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Nedelja, 28. VII 7532.

Logo Ein Newyddion 488

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Happy birthday!                 Engleski jezik

            Kako izgleda kad vam čestitaju rođendan na FB

4. I oni su bili klinci

            Kviz: Pogodite čija je ovo slika iz mladosti?

6. Mućke

            Odabrani dijalozi iz kultne serije

7. Locirajte se!                       Engleski jezik

            Vi mora da ste iz… ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Australija; 5981-5992)

8. Ove nedelje u bioskopu "Ode on"

              "Igra prestola" (u fazonu "Simpsonovih")

Sačuvajte ovaj broj! Možete od njega da napravite: molersku kapu, brodić, avion koji leti…

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!

Zelena površina


Random friend who wishes you happy birthday way too quickly
Happy birthday!!!

LikeComment – 12:02 am

You like this


Attractive Avatar that you reflexively click on

Happy birthday, also I am super married as you'll find out in a sec!

LikeComment – 8:50 am

You like this


Captain Busy


LikeComment – 9:17 am

Captain Busier likes this and thinks that counts as a birthday wish


Salveta kravata
Jokester who incorporates topical reference

Happy B-day! Hope you don't go hot air ballooning in Mongolia! haha

LikeComment – 9:55 am

You reluctanly like this


Good friend whose inside joke makes you seem like a giant asshole to people who won't get it

Happy birthday! Hopefully that puppy from the other day is still alive!

LikeComment – 10:08 am

You like this real fast so everyone knows it's a joke!


Significant other

Already told you "Happy birthday" this morning, but now I'll do it here so everyone doesn't think something bad happened!

LikeComment – 10:35 am

You like this, obviously


Who the F?

Even I don't know who I am, but Happy birthday!!!!!!!

LikeComment – 10:49 am

You like this because you liked the rest so now it'd be weird not to


Unique Trailblazer

            The Beatles – Birthday


            Birthday by The Beatles.

LikeComment – 11:09 am

You're just on "Like" autopilot at this point


Person with 4940 friends

AUTOREPLY Happy Birthday fellow friend man

LikeComment – 11:30 am

You roll your eyes as you click "Like" and hope that came across


Your one aunt on Facebook

Birthday e-Card you have to click to open and this whole thing displays as one massive blue link to CardTumper: your place for free e-cards that animate super slowly and are weirdly kind of earnest for a giant flash picture of a bumblebee high-fiving a sparrow on a flower surrounded by banner ads 03039494040dkdlxm,w,,

Pečat japanke

LikeComment – 11:51 am

You genuinely like the effort

Co-worker you don't really like

Happy birtday, dripping with impersonal, mindless obligation!

LikeComment – 12:18 am

Right back atcha!


Really close friend you're expecting an awesome inside joke from

happy birthday!

LikeComment – 12:18 am

You like this, I guuuesss


Friend whose whimsy borders on morbid

Happy birtday! Way to not fucking die for another 12 months!

LikeComment – 12:18 am

You liiiike this?


Likeable friend who wants to personalize the message by making it a play on your name

HOPPY birtday, Hopper!

LikeComment – 12:42 am

You get this every year but still like this

Facebook guy who literally can't stop even for today

Happy birthday bud! You should come check out our band tonight at "Slick Willie's" on 7th St. between Broadway and 5th to celebrate! Haha kiiidiiinggggg!!! But if you want to come it's at 9 –

LikeComment – 1:34 pm

Hahahaha, this guy


Person who wants to make an inside joke, but the only detail they know about you is the city you're from

Your sports team sucks but who cares cuz it's your birthday!

LikeComment – 1:59 pm

Hahahaha, this guy



Ovo je slika jedne poznate ličnosti. Vaš zadatak je da pogodite o kome se radi. Rešenje je na poslednjoj strani.

Знаменитости в детстве

Person who actually uses all those little apps and shit

            FRIEND sent you a BIRTDAYSQUISH on SQUISHDISHER.***! Click and enter promo code "birtdazed-and-confused" to earn 50 "SmakerooBucks" at the Squish Store! (PS: if you click this, you'll get spammed so hard…)

LikeComment – 2:34 pm

You like this but are not going near clicking it

Alternating close and obscure friends throughout the day until everyone has chimed in except your 3 "Too cool for Facebook" friends

Happy birtday! / Happy birtday! / Happy birthday, Name!

LikeComment – 9:00 pm

Alternating "Aww, thanks" and "Haha, really? This person? Ok."



Thanks for all the birtday wishes, everyone! Look forward to returning the favor when I see your name in the upper-right on Facebook someday and being like "Oh cook! His/her birtday!"

LikeComment – 9:28 pm


Proizvođači autobusa

Thaaat Guyyyy

Whoa! Didn't notice it was Ur birthday lol… Happy Birtday, man

            The Beatles – Birthday


            Birthday by The Beatles.

LikeComment – 11:49 am

You're glad this is over for another year

New drinking game


          F7 The jolly boys outing

Del (na pijaci): Šta to imamo ovde danas, imamo radio za kola Musta 80, preporučen od strane Najdžela Mensela. Ne, ne, ne, zaista. Ne bih vas zafrkavao sa nečim ovako važnim. Ovo je pravo čudo tehnologije. Ovo nije neko od japanskih ili nemačkih đubradi - ne gospodo. Ovo je napravljeno u Albaniji!


Albert: Kada već govorimo o poklonima za godišnjicu, znam šta ti je Del kupio. Znaš ti mene, neću ništa da kažem. Neću da pokvarim iznenađenje.

Kasandra: Hajde, pokvari ga.

Albert: U redu onda. Radio za kola.

Kasandra: Radio za kola? Već imam radio u kolima.

Del: Imaš li? Onda će to dobro doći Rodniju.

Kasandra: Da, dobro će mu stajati na biciklu...


Marlin: Zdravo, Alberte. Zaboga, to nije još jedna medalja, zar ne?

Albert: Za hrabrost, u Egejskom moru. Bio sam na grčkom trgovačkom brodu kada se iznenada iz mraka pojavio nemački torpedni brod...

Marlin: Ti mora da si se vratio sa više medalja nego ruski olimpijski tim.

 - Kakav je to problem?

- Dođi i pogledaj matorog Harija.

- Šta?

- U redu, Hari, ne brini. Bićeš u redu.

- Pogledaj ga na šta liči. (pijan ko letva)

- A tek je 11 sati.

- Smesti ga na zadnje sedište i pusti ga da spava.

- Da ga smeste na zadnje sedište? On je šofer.

- Oh, prokletstvo!


Triger (pita za Harija): Šta misliš, šta je sa njim?

Majk: Šta mislim...? Trig, rekao bih da je u pitanju snežno slepilo.

Triger: Da? Ja sam mislio da je našljokan.


Del: Televizija je humanizovala ribu.

Rodni: O čemu ti to pričaš?

Del: Počeli su da prestavljaju ribe kao ljude. Prvo ono sa ajkulom, Fliper. Imao je više diploma nego ti.

Kasandra: A kad te je prijavio za takmičenje u slikanju a ti pobedio, u kategoriji do 15 godina.

Autobuska stanica

Rodni: Da, sećam se toga, ali...

Kasandra: A ja sam provela vikend na Majorci praveći se da sam tvoja maćeha.


Rodni (Kasandri, na telefonu): U redu! Slušaj, slažem se da Del može malo da se otrgne kontroli, ali nije fer da kažemo da sve što dodirne uništi! (sekundu kasnije) Kas, jesi li još uvek tu? Upravo nam je eksplodirao autobus.

Del: Rakel... Mogu li da dobijem tvoj autogram?

Rakel: Gubi se!

Del: Ne, zaista tako mislim. Iskreno.

Rakel: Nikada nisam dala autogram.

Del: Lako je. Sve što treba je da napišeš svoje ime... I svoju adresu... I svoj broj telefona...

Del: Zaključano je!

Rodni: Šta? Rekla je da zaključava u 11 sati. Koliko je sada?

Del: 20 do 2. Jednostavno ćemo da pozvonimo.

Rodni: Ne možeš da zvoniš! Gospođa Kresvel (stanodavka) će morati da ustane iz svog kovčega.


Del: Šta ćemo da radimo? Ne možemo da ostanemo ovde do jutra, zar ne?

Rodni: Ako je probudiš, zabiće svoje zube u naše vratove pre nego što kažemo "kolac".


¤        Vi mora da ste iz Australije ako… (AUS, poglavlje CVI)

5981. You think footballers dressing up in drag on TV is funny (but your son being gay isn't).
5982. You have the ability to compress several words into one - ie "g'day" and "d'reckn?". This allows more space for profanities.
5983. You've ever used the words - tops, ripper, sick, mad, rad, sweet - to mean good. And then you place "bloody" in front of it when you really mean it.
5984. You know that we are home to the just about all of the world's deadliest of animals. That's why if anybody messes with us we'll get some funnel webs on their asses.
Autor: Nik Titanik
5985. The private lives of footy and cricket players become more important than local and national news stories.
5986. You say "no worries" quite often, whether you realise it or not.
5987. You know what fairy bread tastes like, and you can't imagine your childhood without it.
5988. You know the first verse to the national anthem, but still don't know what "girt" means. And you're ok with that.
5989. You've drank your tea/coffee/milo through a tim tam.
5990. You know that backyard cricket is a nice way to bond with family and the rubbish bin. And the "one bounce, one hand" rule always applies.
5991. You know that the value of a public holiday is measured in terms of alchohol. God bless the queen and her 4-day birthday.
5992. You see people walking bare-foot on the sidewalk and don't scorn… Because you're doing it too.

Simpsonized game of trones

Rešenje kviza sa četvrte strane: (Airton Sena, 1960-1994)



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