Nedelja, 27. X 7532.
U ovom broju donosimo: 2. Ove
nedelje u bioskopu "Ode on"
Alternativni završetak "Titanika"!!! 2.
sa Fejsbuka 4.
Kviz: I oni su bili klinci!
Pogodite poznatu ličnost 7. Metal
Par činjenica o metalcima
da postoje padeži na jugu Srbije |
se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u", na sajtu
su počele da se
pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje
odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa je lakše da ih postavimo u
tekstualnom obliku.
Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u
komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2], [3]
itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.
[ FB ]
Status: Toliko
sam nežna prema muškarcima koji mi
se sviđaju da oni ne da ne kontaju da mi se sviđaju, nego kontaju da
mi trebaju da istovaramo ugalj.
[ T ]
Status: Whoever said iOS7 waterproofs your
phone... F*ck you!
[ SMS ]
Hey, mom. Matt
and I are done banging. Pick me up now? I'm tired.
Woah! That's
weird... Me and your father just got done banging too! It's a sign! Haha
[ T ]
Status: So, "Dexter" is officially over. Spoiler alert: In the final episode, Dexter's sister DeeDee destroys his laboratory.
[ FB ] Status: Where to buy chicken casserole
supplies [2]: Dad, this is "Facebook", not
"Google". Try again. [1]: Where to buy chicken casserole
supplies [2]: Dad, no. [1]: Where to buy supplies for
casserole [2]: WTF! Are you serious? [1]: Chicken casserole supply store [2]: Fiesta Mart, 8130 Kirby Drive [ SMS ] - Ljubavi, ajde
večeras da skačemo po krevetu. - Zašto? - Pa da komšije
misle da vodimo ljubav. - Ajde ti malo
lupaj kašikom o tanjir. - Zašto? - Pa da komšije
pomisle da sam ti dala da jedeš. |
![]() |
Love you, Josh
Go to hell,
John! I meant
John! Autocorrect sucks...
Oh, OK sweetie.
Love you!
OMG Kassie, I
just texted John saying I love Josh... I told him it was autocorrect.
He bought
it! Hahaha
As I was
saying: go to hell, bitch!
[ FB ] Status: Why it isn't it called New Paris,
France? The one in Texas was there first! (misli
na grad Pariz, ali u Teksasu) [2]:
Please, just jump off a cliff
[ FB ] Status: Okay, serious question: What's all
this government shutting down business? I notice no difference... [2]:
They say it shutdown, but has anyone tried turning it off and back on
again? [3]:
Yeah, government. Take out the battery out and put it back in. [4]:
Unplug the cord from the wall, wait 2 minutes, then plug it back in. [5]:
Are they donwloading a new patch or something? [6]:
Well, it is Tuesday. Servers are just down for maintenance, America.
Calm down. |
[ T ]
Status: I'm sick of the US government! I'm moving to California! F*ck the US!
[ FB ] Status: It's cute how you swear because
you don't have a vocabulary. [2]:
That's a f*cking farcical and errorneous
[ FB ] Status: Lif is too short.
[ SMS ] - Medo,
hoćeš li mi kupiti one čizmice od 500€ što smo videli sinoć? :* - Mačkice,
je l' si ti čula šta se nosi ovih dana? - Šta, medo moj
mali? :*
[ FB ] Status: There is so much excitement in
this house... It's Alex's 3rd birthday party
and Jack can't wait! [2]:
Happy birthday, Jack [1]: Close [ FB ] Status: Oh my god! I just found out "Titanic" actually happened and isn't just a film!!! |
![]() |
[ FB ]
Status: Call me ASAP! (As Soon As Possible = Što je pre
[2]: Hey, ASAP, how are you?
[2]: Dumbass
[ FB ] Status: I've just heard three gunshots
outside the apartment... [2]: Sorry. I'll stop flexing.
[ T ] Status: Satan is coming for you!!! [2]: Oh, shoot! I gotta clean up the place. I
didn't expect company.
[ FB ] Status: Who the f*ck measures in
"microinches"? [2]: Your girlfriend.
[ T ] Status: Someone just tried to convince me
that the government has shut down...
Haha, people are idiots. Just saw a cop car literally today...
[ FB ] Chat: - Ćaos. Može
pitanje? - Može. - Možeš da mi daš
tvoju email i tvoju šifru fejsa, da igram neku igricu. Kod mene sam sve
odigrala. - Može: - Šifra? -
daljemogucedasitolikoglupa - Ne mogu da
[ FB ] Status: "She who leaves a trail of glitter
is never forgotten" [2]: But I bet the people who have to clean
that up are pissed.
[ FB ] Status: The government shutdown reminds me of when I played N64 as a kid and my friend would press the "Reset" button whenever he would start to lose.
[ FB ] Status: My farents have been married for
27 years today. No big deal. [2]: 27 years of marital bliss. 19 years of
disappointment with a daughter who can't spell "Parents" |
[ FB ]
Status: Moj bivši je komunalac! Haha xD
[1]: Kupi smeće. :)
[2]: A bio je tvoj bivši...
[1]: Davno! :D
[1]: Hahah :D Da, da
[ FB ]
Status: So my "Google" isn't working.
Like, the webpage is down or
something. Everything else works. This is really freaking me out. [1]: I can't figure out what's wrong because
I can't google out why my "Google" isn't working!
[ FB ] Status: I step on a little spider
(eurggh), then after being "dead" for
10 seconds, it gets up and starts walking again! Do these uglies not
die? [2]: No, but they remember those who harm
them. [3]: That was a zombie spider.
[ FB ] Status: Does anyone have an extra
"Microsoft office" suite pass key? I'm
getting tired of "Open office" [2]: L3RN-1HOW-2-BOO7-L3G (learn how to boot leg) [1]: That didn't work [2]: URA-1D10T-4-7RY-ING (you
are idiot for trying)
[ T ] [1]: I made a typo. He is deaf, not dead! A dead man is not driving me around Sydney!
[ FB ] Status: How on God's green earth did I
suddenly got a social life? [2]:
New cologne? [3]:
Fairies [4]:
Spontaneous generations [5]: Alternate universe? [6]: Aliens [7]: 42 |
![]() |
[ SMS ]
- Mom, where are
- Leaving
"Walmart". Halfway home. Why, sweetie?
- You brought me
to "Walmart" with you -.-
[ SMS ]
I'm watching a
What movie?
It's about a
mans wife who is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is
physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events, his son is kidnapped
and the
dad has to track and chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the
help of
mentally disabled woman.
Oh, wos!
"Finding Nemo"
[ FB ]
Status: I like my men how I like my
[2]: Tall, white and slightly airheaded?
[1]: Ground up and in the fridge
[2]: To go?
[1]: Picked up from "Starbucks"?
[1]: Slow-roasted!
I don't even... With whipped cream and
chocolate sauce
[1]: Kept in glass jars
An airtight container for the good stuff
Skinny and weak?
[1]: Mug
A mug? Or a mugger? Or mugged?
[1]: We're missing the point. There's only one way. Irish.
Nominativ: Kuj? Kvo?
Od kuga? Od kakvo?
Instrumental: S kuga? S koe?
Rešenje kviza sa
četvrte strane: Šer (Šerilin
Sarkisijan, 1946)