Nedelja, 6. XI 2011.
ovom broju donosimo: 2.
sa Fejsbuka
Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti. 6. 10
things longer than Kim's marriage
Po�to je brak Kim Karda�ian trajao svega 72 dana Par obja�njenja Vi mora da ste iz� ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Otava; 4022-4029) 7. �irom
Izbori za Miss i Mistera na
"Domać" 8. Kupon Kupon za gorepomenute izbore |
[ f ]
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[ f ]
(1): Lajka� mi sliku? Plizz...
(2): Hahahah. Za tebe dva puta. :-)
(1): Kako dva puta?
(2): Like � unlike. Ti si fejk.
(1): �ta to znači? Da sam cool?
(2): Hahahaha. Da!
(1): Hvala. I ti si fejk! :-)
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[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: (1) je slobodan/na (2): Otkad? (3): S kim???
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Don't run from what comes
naturally to you. (2): What if that something is killer bees?
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: My englyish teecher is a racist.
He allways gives me bad repoorts just coz
i is blak. (crnkinja)
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Can anyone guess what I'm doing at
this current moment?
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Almost went to jail today. Scared
the crap outta me... (2): How scared were you? :-O |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: (1) went from being "in a
relationship" to "single".
(2): Really? What happened?
(3): He probably broke up with his
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Album: My new coffee cup is just like me:
sunshine on the outside, but with a
heart of darkness... bwahahahaha... (na
slici je
tamnoplava �oljica sa aplikacijom sunca)
(2): And dirty on the bottom?
(3): And large handles on the side?
(1): Sadly, both of these things are true.
[ f ] [ f ] [ f ] Album: Latest pic of my car... ((1) je umesto slike auta
stavio sliku na kojoj pi�e: "This image requires a facebook gold
account) (2): Dude what the f*ck is with this "Facebook gold"
sh*t... It's starting to weird me out. (3): [Comment only available to Facebook� Gold� account holders] (2): Wow, so they really are charging people! (1): [Comment only available to Facebook� Gold� account holders] (3): [Comment only available to Facebook� Gold� account holders] |
[ f ]
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[ f ]
I'm watching "Beauty and the beast". If you were a beast, I'd still
love you.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Swear To God I Cant Even Do This
Stupid Essay Anyone Wanna Help Mee??
(2): First tip, turn on spelling and grammar checker.
(1): Why that's how i always speel me words?
(2): Oh, dear.
(2): Second tip, don't bother doing the essay. You
will probably get better marks handing in a blank piece of paper
Status: F*cking pissed. Don't talk to me
unless you wanna be cussed out.
Status: Lonely. So incredibly lonely. :'( (oba statusa su
napisana u razmaku od pola sata)
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Just woke up from worst nightmare
ever!!! Ugh... I want to scuba my brain,
and unsee what I've seen. :-(
(1): "Scrub" my brain, not
"scuba". Danny, this nightmare continues...
(1): "DAMN", not
"Danny"... duck you spell autocorrect!
(1): I give up.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: I wasn't that drunk.
(2): Dude, you were hugging an old man with a
beard screaming: "Dumbledore... you're alive!"
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: I love my in-laws. Just thought
I'd share that.
(2): Hey, you guys going camping this
(1): Yes... Unless burglars are reading this,
in which case I'll be sitting in my living room cleaning my shotgun all
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: "It's impossible", said pride.
"It's risky", said
experience. "It's pointless", said reason. "Give it a try",
whispered the heart.
(2): "What the hell was that??????" shouted the anus two minutes later.
[ f ]
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[ f ]
Status: Ugasi fejs, pa prebroj
![]() |
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[ f ]
[ f ] Slika: tetova�a rimskih brojeva:
VIII-XXXI-MMVIII Status: 5-31-2008 (2): You do know that VIII is 8. It should
just be V for 5 (3): I believe you are correct, (2) (4): Uh-oh... VIII is 8...
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Jebote, dijete ima 6-7 godina i
već ima fejs! o.O (2): Haha. Pa neki debilosi rade djetetu
čim se rodi fejs (3): Čim se rodi fejs, rade djetetu? |
(2): Da. Znam jedne osobno. :-) I onda ti na
statusu pi�u kao tipa ne�to: "Jupii! Danas sam prohodao." Iskreno, to
je meni bolesno. Ne znam va�e mi�ljenje, ali...
(3): Aaaaaaaa... Jbm ti, kako se tehnologija
razvija. Nisam znala da su počeli rađat fejs!
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Keys open
doors. But bricks open windows. (2): Farts open windows too. lol
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Bit of a random question. Are "Ryvita
original" crisp breads gonna do any harm to a guinea pig? (2): It depends how hard you throw them.
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: gole matorke
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ] Status: Tako sam sexy da me groznica trese
i moje tijelo slatki je grijeh...
učini mi sve �to po�elim... Grrr... (1): Za�to niko ne lajkaaaaaa????? (dečko je s�m sebi lajkovao i post i komentare) | ![]() |
[ f ]
[ f ]
[ f ]
Status: Nemoj da se kaje� zbog nečega �to
si uradio, ako si u tom trenutku bio
(2): ... reče samoubica i di�e se u
(1): E, ja bi se pre ubila, nego izvr�ila
samoubistvo... To je malo glupo. :-D
Ako spavate na tetkinom kauču i sanjate "Meridijan
banku", postaćete milioner.
- Ako sanjate Legiju, imaćete posla sa policijom. | ![]() |
Vi mora da ste iz Otave ako�
OT, poglavlje LXXIX)
4022. You remember
RJ's Boom
Boom Saloon turning into the Liquor Dome, whose days of serving alcohol
minors ended when it turned into
When you've
never been in Place D'Orleans. In fact, no one has ever been in Place
4024. You
remember the
amazing breakfast at the Golden Griddle before it turned into a Hooters
and now
some pub or something
You've ever heard someone at school yell "shag" or "shawg" or however
the hell it's spelled 4029.
You've been thanked for your garbage in a shopping mall |
"DOMAĆI.DE" ≈≈≈2011≈≈≈ GODINE |
ZA BROJ: 399. |