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Nedelja, 27. X 7532.

Logo Leteći bumbar #501

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Ove nedelje u bioskopu "Ode on"

            Alternativni završetak "Titanika"!!!

2. Fejs-bruk!               Engleski jezik

            Smejurije sa Fejsbuka

4. Kviz: I oni su bili klinci!

            Pogodite poznatu ličnost

7. Metal people          Engleski jezik

            Par činjenica o metalcima

8. Južnjački padeži

            Dokaz da postoje padeži na jugu Srbije

Sačuvajte ovaj broj! Možete od njega da napravite: molersku kapu, brodić, avion koji leti…

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!


djevojcica kredit



Slovo Pošto se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u",  na sajtu su  počele da se pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa  je lakše da ih postavimo u tekstualnom obliku. Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2][3] itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.


            [ FB ]

Status: Toliko sam nežna prema muškarcima koji mi se sviđaju da oni ne da ne kontaju da mi se sviđaju, nego kontaju da mi trebaju da istovaramo ugalj.

            [ T ]

Status: Whoever said iOS7 waterproofs your phone... F*ck you!

            [ SMS ]

- Hey, mom. Matt and I are done banging. Pick me up now? I'm tired.

- Woah! That's weird... Me and your father just got done banging too! It's a sign! Haha

Zombijana crta Twitter

- Ah, sh*t! I meant "done hanging"... Wait, what? O.o

- 30 bucks this never happened

- Deal!

            [ FB ]

Status: Three simple rules:

1. If you don't go after what you want, you will never have it.

2. If you don't ask, the answer will always be a "no".

3. If you don't step forward, you will always be on the same place.

[2] (mama): 4. If you don't get off "Facebook" and go to bed, you will get in trouble.

            [ T ]

Status: My girlfriend found lipstick in my pocket. I told her straight up I was cheating. There was no way I was going to confess I sell "Avon"!

            [ FB ]

Status: Halloween costume suggestions?

[2]: Tell people you're going as "Half life 3", then don't show up to the parties.

            [ T ]

Status: Is there two different GTA? Because I'm seeing some ppl say "GTAV" and some ppl saying "GTA5".

            [ T ]

Status: So, "Dexter" is officially over. Spoiler alert: In the final episode, Dexter's sister DeeDee destroys his laboratory.

            [ FB ]

Status: Where to buy chicken casserole supplies

[2]: Dad, this is "Facebook", not "Google". Try again.

[1]: Where to buy chicken casserole supplies

[2]: Dad, no.

[1]: Where to buy supplies for chicken casserole

[2]: WTF! Are you serious?

[1]: Chicken casserole supply store

[2]: Fiesta Mart, 8130 Kirby Drive

            [ SMS ]

- Ljubavi, ajde večeras da skačemo po krevetu.

- Zašto?

- Pa da komšije misle da vodimo ljubav.

- Ajde ti malo lupaj kašikom o tanjir.

- Zašto?

- Pa da komšije pomisle da sam ti dala da jedeš.

            [ SMS ]

- Love you, Josh

- Go to hell, bitch!

- John! I meant John! Autocorrect sucks...

- Oh, OK sweetie. Love you!

- OMG Kassie, I just texted John saying I love Josh... I told him it was autocorrect. He bought it! Hahaha

- As I was saying: go to hell, bitch!

            [ FB ]

Status: Why it isn't it called New Paris, France? The one in Texas was there first! (misli na grad Pariz, ali u Teksasu)

[2]: Please, just jump off a cliff

            [ FB ]

Status: Okay, serious question: What's all this government shutting down business? I notice no difference...

[2]: They say it shutdown, but has anyone tried turning it off and back on again?

[3]: Yeah, government. Take out the battery out and put it back in.

[4]: Unplug the cord from the wall, wait 2 minutes, then plug it back in.

[5]: Are they donwloading a new patch or something?

[6]: Well, it is Tuesday. Servers are just down for maintenance, America. Calm down.


 Ovo je slika jedne poznate ličnosti. Vaš zadatak je da pogodite o kome se radi. Rešenje je na poslednjoj strani.

Zagonetna ličnost

            [ T ]

Status: I'm sick of the US government! I'm moving to California! F*ck the US!

            [ FB ]

Status: It's cute how you swear because you don't have a vocabulary.

[2]: That's a f*cking farcical and errorneous assertion!

            [ FB ]

Status: Lif is too short.

[2]: It's a little longer if you spell it correctly ;)

            [ SMS ]

- Medo, hoćeš li mi kupiti one čizmice od 500€ što smo videli sinoć? :*

- Mačkice, je l' si ti čula šta se nosi ovih dana?

- Šta, medo moj mali? :*

- Nosi se u p*čku materinu!

            [ FB ]

Status: There is so much excitement in this house... It's Alex's 3rd birthday party and Jack can't wait!

[2]: Happy birthday, Jack

[1]: Close

            [ FB ]

Status: Oh my god! I just found out "Titanic" actually happened and isn't just a film!!!

            [ FB ]

Status: Call me ASAP! (As Soon As Possible = Što je pre moguće)

[2]: Hey, ASAP, how are you?

[2]: Dumbass

Obama album

            [ FB ]

Status: I've just heard three gunshots outside the apartment...

[2]: Sorry. I'll stop flexing.

            [ T ]

Status: Satan is coming for you!!!

[2]: Oh, shoot! I gotta clean up the place. I didn't expect company.

            [ FB ]

Status: Who the f*ck measures in "microinches"?

[2]: Your girlfriend.

            [ T ]

Status: Someone just tried to convince me that the government has shut down... Haha, people are idiots. Just saw a cop car literally today...

            [ FB ]


- Ćaos. Može pitanje?

- Može.

- Možeš da mi daš tvoju email i tvoju šifru fejsa, da igram neku igricu. Kod mene sam sve odigrala.

- Može:

- Šifra?

- daljemogucedasitolikoglupa

- Ne mogu da uđem

            [ FB ]

Status: "She who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten"

[2]: But I bet the people who have to clean that up are pissed.

            [ FB ]

Status: The government shutdown reminds me of when I played N64 as a kid and my friend would press the "Reset" button whenever he would start to lose.

            [ FB ]

Status: My farents have been married for 27 years today. No big deal.

[2]: 27 years of marital bliss. 19 years of disappointment with a daughter who can't spell "Parents"

            [ FB ]

Status: Moj bivši je komunalac! Haha xD

[1]: Kupi smeće. :)

[2]: A bio je tvoj bivši...

[1]: Davno! :D

[2]: A kupi smeće :D

[1]: Hahah :D Da, da

[2]: Pa gdje te pokupi? :D
            [ FB ]

Status: So my "Google" isn't working. Like, the webpage is down or something. Everything else works. This is really freaking me out.

[1]: I can't figure out what's wrong because I can't google out why my "Google" isn't working!

            [ FB ]

Status: I step on a little spider (eurggh), then after being "dead" for 10 seconds, it gets up and starts walking again! Do these uglies not die?

[2]: No, but they remember those who harm them.

[3]: That was a zombie spider.

            [ FB ]

Status: Does anyone have an extra "Microsoft office" suite pass key? I'm getting tired of "Open office"

[2]: L3RN-1HOW-2-BOO7-L3G (learn how to boot leg)

[1]: That didn't work

[2]: URA-1D10T-4-7RY-ING (you are idiot for trying)

[1]: That one didn't work either! You are the worse hacker ever, especially for an Asian guy!

            [ T ]

Status: My taxi driver is dead but keeps insisting on having lengthy conversations with me and is getting very frustrated when he can't hear me.

[1]: I made a typo. He is deaf, not dead! A dead man is not driving me around Sydney!

            [ FB ]

Status: How on God's green earth did I suddenly got a social life?

[2]: New cologne?

[3]: Fairies

[4]: Spontaneous generations

[5]: Alternate universe?

[6]: Aliens

[7]: 42

[8]: A wormhole was opened, creating a tangent universe.

            [ SMS ]

- Mom, where are you???

- Leaving "Walmart". Halfway home. Why, sweetie?

- You brought me to "Walmart" with you -.-

- Oh, darn! Be there in a bit!

            [ FB ]

Status: America is honestly a disappointment. I'd rather live in Iceland. I mean, sure no one lives there, but it's better than this place we call "home".

[2]: By no one, you mean other than the 319.000 people there, right?

[1]: That's lower than California's population. So yeah – no one.

[2]: Yeah. Like, how no one lives in your house, because the population of your house being less than California's means that you have effectively called yourself no one. Cool.

            [ FB ]

Status: What does "BRB" mean?

[2]: be right back

[1]: Okay. Will you tell me when you come back?

            [ SMS ]

- I definitely feel like you hate me.

- I hate everyone, so you shouldn't take it personally.

            [ SMS ]

- I'm watching a movie

- What movie?

- It's about a mans wife who is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events, his son is kidnapped and the dad has to track and chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of mentally disabled woman.

- Oh, wos!

- It's "Finding Nemo"

            [ FB ]

Status: I like my men how I like my coffee...

[2]: Tall, white and slightly airheaded?

[1]: Ground up and in the fridge

[2]: To go?

[1]: Picked up from "Starbucks"?

[2]: Italian!

[1]: Slow-roasted!

[2]: I don't even... With whipped cream and chocolate sauce

[1]: Kept in glass jars

[2]: An airtight container for the good stuff

[2]: Skinny and weak?

[1]: Mug

[2]: A mug? Or a mugger? Or mugged?

[1]: We're missing the point. There's only one way. Irish.


Nominativ:        Kuj? Kvo?

Genitiv:             Od kuga? Od kakvo?
Dativ:               Na kuga? Na kakvo?
Akuzativ:          Kuj? Koeeee?
Vokativ:           Ti be amzooooo!
Instrumental:     S kuga? S koe?
Lokativ:            Kuj? S koe? Kude?

Spavanje sa mačkom

Rešenje kviza sa četvrte strane: Šer (Šerilin Sarkisijan, 1946)



Prethodni brojArxiwaFejsbuk stranicaMarketingGlavna stranicaSledeći broj