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Nedelja, 29. IV 2012.

Logo Leteći bumbar #423

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Fejs-bruk!                                    Engleski jezik

            Smejurije sa Fejsbuka

3. Nova Barbika

            Najnoviji model svetski poznate lutke

4. Špigl - dvojnici poznatih

            Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti.

6. Речник на турски серии          Makedonski jezik

            Makedonsko-turski rečnik

7. Širom neta

            Vesti sa četova, foruma i newsgrupa

7. Locirajte se!                                Engleski jezik 

             Vi mora da ste iz… ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Tajland; 4749-4782)

Sačuvajte ovaj broj! Možete od njega da napravite:

- molersku kapu

- brodić

- avion koji leti…

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!

Nigerijski google


Slovo Pošto se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u",  na sajtu su  počele da se pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa je lakše da ih postavimo u tekstualnom obliku. Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2], [3] itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.


            [ FB ]

Status: Trudna sam. Ne znam ko je otac. Like ako si me ti tucao.

482 ljudi se ovo sviđa

            [ FB ]

Status: Got pulled over today. The officer comes up to my window and says "papers". I said "Rock, I win" and then I drove off.

(2): Doesn't paper beat rock?

            [ FB ]

Pa šta?

            [ FB ]

Status: Learning pyrokinesis (20 minutes ago) (pirokineza je kontrola vatre/toplote putem telekineze)

Status: At the hospital (24 seconds ago)

            [ SMS ]

- Uhm, who are you? Christine changed all the names on my phone.

- What am I called?

- Voldemort

- OMG! That's soo mean! She knows that I had a nose operation a couple of years ago!!!

- Oh, hi Jessica! :-)

- F**k you!

            [ FB ]

Status: ofcoursetodayhadtoendlikethat

[2]: Niggastoleurspacebartoo?

            [ FB ]

Status: I made a twitter account. Now somebody tell me what to do with it?

[2]: Delete it

            [ FB ]


- Hahaha, okay... Whatever floats your boat

- Buoyancy floats my boat

- Beyonce? Hahaha! Nahh! She can do better.

- Buoyancy, you idiot!

- Umm... Whoever that is...? (buoyancy ['bɔıәnsi] = potisak u fizici; plovnost)

            [ FB ]

Status: dis bhee **;lhiteskineddd hacking per page luv yhu boo___we been up all day we needa take our ass to sleep with @lshay bhiggurlblazhin johnson#

[2]: I hope you get attacked by a group of angry dictionaries!

            [ FB ]

Status: I love the term "we're expecting" when talking about pregnancy because it makes it sound like there's more than one outcome.

Yeah, we're expecting a baby... But it could be velociraptor.

            [ FB ]


Marija: Moram biti iskrena i reći ti da si prelepa!!!

Tanja Savić: Hvala Marija. :-)

M: Nema na čemu... Realna sam... Kako si ti? Šta radiš? Kako živiš... tamo daleko od nas?

TS: Evo, u nekom sam bedaku... Nemam pojma... Ovde je loše, teško... Gde ti živiš? Kako si?

M: E, baš mi je žao... Mi mislimo da je svuda drugde bolje, ali varamo se... Ja sam iz Raške, pevala si kod nas u hali. :-) Sećaš se, davno... Kao "Zvezde granda"...

(devojka je mislila da stvarno razgovara sa pevačicom, a ne sa njenom imenjako-prezimenjakinjom!!!)

            [ X ]



Barbi na minimalcu

Prevod (zbog lošeg kvaliteta slike):

- Barbi na minimalcu

- Devojčice! Ovo ćete biti vi ako ne učite!

- Premoreni Ken se prodaje odvojeno

- Sakupite ceo set: "Barbikin niskobudžetni iznajmljeni stan"

Uz ovu sliku, redakcija koristi priliku da svojim čitaocima čestita Praznik rada.

- Hi! Trebala bi mi pomoć oko kupnje nogometne lopte i to dosta hitno. Ovako, doći će mi frend iz Njemačke kojemu je nogomet jedini hobby ili, još bolje, sve na svijetu, a ja se kao žensko u nogomet ne kužim... Što da mu kupim? Neku zbilja kvalitetnu loptu ili "Nike"?

- Ma daj mu p*čke i mirna si!

            [ SMS ]

- How do I tell Chris I like him though? These things are hard. :-(

- You just did, Ellie. ;-)

- Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! That was to Jenna!

- Her name isn't even close to mine though... Did you send this on purpose to me? Don't worry if you did. ;-)

- Maybe. ;-) Does that mean you like me too? :-D ♥

- No.

            [ FB ]

Status: The Bible says "do not be afraid" 365 times, a reminder that we should live everyday fearles

[2]: It's a leap year.

[1]: Sh...

            [ FB ]

Status: Today marks my 5 month anniversary with an actual human woman. Who's doubting who's sexuality now, mom???

            [ FB ]


- Šta radiš?

- Ništa. Ti? :-)

- Ja se dopisujem sa najljepšom djevojkom na FB-u. :-) ♥  

- Hahaha... Fala :-D ♥

- No, ne odgovara mi pa rek'o da vidim šta ti radiš. :-)


Šer (Šerilin Sarkisijan)  Mortiša Adams

TLL Šer & Mortiša

            [ FB ]

Status: I hate it when you read all 834 pages of a book only for the plot to be left unfinished.

[2]: Hopefully you are not reading the phone book?

[1]: I didn't like that book... Too many characters.

            [ FB ]

Status: "Twilight" drinking game rules:

1) Drink 40 shots when you press "play" so you can die before the movie starts.

            [ FB ]

Komentar slike: Is your cover photo of Chernobyl?

(2): No, it's my neighbourhood.

            [ FB ]

Status: Volim najružniju osobu na svjetu – sebe naravno! ^^

[2]: Kak slatko!

[3]: Nisi ružna!

[1]: Jesam

[4]: Ružna si.

[1]: Goni se, majmune! Što komentarišeš onda?

            [ FB ]


- Može jedan lajk na fotku? Hvala :***

- Je l' ti život zavisi od toga?

- Da.

- E, onda umri... Šta da ti kažem...

            [ FB ]

Status: I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I never plan on making one agian.

[1]: again*


            [ FB ]

Status: [1] mijenja status iz "slobodnog" u vezu

[1] se ovo sviđa

[1]: ali prvo trebam izaći sa njom. nisam je još pito. sretno mi

[1]: Sviđa mi se.

            [ FB ]

(isti lik, preneseno kako je i u statusu)

Status: Ja slusam strane pjesme najcesce od bolobana rajovica

[1] se ovo sviđa

[1]: Sviđa mi se

            [ FB ]

Status: If I could pick three words that describe myself, they would be "I suck at math"

[2]: That's 4

            [ FB ]

Status: Kako posle nas da suncu vratim sjaj? :-/

[2]: Podigneš roletne

            [ FB ]

Status: I accidentally used to search for something today. I feel like everyone who works there probably high-fived each other and got really hopeful about the future.

            [ FB ]

Status: (devojka svom momku) Can we just be really cute, and watch your favourite Disney movie together, cuddling underneath the sheets with the lights off, and maybe fall silently asleep in each others arms?

[2] (momak odgovara): That's gay...

[1]: :'(

            [ FB ]

Status: Ima li nekih utakmica za sutra? Hvala unaprijed.

[2]: Imaš Italiju 1. liga, Srbija 1. liga i Liga šampiona.

[1]: A ima li neka prognoza?

[3]: U Srbiji u sredu pretežno oblačno, pre podne u severnim, zapadnim i centralnim, sredinom dana i u ostalim predelima sa kišom i lokalnim pljuskovima sa grmljavinom. Poslepodne razvedravanje sa zapada. Duvaće slab do umeren zapadni vetar. Minimalna temperatura od 9°C do 13°C, maksimalna dnevna od 17°C do 21°C.






Сефте чоџук


Сарадан чоџук


Ишарет фенер


Ќор ќутук


Дуздисан калтабан


Ќелепур касмет


Сиктер анама

Лименка пиво

Тенеќе бира


Далаверџи чауш


Резил чауш


Орта калпазан


Џенем суртук


Тенеќе зурла


Карши сурат


Ѕевгар ѕиври


Арач намќор

Детска соба

Чоџук одаја


Џенем сурат тапија


Ептен борчлија

Лична карта

Сурат тапија


Ептен ѓурулти кутија


Узур џева


Лезет најлон


Мууу харем


Сурат тафраџика

Шведска маса

Јагма софра

Златно славејче

Алтан билбиљ


Џенем абер јокгајтан




Чад'р будала

Лекар стажист

Аџами еким


Машала шишарка

Брзата птица итрица

Турбо билбиљ ептен курназ


Ем баксуз ем абдал

Повратен билет

Пишман карта


Сурат кутија


Ѓурулти кутија

Брза помош

Турбо еким


Чифте сурија

Аладинова ламба

Ѓурулти бардак


Башка лезет



 ¤        Vi mora da ste iz Tajlanda ako… (T, poglavlje XCIII)

4749. You had to wear school uniforms for 5 days of the week during the majority of your first 18 years of life.
4750. Courtesy is the way of life, but you only use it in front of adults.
4751. Its not "Sawasdee" to you, but rather "Waddee woi".
(prvo je pozdrav, a drugo nisam uspeo da prevedem – prim. ured)


            Svim našim čitaocima čestitamo Praznik rada.

            Takođe, obaveštavamo čitaoce sa "Yahoo messengera" da su Bojana i Sale dobili treće dete. Čestitamo roditeljima na prinovi, a takođe im se izvinjavamo što čestitka nije išla u prethodnom broju.

Vaša redakcija

4752. You've hung out with every type of mixed nationality (Thai-Irish, Thai-German, Thai-Egyptian, Thai-Australian, etc)
4753. It is a high possibility that you have a dab of Chinese blood in you.
4754. They sold you cigarettes when you were 13, and they didn't care.

4755. You started buying beer and liquor when you were 15, and they only sold it to you because you looked good or looked old enough.
4756. They never sold you mixed drinks in clubs, you just brought a huge bottle of whatever liquor they sold you in the club and bring the remainders home.
4757. You have had to carry at least 1 wasted person home in 1 out of 5 times you party.
4758. Full Moon Parties by the beach are the way to go.
4759. Weed is fun, and Thai weed is fun as hell.
4760. Fuck Thai laws, fuck 'em.

4761. You started driving on the road when you were 15.
4762. You love to speed, even in heavy traffic.
Kako obezbediti bicikli

4763. You have bribed the cops for pulling you over for speeding or reckless driving.
4764. You have seen the Western teachers in your school at a club before.
4765. You have seen the Western teachers in your school with their so-called "girlfriend".
4766. You can tell the difference between a transvestite and a real female.

Mače i pomeranje nameštaja
4767. You know what true spicy food tastes like.
4768. The price of things in the States (snacks, beer, etc) make you miss Thailand more and more.
4769. You have a fake ID.
4770. You have seriously considered oppening your own club.
4771. You know that the only people who ride elephants these days are tourists and the trainers.
4772. You keep having to remind yourself that bribing cops in "developed countries" is not a free get-out-of-jail card, but rather a sure-fire way to get your ass in deep shit
4773. And bargaining for anything has become a well-honed skill

4774. When the taxi driver just wont shut the fuck up
4775. When wearin "international school" uniforms and drink n smokin in front of the police is not wrong
4776. When theres no such thing as a boring night
4777. When all the motorcyclists look like dealers to you
4778. The taxi drivers tries to charge you more money when you arrived at your destination because he has figured out that your not a local!
4779. Your first night in Hua Hin was spent yelling at old British people whilst eating a binta burger after getting kicked out of the "Hilton club" for sneaking in alcahol!!!!!
4780. You've never called for a taxi before in your life, you just tell the motorcycle guy in your soi (side of a main street) to get you one…
4781. The Trok Dogs (Alley Dogs) are not to be fucked with. They live on the streets and thats their home, not yours.
4782. 7-eleven saved the night more than once…



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