Nedelja, 15. VII 2012.
U ovom broju donosimo:
Jedva dočekane izmene na sajtu 2. Unučići
Dečji biseri 4.
tipa je vaša plata? 4. Anegdote
Doskočice poznatih ličnosti 5. Alan
dijalozi i odvale Spisak potrebnih stvari za svadbu
Otvoreno pismo za Novaka Đokovića |
1. She was in the
bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young
granddaughter, as she'd done many times before. After she applied her
lipstick and started to leave, the little one said: "But Grandma, you
forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!" I will probably never put
lipstick on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper
good-bye... 2. My young grandson called the other day to wish
me happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was, and I told him, 80. My
grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked: "Did you start at
1?" |
3. After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and
to wash
her hair. As she heard the
children getting more and more rambunctious,
patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and
stormed into
their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left
the room,
she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice: "Who was
THAT?" The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, "I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!" |
![]() |
5. My grandson was
visiting one day when he asked:
"Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished
my halo and I said: "No, how are we alike?'' "You're both old,"
he replied.
![]() | 6. A little girl was
diligently pounding away on
her grandfather's word processor. She told him she was writing a story.
- What's it about? -
he asked. - I don't know - she
replied. - I can't read. 8. When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. |
9. When my grandson
asked me how old I was, I
teasingly replied:
- I'm not sure.
- Look in your underwear, Grandpa. Mine says I'm 4 to 6.
10.. A second grader
came home from school and said
to her grandmother:
- Grandma, guess
what? We learned how to make
babies today.
grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool:
- That's
interesting... How do you make babies?
- It's simple. -
replied the girl. - You just
change "y" to "i" and add "es".
11. Children's Logic:
"Give me a sentence
about a public servant," said a teacher. The small boy wrote: "The
fireman came down the ladder pregnant." The teacher took the lad aside
correct him. "Don't you know what pregnant means?" she asked.
"Sure," said the young boy confidently. 'It means carrying a
12. A grandfather was
delivering his grandchildren
to their home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the
front seat
of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing
dog's duties.
- They use him to
keep crowds back. - said one
Kučka plata
Dijet plata
Čini da jedeš svaki put sve
manje i manje...
Ateistička plata Sumnjaš u njeno postojanje.
Magična plata
Napraviš nekoliko poteza i – voala! Nestala
je! Olujna plata
Nemaš pojma kad dolazi niti koliko
će trajati. Volt Dizni plata
Smrznuta je već 30 godina. Crni humor plata
Smeješ se da ne bi plakao. Konzervativna plata
Uzima ti inspiraciju. | ![]() |
Impotentna plata
Kada ti najviše treba, izneveri
Menstrualna plata
Dolazi jednom mesečno i traje
oko 4 dana.
"Prerana ejakulacija" plata
Taman što je počela – gotovo je!
ga samo!
Netko bi mogao doći i ukrasti nam ono što nemamo! [61]
● ● ●
Jeste li poludjeli, inspektore? Opkoliti Zoo vrt, uzbuniti cijelu
isušiti bazen s krokodilima... To je smiješno!
Pa, prema
skici koju je učinio očevidac, vjerovao sam da je riječ o
krokodilu koji se osovio na zadnje noge.
![]() | Gradski
Jeste li ikad čuli krokodila koji govori? ● ● ● Plakat:
"Vidi Napulj i crkni!" [61] ● ● ● Dakle,
vidimo... Sad imam konferenciju kojoj će prisustvovati tipovi koji ne
razlikuju neutron od feferona. [61] ● ● ● Bob:
Osim toga,
nije pristojno špijunirati špijune. [61] ● ● ● Alan:
... i tako
su ga odveli. (Boba) Broj
Jedan: Moglo
se i očekivati. Ima samo jedna stvar koja govori o njegovoj nevinosti:
što ga je uhapsio inspektor Brok. [62] ● ● ● (Bob
u zatvoru,
posle posete njegove braće) Bob:
Nadzorniče, ako ponovo dođu, recite im da nisam kod kuće,
odnosno u ćeliji! Nadzornik: Da, ovdje svi imaju izlaz kad požele, naravno. [62] ● ● ● |
Jedan: Budući
da nemate dokaza, morat ćete ga pustiti.
Visosti... Plašt, šešir, stas, opis – sve se slaže!
Koliko gluposti u jednoj jedinoj rečenici, inspektore Brok. Takav plašt
imaju mnogi, a niskog su rasta tisuće. Ali glup kao slon može biti samo
jedan jedini.
Tako? A tko
je to? [62]
● ● ●
si da si čitao moje ode. I što si naučio?
Jedan: Ono
što se i moglo naučiti – ništa! [62]
● ● ●
Jedan: Pet
milijuna sestercija! Milijun unapred, ostatak nakon isporuke robe!
Rimski car Avgust: Tri milijuna je dovoljno! Misliš li da posjedujem izvore nafte? [62]
● ● ●
Mičite se!
To je naš novac! -
Pošteno smo ga
ukrali! [62] IZ BORČE ZA NOLETA
Ćao druže (nadam se da će
ovo čitati Nole). Šta ima? Mi iskreno i nismo ludi za tenisom, ni ne
gde je Vimbldon, ali te gotivimo jer si naš, Srbenda i nikad ne
priliku da dok igraš finale zalijemo! Da pređemo na stvar. Mi se ne javljamo zbog novca. Želja nam je da te ugostimo na našem krugu u Borči. Kapiramo da su Monte Karlo, Ibica, Melburn, Alpi i Stounhendž kul mesta, ali... ti dok ne dođeš u Borču, ništa nisi uradio makar osvojio još 100 tih vaših Vimbldona. Kad budeš dolazio, ti se samo najavi. Ako dolaziš sa Trga, tu hvataj 96 (ide pravo do Borče) ili 43 pa siđeš kod BIP-a i onda | ![]() |
Nadamo se da ćemo dobiti tvoj
odgovor. Unapred zahvalni.
Ponesi neki
reket (4 komada). Puno da mi pozdraviš Nalbandijana. Ako može da dođe i
on, da bi mogli da igramo kocke 3 ekipe u dvojica, u trte!
Srdačno, Borčanci.
Vi mora da ste iz Toronta ako… (CND, poglavlje
![]() | 5056.
Snow, however, has no
effect on your daily routine and proceed with your day as if it were a
sunny day
5057. Going to IKEA means a 20 minute drive, not a trip to a different city 5058. You hope you are the one to spot the vehicle which is the subject of the latest "Amber Alert" which has been flashing on the DOT message board on the 401 and Gardiner 5059. You've been in traffic on the 401, Gardiner, 400 or 404 (choose one) - wondering if your fuel, your cell-phone battery and your bladder will make it to the next exit, just 1 km ahead 5060. You've woken up at 4:30am on workdays to beat the traffic to work, intending to leave work before 3pm to compensate 5061. You know you're not allergic to smog or pollution, because if you were – you'd be dead already |
5062. You dont care for "BestBuy" or "Futureshop" because
you always do your electronics shopping at the "Pacific mall" (thank
the Lord for the Asian community!)
5063. You love only 2 radio stations: AM 680 for
its traffic reports
every 10 mins and FLOW 935 for its beats
5064. You actually like the new airconditioned "Viva" buses
5065. You marvel at the fact that people from 160 odd countries around
world can actually live together (with the odd 10
people being shot
5066. You walk in the back doors of the VIVA buses just to avoid paying
and you
also know you wont get caught cuz the driver never
checks the ticket
like they say they're supposed to…
5067. You own a "I survived SARS" t-shirt.
5068. You speak better Chinese than French
5069. You understand English in 80-some different accents
5070. You're on the TTC bus/subway/streetcar and more than half the
people are not
speaking English
5071. You wear sneakers on khakis to work
5072. When the 8:00am rush hour starts from 5:30am to 10:30am and the
rush hour starts around Thursday afternoon ending around 1:00am
5073. When the phrase "Taste of Danforth" makes sense to you
Vi mora da ste iz Urugvaja ako… (
5074. You're
tired of explaining where exactly
5075. Dinner means a gigantic platter of steak. 5076. The word "Peñarol" means something to you. 5077. You eat chimichurri and no one else knows what that is. 5078. You get mad when someone tells you all excitedly that they know someone from 5079. You overhear either Argentinians or Uruguayans speaking Spanish and you have to stop and ask them where they're from. 5080. The invitation says the party starts at 7, but you wind up leaving your house to drive to the party after 7. 5081. You need an interpreter to understand the "Spanish" other Hispanic people are speaking. | ![]() |
5082. You wonder why the capital was named for the Portuguese meaning
"I see a mountain" and there are no mountains.
5083. You call steak "churrasco".
5084. People ask if you're European because you "don't look Hispanic".
5085. There's someone in your family who will have
blue eyes no matter
what. Both parents could have black eyes, but somehow your eyes come
out blue.
5086. You can literally cook an entire cow in the big fire hole you
have in your backyard.
5087. You know you taught the world how to play soccer and can't stand
5088. Dessert means dulce de leche.
5089. El termo y el mate are part of your anatomy because you never go
anywhere without them.
5090. The dinner bell rings at 9:30/10:00 pm, and not at 5:30/6:00.
5091. You say "ta" or "che" every 5 words.
5092. "