Nedelja, 5. II 2012./7519.
U ovom broju donosimo:
Nestao pas
Šta kažu Podgoričani kad vide snijeg? 2.
sa Fejsbuka
Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti. 5. Alan
Odabrani dijalozi i odvale
Vi mora da ste iz… ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Rod Ajlend; 4453-4477) |
* Belo, oko mene sve je
belo, bez mene! * I snijeg sa śevera preseli u Podgoricu, a ne ljudi. Ljepše mu ođe kod Mugija. * E, kako se dobro džipom
vozit po snjegu! * Viđi što je ovaj ABS dobar! * E, đe nam ovaj snijeg
palme nagrdi! * Ja bi sav ovaj snijeg u
kakav kamijon natovario
pa sve u kako jezero. Možda bi nam Italijani pojeftinili struju. * E, đe ću nagrdit ove
"Pjaćoti" cipele! * Dajte mi bijele
"Ugerice" za ženu. Ove
sive joj odudaraju od ambijenta. * Prima se ovaj snijeg ka
paradajz u Zetu. * E, sad će Mugi odma' napraviti bistu Sneška Belića! (Mugi = Miomir Mugoša, gradonačelnik Podgorice) |
se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u", na sajtu
su počele da se
pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje
odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa je lakše da ih postavimo u
tekstualnom obliku.
Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u
komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [2], [3], [4]
itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.
[ FB ]
Status: The one day I do my math homework,
my teacher decides to get into a car
accident! -__-
[ FB ]
Status: If you had a time machine, what
would you do?
[2]: I would travel to Egypt and use it
there. I really want to know how they built the pyramids.
[3]: They enslaved curious time-travelers to
build them.
[ FB ]
Chat (razgovor dva
Eeee, dojava za
prekosutra: Natakote United – Janakitu
Dragons – kec u dvojku
Pa nema toga na
[ FB ]
Baby, what do
you do now?
Nothing. I'm
goint to bed, honey. And you?
I am in a
nightclub, just behind you.
[ FB ]
Status: Nema veze ako sam niska – otrov se
čuva u malim dozama. ;)
[2]: Znamo da se otrov čuva u malim
bočicama, ali brate, čuva se i govno za analizu
[ FB ]
[ FB ] Status: Okay, computer brainiacs, I need
your help. Whenever I try to record a
video using my webcam and play it back, the video is a whole lot faster
the audio. How do I fix it?
[ FB ] Status: I don't normaly do these types of
things, but this was actualy pretty fun!
Such gibberish! Type
your name:
Aaron Type
your name
with your elbow: aazrooln Type
your name
with your chin: aaasrfoinh b |
[ FB ]
Baby I know
it's too fast, but I realy want you. I don't pretend to do it now, I
just wanna
you to know that I care about you. I love & want you.
Oh, hun, I love
you too, and I also do, but I'm kinda afraid.
Of what,
That someday
you'll love another girl and I'll be "just one of your ex-girls"
Oh, sure one
day I'll love another girl! In 10 years, and she'll call you "mommy"
Your house, 15
sajta "Demotivation", podnaslov: "This guy should get an
[ FB ]
Chat sa pevačem Dejanom Matićem
Haha, kad bi ti
bio Dejan!
Jok bre, ti si.
Koji je tvoj
zadnji album jer ja sam veliki obožavalac njega, a i Dejan na nesreću
nevidi pa reci koji njegov zadnji album da vidim
- Pevam 14. januara pevam u Beču, pa ako možeš dođi da vidiš da li sam to ja... Sva sreća pa ne vidim da sam dva puta napisao PEVAM... :-D
[ FB ]
Status: If gay men were allowed in the army back in WWII, "Saving private Ryan" would be a lot shorter because there is no way it would take 3 hours for a group of gay men to find Matt Damon.
[ FB ]
- Someone just told me you looked like an owl... O_o
[ FB ] [2]:
Skunks are. [3]: And newspapers. [2]: Penguins [3]: Old movies [2]: "Oreos" [3]: Zebras [2]: Dalmations [3]: Killer whales [2]: Michael Jackson
[ FB ] Chat: |
I have to
walk to the laundromat. I don't have a car.
That makes no
You can't get
to class without a car.
Um, yeah I
can. I do it every day.
That's stupid.
How are you supposed to get anywhere without a car?
Well, I have
these amazing devices that are attached to my lower body which, when
create movement which enables mobility.
(stares at me
confused, obviously not catching my sarcasm): Do you buy those at,
like, the
"Apple store"?
[ FB ]
Status: "Iron lady"... a seriously
misleading film... lol
[2]: Why? I thought it looked good.
[3]: He thought it was a sequel to "Iron
[ FB ]
Status: An ant just crawled under my
keyboard. But I have it under Ctrl
[2]: Did you make it Tab out?
[3]: Just give it some Space
[4]: Make sure it doesn't Esc.
[ FB ]
Status: 2 months and 36 days left.
[ FB ]
Status: Please recommend to me some books
that will blow my mind.
[2]: "Twilight". You'll start reading it and then shoot yourself in the face.
[ FB ]
[ FB ] Status: My doctor's
diagnosis: viral inner ear infection, labyrinthitis, in conjunction
with an
oncoming head cold. [2]: Labyrinthitis? If this involves Muppets
and David Bowie, it will be worse than a head cold.
[ FB ] Status: So, anyone got a good idea for
something fun we can do on my birthday? I've
already heard laser tag. |
[ FB ]
I heard you're
going out with my ex. How does the used pussy feel?
What can I say?
After the first two inches, like a new one...
F*ck you...
Ovo je
cvjećarnica? Htjela bih pola kilograma cvijeća.
Rekli ste
pola kilograma? Da ih zamotam ili ćete ih potrošiti ovdje? [27]
je ona
mušterija otišla)
centi, nije ni to loše. Morat ćemo nabaviti blagajnu.
čuvanje buha? [27]
Šef (Jeremiji): Mrtvaci koji leže deset godina u grobu izgledaju svježije od tebe. [27]
Dobrotvorka: Evo,
to ti daju najbolja i najmilosrdnija srca u čitavom New Yorku sa željom
se njihovo ime upiše zlatnim slovima na listu darovatelja. U kutiji
imaš malo mesa,
malo sira, pekmeza, dvopeka i veliku fotografiju tih ljudi meka srca. Siromašni
klinac: Hvala, vještice! [27] Broj
Jedan: I
znaj, nosati Sherlock Holmesu, ako ga ne pronađeš, ispričaću ti,
redak po redak, cjelokupnu putešestviju Odisejevu, zatim požar Troje
sve do
povratka u Itaku! Bob:
Pronaći ću ga! Pronaći ću ga! [27] (mesar
sa satarom
juri Alana i Nosonju) Brok
ga): Hej, vi! Što vi radite s tom sjekirom? Imate li oružani list? Mesar:
Kakva sjekira? Oh, to? To mi služi za čišćenje noktiju. Svakog dana
idem u šetnju i iskoristim to da očistim nokte. Znate, u mesnici to ne
mogu činiti s obzirom na higijenu. Brok:
Lijepa mi je to higijena! Mi smo anti-Superhik ekipa i nemamo vremena
za te
gluposti. I neka to bude posljednji puta da na javnom mestu čistite
nokte! Mesar: Budite sigurni, inspektore, neću ih čistiti više nikada u životu! [28]
… a
čir na dvanaestercu preselio se sigurno na trinaesterac! [28]
"Časni uzmak bolji je nego nečastan poraz", rekao je netko,
možda baš Max Bunker (jedan od autora
"Alana Forda"). [28]
(Lampu): Izumitelj? A što ste dosad izumili? Lokomotivu na jedro? [28]
Vi mora da ste iz Rod
Ajlenda ako… (SAD, poglavlje LXXXVII)
4453. You
read them because they are about
4454. You've voted a convicted felon into office at least twice!
Your a native Rhode Islander and you
know you're not in
4455. Your new friends start asking you to repeat words such
as car, potato, pizza, barber, and chowder.
4456. You see a car with RI plates and you have an urge to ask: "What
4457. You ask a friend who's going to
4458. The car in front of you is using its turn signal.
4459. You'd gladly shell out $35 for a black market bottle of coffee
4460. You've driven 5 miles in a populous area and have not seen a
Dunkin' Donuts.
4461. You ask the waitress for a grinder and she gives you directions
to Home Depot or Lowe's.
4462. No one wishes you a Happy St. Joseph's day.
4463. You don't get VJ day off from work.
4464. You receive blank stares when asking where the "bubbla" is
mora da ste iz San Franciska ako… (SAD, SD CA, poglavlje
4465. You
take a bus and are shocked that two people are carrying on a
conversation in English. 4466. Someone says "tenderloin" and you don't think of steak. 4467. You never bother looking at the MUNI line schedule because you know the drivers have never seen it. 4468. A really great parking space can move you to tears. 4469. You know that anyone wearing shorts in July must be visiting from 4470. You assume every company offers domestic partner benefits. 4471. Your boss runs in "The Bay to Breakers"… and it's not the first time you have seen him/her nude. 4472. You are thinking of taking an adult class but you can't decide between yoga, aroma therapy, conversational mandarin, or a building your own website class. 4473. You haven't been to "Fisherman's wharf" since the first month you moved to 4474. You were born somewhere else. 4475. Left is right and right is wrong. |
4476. You dive under a desk whenever a large truck goes by.
4477. You can't find your other earring because your son is wearing it.