EN450 - Nedelja, 4.
XI 2012.
Izvedite na
scenu pomo�nika, najbolje nekog brkajliju i ne�no mu iz jednog brka i��upajte
jednu dlaku.
Zatim toj
istoj osobi zavu�ete tu dlaku u uvo.
Kad dlaka,
prirodno, izi�e kroz drugo uvo, uhvatite njen drugi kraj.
Zatim rukama
izvodite pokrete levo-desno. Na zaprepa��enje publike, o�i va�eg pomo�nika
kreta�e se, vu�ene dlakom, levo-desno.
Shvatili ste da je ovo nemogu�e. U stvari, vi ste se sa svojim pomo�nikom
unapred dogovorili da on s�m (a ne dlaka) pokre�e o�i.
("Politikin zabavnik" № 983-1970)
10. Always
keep your gun pointed in a safe direction, such as at a hippy or a communist.
9. Dumb
children may get a hold of your guns and shoot each other. If your children are
dumb, put them up for adoption to protect your guns.
8. No matter
how responsible he seems, never give your gun to a monkey
7. If guns
make you nervous, drink a bottle of whiskey before heading to the range.
6. When
unholstering your weapon, it's customary to say "Excuse me while I whip
this out".
5. Don't load
your gun unless you are ready to shoot something or are just feeling generally
4. If your gun
misfires, never look down the barrel to inspect it. Have someone else do that
for you.
3. Never use
your gun to pistol whip someone. That could mar the finish.
2. No matter
how excited you are about buying your first gun, don't run around yelling
"I have a gun! I have a gun!"
1. And the
most important rule of gun safety: don't piss me off!
Po�to su slova malo mutnija zbog �irine strane (slika se skupila), dajemo vam i transliteraciju ako ne mo�ete da pro�itate:
Znaci za zbunjivanje |
Postupci gra�ana |
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- +----------------+ 35 godina |
Prestanak opasnosti Emitovao se
jednoli�nim tonom u
trajanju od 35 godina. Zbog velikog uspeha reprizirao se jedanput godi�nje u
15:10 �asova. |
1. Radite
kao da �e 100 godina biti kredita, a sprem'te se, sprem'te kao da �e sutra
biti rat; 2. U slu�aju
rata be�ite avionima JAT-a |
-----~~~~~----- -----~~~~~----- -----~~~~~----- +----|----|-----+ 20 20
20 |
Opasnost od (Had�i) Struje Emituje se
naizmeni�nim i jednosmernim tonom i traje li traje |
Isklju�iti Struju i sve strujne aparat�ike; 2. Otvoriti
prozore i o�i i u�i i napraviti promaju; 3. Mirno i
bez panike po�i do najbli�eg kioska i uzeti ne�to za smirenje |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +---------------+ 60 minuta |
Opasnost od ispiranja mozga sa pretpranjem i
centrifugiranjem Emituje se
zavijaju�im tonom od 19:30, pa dokle treba. A treba. |
1. Ukoliko
vas pomra�enje Sunca zadesi na otvorenom prostoru – tu pomo�i nema. 2. U slu�aju
primetnih znakova kontaminacije optimizmom, uputiti se do najbli�eg
psihijatra po savet, a u te�im slu�ajevima do najbli�e pumpe po benzin. |
~~~~ ~~~~
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ +---|--|--|--|---+ 20 15 20 15
20 |
Opasnost od rata, sankcija, inflacije i
gubljenja teritorija Emituje se
ve� 10 godina zavijaju�im tonom sa prekidima i pregovorima |
1. Struju ne
treba isklju�ivati jer je nema 2.
Dekontaminaciju obaviti posipanjem pepelom, jer nema ni sapuna 3. Pre
napu�tanja ku�e poneti paso� 4. Mirno i
dostojanstveno uputiti se u najbli�u neprijateljsku susednu zemlju |
---- ----
---- ---- ----
---- ---- ----
---- +---|--|--|--|---+ 20 15 20 15
20 |
Opasnost od ki�a Emituje se
tupim tonom sa, na�alost, kra�im prekidima |
1. Kul i
dostojanstveno u�lanite se u biblioteku i pro�itajte sve o marksizmu 2. Staviti
za�titnu masku (vidi sliku) u za�titni polo�aj |
Najbolji ovogodi�nji
kostim za Samhain (naravno, otac klinca je unutra)
- Mi smo
diplomirani glazbenici.
- Na na�im
diplomama nalazi se potpis Georgea Washingtona.
- Supotpisani
je Benjamin Franklin.
- I Muhamed
Ali. [99]
● ● ●
- Gledajte
partiture, glupani! Svaka nota ne�to zna�i, idioti! Nije svejedno je li ona gore
ili dolje, blesani! Je li crna ili bijela, kreteni!
- To uop�e
nismo u�ili. [99]
● ● ●
Broj Jedan: Stojimo ovdje dva sata i o�ekujemo neke
suvisle melodije, ali ni�ta ne �ujemo. Ili je to glazba za gluhe? [99]
● ● ●
Tobia: A kraj? �ini se da dolazi prije po�etka.
[99] ● ● ● Umjesto
orkestra nastupa�e samo glasovir! Ja sam pravi as, igrao sam na klaviru
lijevo krilo. Zvali su me Pele Rubinstein! [99] ● ● ● Natpis na
cve�arnici: "Zatvoreno zbog sna" [100] ● ● ● Kom�ija baca
drugom kom�iji ma�ku kroz prozor. - �toooooo?
Koristite bakteriolo�ko oru�je? [100] ● ● ● Kom�ija �to �ivi pored cve�arnice: Nebesa, provalnik! Sigurno mi ho�e ukrasti radio koji sam platio na 7300 mesje�nih otplata! [100] |
● ● ●
Grunf: Motor je na svom mjestu, ali s paljenjem
uvijek problemi. Poku�at �u s ovim svije�icama �to sam ih kupio prije 12 godina
na skladi�tu eksploziva. [100]
● ● ●
Deda Broja Jedan: Unu�e moj najdra�i! Ba� mi je drago �to te
vidim! Koliko stolje�a nismo bili zajedno?
Broj Jedan: Pa, �ini mi se da smo se posljednji put
vidjeli za vrijeme Tre�ega Punskog rata. Ili je to bio drugi? [100]
Punski rat: 218-201. pne; Tre�i Punski rat: 149-146. pne)
● ● ●
Alan: Uvijek sam patio od straha pred zatvorenim prostorom.
Bob: A ja od straha pred strahom. [100]
● ● ●
Jeremija: O, da, da! Odmah se osje�am bolje!
�ef: I ima� svoju uobi�ajenu sivo-zelenu boju. [100]
● Wear
shirt that says "Life". Hand out lemons on street corner.
● Hire
two private investigators. Get them to follow each other.
● Major
in philosophy. Ask people why they would like fries with that.
● Go
into a crowded elevator and say: "I bet you're all wondering why I
gathered you here", with a straight face.
● Make
vanilla pudding. Put in mayonaise jar. Eat in public.
● Become a teacher. Make a test where every answer is "C". Ejoy the show. ● Wait
until someone is about to sneeze. Right before they do, loudly scream
"Pika pika!" ● Run
into a store, ask what year it is. When someone answers, yell: "It
worked!!!" and run out cheering. ● Buy
a horse. Name it "Oscar takes the lead", and enter it in horse
races. ●
Invite someone into your office, turn around in office chair and say:
"I've been expecting you…" ●
Change name to Simon. Speak in third person. ●
Become a doctor. Change last name to Acula. ● Buy
a parrot. Teach the parrot to say: "Help! I've been turned into a
parrot!" ● Follow joggers around in a car blasting "Eye of the tiger" for encouragement. |
� Vi mora da ste iz �kotske ako… (UK/SCO, poglavlje CIII)
5391. Even if you not a huge fan of the "Proclaimers", "Runrig", "Caledonia", "Deacon Blue", "Big Country" etc. you still love it when you're in a club
abroad and they play something Scottish. (you'll probably even ask the DJ to
play it…)
5392. You feel bad if you're not outside on a sunny day.
5393. You know when your friend, colleague etc says "fancy a pint?". It's
never just the one pint, more like at least 4 or 5.
5394. You feel special if you can speak another language in addition to
5395. You are shocked to discover that you can't drink tap water abroad and
must buy bottled water. Also you find water in
5396. You used to get up really early on a Saturday/Sunday to watch cartoons
when you were a kid. You watched Glen Michael's "Cartoon Cavalcade"
on a Sunday afternoon with his sidekick oil lamp called Paladin. You remember
Glen giving Paladin a good hard stroke!
5397. You can quite happily spend a whole day in the pub! 5398. A full English Breakfast is transformed into a
Scottish Breakfast by adding Stornoway black pudding, potato scones, rashers
of fried Ayrshire bacon, fried haggis, dod of fried mushrooms/fried tomatoes,
square sausage and baked beans (just to prove not everything we eat is
fried!). 5400. You have participated in or witnessed people having a
"square go". 5401. You will wait and hold the door for someone 100 metres behind you in
case you cause offence. |
5403. You attempt to use your legal tender Scottish Pound notes in
5404. You are in the
5405. You are in the
5406. There are no lakes, only lochs. (well… apart from
5407. Castles are no big deal and you are oddly fascinated by how excited
tourists get talking about them.
5408. You were given an Oor Wullie or Broons Annual at Christmas.
5409. You have come in from the pub pissed with flatmates and watched an
episode of "Weirs Way" engrossed by a little guy with a bobbly hat walking around