Nedelja, 4. IX
ovom broju donosimo: 2.
sa Fejsbuka
Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti. 6. Ove
nedelje u bioskopu "Ode
Film: "Voćni rendžeri" 6. Semenkar
Predsedniku kućnog saveta
Dečje odvale (mnogo slatko)
Vi mora da ste iz… ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Nju Orleans, Nju Džersi;
3681-3711) |
(Redakcija se zahvaljuje Branki i Jovani na slici)
se svakog dana gomilaju raznorazne odvale sa društvene mreže
"Facebook", na sajtu
su počele da se
pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo
vam najbolje odvale, a njih ima
jako puno pa je lakše da ih postavimo u tekstualnom obliku. Imena i
profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u komentarima
predstavljati brojevima: (1), (2), (3) itd.
Status: Goodbye America! Hello New York!
(2): New York is in America...
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: If you could see my heart, what
would you do?
(2): Take you to the hospital... :-/
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Na
"Estrada iz doba Jure" je postavljena slika albuma pevača Nehrua
(narodnjak – slika desno) (1): Po ovom batici je ulica na Novom
Beogradu dobila ime. (2): Se*eš? Nisam znala za to. Kakav užas!
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Don't be racist. Be like Mario.
He's an Italian plumber created by Japanese
people who speaks English and looks like a Mexican. (2): And runs like a Jamaican. (3): And jumps like a black man.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Na
slici se
nalazi grafikon "pita" koji na pitanje "People who think I'm
attractive" daje odgovor: "My mother" (100%) (2): And that's not true and you know it... [ f ] [ f ] [ f ] Status: If plan A fails, you have 25
letters left | ![]() |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: (1) is in Romania
(2): What's that?
(1): A country
(2): It is?
(1): Yeahh
(2): Are you sure? Cause I am pretty sure
it's a store.
(1): It's a country located in Southeastern
and Central Europe, North of the Balkan peninsula, on the Lower Danube,
and outside Carpatian arch, bordering on the Black se. Almost all of
the Danube
Delta is located within it's territory. Romania shares a border with
and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the
and Bulgaria to the south.
(2): I have never heard of half of those states. The United States are so big.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Want to win a iPad 2? Just scratch
here ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
with a key or a coin to see if you're a winner!
(2): I scratched up my phone, you jerk!
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: I'm so stupid!
(2): You waiting for people to disagree with
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: I love the beach... Except for the
water and sand but I love the rest :)
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: "And everything I touch, just
turns to dust..."
(2): Be careful going to the bathroom then.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
(1) (devojka): E cao odakle si
(2) (tip): Nis. Ti?
(1): Nista pijem kafu
(2): Black holes
(1): You know what just isn't cool?
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Dear Waldo,
could I interest you in becoming a horcrux?
(5 minutes later, no responce from Waldo, Voldemort moves on...)
I interest
you in becoming a horcrux?
Lord Valdemort.
(yet another 5 minutes with no responce from either)
I interest
you in becoming a horcrux?
(1 minute later, Chuck Norris arrives)
Norris made
Lord Valdemort his horcrux!
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Roses are red
violets are blue.
Some poems rhyme
This one doesn't (2):
are beautiful
But sometimes don't make sence.
Refrigerator. (1):
are red
Violets are blue
Some poems make sense
banana monkey glue (2):
are grey
Violets are grey [ f ] [ f ] [ f ] | ![]() |
Status: Today I sent out a text saying:
"Hey, I lost my phone. Will you call
it?"... 12 people called me... I need smarter friends.
(2): Did you ever find it?
(3): You need a life.
(4): I would comment on this, but I lost my
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
|________________| _ ||__|…, ] | |
this convoy
going! We can make a difference! Lots of love!
(2): Seems odd that a truck would be used for this message. lol
(1): I thought so too at first, but I think it is because it is talking about the message being a convoy, which needs a truck. Regardless, someone spent lots of time on it!
……..* KITTENS ARE FIFTY POINTS * .…||""";..,___.
|________________| _ ||__|…, ] | |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: New idea for a TV show: "Bro's
clues". All it would be is a guy with
a green striped polo shirt looking around for stuff he lost while he
was super
drunk the night before.
(2): Episode #1: "Who drank all the
(2): Episode #2: "Where's that bitch's
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: EW Privacy issue with
Facebook. As
of tomorrow, Facebook will creep into
your bathroom when you're in the shower, smack your bottom, and then
steal your
clothes and towel. To change this option, go to:
> Personal settings > Bathroom settings > Smacking
and stealing
settings, and uncheck the "Shenanigans" box.
this one quiet.
Copy and Paste on your status to alert the unaware.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Such a bad week to have my name! LOL!
Yeah. After this weekend I can say I have been blown
by two Irenes.
Shut up, Rob! Jeez, that was in highschool!
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: What have I done... :-/ [2]: Made a Facebook status [1]: Honestly... shut up!
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: I don't like you. Please, die in a
fire. [2]: That's not nice [1]: I said "please"
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Just beacues im dumb... dont mean
im stupied.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Chat: - Oh, hey gal! - Oh, hey pal! - Way to rhyme... - I do it all the time... - Good one - It was fun. - Orange - F**k you! |
moljava se predsednik Kućnog
od milošte zvani "Semenkar" da u interesu stanara
zgrade u ulici Zaplanjska **, a radi
smanjene potrošnje električne energije
svetla, svoje rashladne uređaje
(zamrzivač, frižider i dr.)
premesti iz podrumskih prostorija u svoj stan i tako konačno, posle
godina, počne plaćanje naknade za utrošenu električnu energiju
istih. Ako su do sada stanari zgrade plaćali te njegove troškove za
zajedničko svetlo mislimo da bi osnovni red bio da malo i on počne da
plaća svoje troškove. Ovoga
puta umoljavamo
jer što je mnogo
– mnogo je. Računamo: dosta smo ti pomagali.
U našem je interesu da ti i pomognemo
u iznalaženju rešenja
za plaćanje tih troškova zato ti predlažemo sledeće:
s obzirom da se
baviš preprodajom - švercovanjem cigareta, auto guma i drugim
mogao bi da jedan mali deo te "zarade" upotrebiš za plaćanje
naknade za utrošenu električnu energiju nastalu radom tvojih rashladnih
uređaja. Znamo da je tebi to teško, ali budi malo čovek
priznaj da ti to ne bi bilo mnogo (jedan boks cigareta ili jedna guma
za manje
auto*). Ukoliko ne prihvataš naš predlog, molimo te da nađeš neki drugi
način i nas oslobodiš od plaćanja tvojih obaveza.
Iluzorno je apelovati na tvoju
savest jer osećanje iste, kao i drugih ljudskih osećanja ti nemaš, pa
zato nismo sigurni da će ova naša molba biti uslišena, ali vredi
Neki mudrac je davno rekao:
"Lako je biti đubre, teško je biti čovek" pa uz molbu da
nas oslobodiš plaćanja tvojih obaveza molimo
te da prestaneš da budeš đubre – još nije kasno.
Kućni savet
Ul. Zaplanjska **
Vi mora da ste iz Nju Orleansa ako… (USA, SD LA, poglavlje
3681. You're
out of town and you stop and ask someone where there's a drive-thru
place (then they look at you like you have three heads).
3682. You go to sleep Friday evening before you go out Friday night.
3683. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor hail will keep you from the Jazz
3684. You listen to holiday songs such as "the 12 yats of Christmas"
and "Santa and his reindeer used to live right here".
3685. You take a bite of five-alarm chili and reach for the
3686. You refer to
3687. When a hurricane is imminent, you have a lot more faith in Nash
than some Super Doppler 6000.
3688. Your middle name is your mother's maiden name, or your father's
maiden name, or your mother's mother's maiden name, or your
mother's maiden name, or your grandfather's mother's maiden name.
3689. You know the
3690. You know it's "ask" but you purposely say "ax".
mora da ste iz Nju Džersija ako… (SAD, poglavlje LXXIV)
You know what a "jug handle" is. 3693. You know that it's called Great Adventure, not Six Flags. 3694. A good, quick breakfast is a hard roll with butter. 3695. You've known the way to 3696. You do not say "New Joisey"… In fact, you know that no one from 3697. You've eaten at a "Diner", when you were stoned or drunk, at 3am 3698. You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery, and neither all farmland. 3699. At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen and you know the town Jon Bon Jovi is from. 3700. You know that you can't make a left anywhere and that the jughandle is a way of life | ![]() |
3701. You don't think "What exit" (do you live near?) is very funny.
3702. You know that "WaWa" is a convenience store.
3703. You know that there are no "beaches" in
3704. You know how to properly negotiate a Circle.
3705. You knew that the last sentence had to do with driving.
3706. You know that this is the only "New __" state that doesn't
require "New" to identify it (like, try…
3707. You know that a "
3708. You consider putting mayo on a corned beef sandwich a sacrilege.
3709. You know that people from North Jersey go to
3710. You know that people from the 609 area code are "a little
different". Yes they are!
3711. You know that no respectable New Jerseyan goes to