the salesman and leave. Now,
footlocker, across and to the right of you is le chateau. Enter the
store, grab
a shirt off the shelf, approach the saleswoman named Ashley and ask to
use a
change room. When you get to the change rooms at the back of the store,
will coo like a pigeon, you are to moo. This is the signal. She will
leave you
in the change room and return with 3 different pair of socks. Accept
close and lock the door. Now, reach into your blazer. On your left side
pocket is a key. In the right "Jordan" shoe you purchased, there is a
small square box. Use the key, open the box.
You now are equipt with a small can of bear mase, a
digital recorder, and a "Hershies kiss" chocolate. Put the bear mase in
you inside pocker (where key was) and the digital recorder in the
outside pocker, above the mase. The chocolate is for you. Enjoy it, it
may be your last meal for a while.
Now, in the pair of black socks she has given you,
there will be a bus ticket. Do not lose this ticket. Toss those socks
in the trash in front of you once you've extracted the ticket. The
brown pair of socks you are to purchase upon exiting the change room.
The final pair of socks and the shirt you entered with you are to
steal. Make sure you put the nikes on. You will be need to be agile
very soon.
Exit le chateau, make a left. Walk down past the water park. There will be a store on |
your left called "Bolero leather". Enter. There will be middle aged Mexican male named Olanzo at the desk. Short, stocky, with a thin moustache and even thinner head of hair.
Go to the desk, in a lowered tone
say: "Hello Olanzo. My name is [1]. Do you have the goods?" followed
with a wink and a nod.
will then give you a small leather bag with a belt loop and two
wrapped in foil. Take it. Leave. Across from you is the L-1 lounge. Sit
next to the fern. Put the bear mase into your new pouch and fasten it
to your
belt, and put the foil packages in your right hand pocket. Now wait for
5 minutes.
Now, turn on the recorder and exit
the mall. There will be a 1995 "Dodge caravan". Get in. Your drivers
name is Ken. | ![]() |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: There's a little beatle inside
my PC monitor. I can see him crawling
about, but I can't touch him. It's tripping me out.
[2]: A little beatle? Which one? Ringo? (gre�ka
osobe [1]:
ne pi�e se "bEAtle" nego "bEEtle")
[3]: Debug it.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: The kids next door have challenged
me to a water fight... I'm just updating
my status while I wait for the kettle to boil
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[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] [2]: Sorry ako misli� na mn pogroje�io si [3]: Ovo je u Brezovicu kod Fica [4]: Neboj se, [2], nije na tebe mislio. [5]: �to je sa [2]? Niko te nije spomenuo? [2]: Epa jo� bolje! [4]: U Brezovicu nego đe! [6]: "E pa" odvojeno se pi�e, [2]. ;-) [2]: Ne interesuje me kako se pi�e! [6]: Pa jer si seljanka nepismena. �to ti
uop�te spamuje� Milo�u sliku? [2]: Xax'... Nisam seljanka nepismena nego
ti. ;-) I ne pi�e se "spamuje�" nego "spominje�" XD [7]: Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha [8]: E, [2], sad bi ti dao jedan crveni karton, ali neće
da mi izbaci link...
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Dear McDonald's � please server
breakfast after 10. That is all.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: If you don't like something...
change it! [2]: How do I change you?
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] [1]: I wasn't that drunk
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] |
[2]: Awe... I am sorry they woke you up! You
poor baby... lol
[3]: Uh... whoever decided 4 AM was a good
time to use a chainsaw, is probably a mass murderer.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
About: My name is Justin Bieber and it
has been for 50 years. I am not some punk
ass singer homosexual but because some little ass bandit hit the same
name as
me I have to use my middle name.
dammit, I'm a
human and I have rights too. Little girls, please stop adding me. I am
not that
little punk ass bitch and stop trying cause he likes dick.
am Justin
Bieber, 50 year old carpenter from Ohio. I currently live in Maine. I
prostitutes, booze and cigarettes. F*ck you.
ustanovi o kojem
se molu ili duru radi.
PODMUKAO: Ufulji se
da nitko ne
DVOLIČAN: Ufulji se i
pita tko
je prdnuo.
ka�e: "Neka
to ostane među nama"
usere se u gaće.
mu je da
li prdne ili ne.
priliku i drugima
da prde.
�KRTAC: Prdi samo u
PESIMIST: Jo� nije ni
prdnuo, a već
misli da se usro.
PENZIONER: Ka�e da se za vrijeme Austrougarske bolje prdilo.
� Vi mora da ste iz Nevade ako� (USA, poglavlje LXII) 3376.
You know
that all Nevadans don't drink, smoke and gamble� too much� |
3384. There is no night life, besides a few bush parties here and there.
3385. You know sagebrush is the state flower, because after all it is
the only
thing around.
3386. You know what wind is, and when you are out of town and people
"Oh, its soo windy" you think to yourself: "This is just a
3387. You notice that the area is turning into LA with all of the new
developments, such as a freeway.
3388. You are used to hearing that the fire danger is always
"Extreme" in the summer.
3389. You figure that the average age is probably somewhere close to 65.
3390. You feel like you live on the Moon, either scorching hot or
3391. You don't know what humidity is.
3392. Although you dont know anyone that has gone, you do know where
all of the
whore houses are
3393. You know that highway 50 really is the lonliest road in the
3394. You don't get cell service most of the time.
3395. You got a job more so because it gave you something to do, than
for the
3396. You have neighbors that consider fast food fine dining
You usually always have a jacket in your car, because you know that you
be screwed if your car broke down in the winter without it.
3398. You live super close to one of the most famous lakes in the
world, and
you dont even notice why its so famous or care
3399. You bitch about people coming in from
3400. You bitch about how people from 3401. You know that everything in 3402. You just recently learned that there's a thing called the "democratic party". 3403. You know where the Sushi district is in 3404. You laugh at people who move here and try putting up fences because you know it won't last a year. 3405. You've woken up with more than ten deer in front of your house. 3406. It feels like there's something missing if a grocery store or gas stationed doesn't have slot machies. 3407. You've chased tumble weed down the street before. 3408. You know what a dust devil looks like. 3409. You know what wind really is. 3410. The Rib Cookoff and the Hot air balloon races are the social highlights of the year. | ![]() |
3411. Your work uses a tumbleweed as it's Christmas Tree
3412. You can cost with the wind at a steady 85mi/h.
3413. CB's are used over cell phones
3414. You see red lights flashing and its not a cop
3415. You look at your dirt yard and it matches everyone else's on the
90�F (32�C) out when you go into a store and when you come out it's
3417. Californian's try to turn your state into California