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Nedelja, 15. XII 7532.

Logo Leteći bumbar No.508 i No.509

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Reč uredništva

            Objašnjenje zbog čega dvobroj.

2. Fejs-bruk!                           Engleski jezik

            Smejurije sa Fejsbuka

3. Mrkijev kutak

            U sklopu "Fejsbruka"

4. Špigl - dvojnici poznatih

            Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti

5. Pismo deda Mrazu             Engleski jezik

            Apsolutni prvak za ovu godinu!!!

7. Kako ostati kreativan

            29 načina

8. Pismo deda Mrazu              Engleski jezik

            Drugoplasirano pismo

Sačuvajte ovaj broj! Možete od njega da napravite: molersku kapu, brodić, avion koji leti…

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!

Deda Mraz i vuk


Slowo Pošto od ponedeljka neću imati internet, moraću da ovaj broj postavim kao dvobroj. Naredni broj će izaći
 redovno – 29. XII. Pošto sadrži samo kalendar za narednu godinu odavno je postavljen na websajtu  (možete ga videti ovde), a čitaoci koji časopis dobijaju na mejl ("prvo izdanje"), će ga dobiti na vreme pošto ću do tada već regulisati ovaj problem sa netom.

            Eto zašto smo godinu pisali po "slovenskom" brojanju vremena, a ne standardno! Vidite da sam bio u pravu! Ua, neverne Tome!

            Elem, zbog te peripetije sam morao i da pomerim početak novogodišnjih brojeva (ove zime će ih biti 4). Nadam se da vam se dopada novi dizajn "glave lista", tj. naslov časopisa. Nije velika razlika, ali smo slično pripremili i za Valentinovo i za Samhain.

            No, pošto neće biti sledećeg broja do 29-og, svim čitaocima rimokatoličke veroispovesti redakcija želi srećan Božić!!!

Vaš urednik


Slowo Pošto se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u", na sajtu su  počele da se pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa  je lakše da ih postavimo u tekstualnom obliku. Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1][2][3] itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.

Planeta Saruman

            [ FB ]

Status: Can anyone tell me a good reason not to be a Vegetarian? I am seriously interested in good reasons against vegetarianism.

[2]: Meat.

            [ FB ]

Status: Happy birthday uncle Lee! Have a great day!

[2]: Did you know he passed last year?

            [ FB ]


            [ FB ]

Status: I'm belatedly realising that all the guys in the laundry room heard from my phone conversation with my boss regardin the location of a patient's X-rays was: "She was in a wheelchair, right? That's why we coudn't shoot her"

            [ FB ]

Status: 30 white horses on a red hill. First they chomp, then they stomp, then they stand still. What are they?

[2]: Teeth

[1]: No, you idiot! They're horses! I literally just told you that!

            [ FB ]

Status: Question for the Day: What scam have you fallen for?

[2]: Marriage

            [ FB ]

Status: Is there any thing that dies so beautifully as the leaves of a New England autumn?

[2]: My enemies.

            [ FB ]

Status: So, when guys have sleepovers, do they sleep in the same bed orrrrr...?



Marina Lovrić-Merzel  Japanska buba


- Same pants?

- Pillow fights too.

- And then we talk about all the cute girls at school.

- Then we do each others hair

- Then we give each other manicures

- Then we have a gun show

- Then we get hammed and play CoD

- All while we're naked ^^

- And we prank phone call the girls we like

- And we cry because we think we're fat

            [ SMS ]            Od čitateljke

- Što si ti zaboravio sestru???

- Uh, j*bote, pa ja imam sestru! Ni na kraj mi pameti!

- Dobila sam na lotou.

- Pa gdje je moja prelijepa, predobra, sve najnaj sestrica?

- Hahahahahahaha

            [ FB ]

Status: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put "U" and "I" together. ♥
Majca za bebu

[2]: I don't need to rearrange the alphabet because "N" and "O" are already together.

            [ T ]

Status: Is it just me or does Beyonce looks like that girl from "Destiny's child"? Just an older version.

            [ FB ]

Status: Jest malo morgen zabranjeno! Djeca puše na javnim mjestima, po parkovima... Ako to smatrate zabranjenim, onda stvarno ne znam gdje živimo... Najgore je što djeca od 15 godina puše i to u sred grada... Gdje im je odgoj? Roditelji ne vode brigu o djeci i onda kasnije krive škole za to...

(ovo je komentar na članak "Zabranjeno pušenje nakon 10 godina u Tuzli")

[2]: Hahaha! Čombe jedan! Ovo je bend "Zabranjeno pušenje"!


            [ FB ]

Status: I scream internally.

[2]: I scream intentionally.

[3]: I screakm internationally.

[4]: I scream initially.

[5]: I scream for ice cream.

            [ SMS ]

- Ooo, momak. Evo ja stigo da se javim. Šta ima kod vas? Kako ide škola? Kad ćeš doć' na rakiju? Pozdravi sve.

- A ko si ti? Da nisi možda pogriješio broj? :D

- Jesam. Izvini.

- Nema veze, al' doću ja na rakiju. hahahah

            [ T ]

Status: Somebody tried to tell me there was 50 states in America. Nuh-uh! Cause, the scientist found out that Pluto don't exist. We got 49, dumbass.

            [ FB ]

Status: Tonight my daughter said something to me that I didn't think was the most polite, so I told her she needed to say it again in a nicer way.

She repeated it with a British accent.

            [ FB ]

Status: This is Adam's father. We are letting his friends now that his Facebook will be deleted. He

decided to "borrow" our credit cards and buy $300.000 worth of useless land in the Sahara desert. Adam will no longer be allowed to contact any of his friends for the next year so please do not try to contact him.

            [ SMS ]

- Jesi li ga dodala na Fejsu?

- Jeste, pa mene na groblje da doda njegova žena!

Buy me a coffee

            [ SMS ]

- Što me nikada ne vodiš na skupa mesta?

- Nisam znao da želiš... Ajde, obuci se. Vodim te na skupo mesto.

- Aaaaaa, a gde idemo?

- Na benzinsku pumpu, ljubavi!

            [ SMS ]

- Zdravko, zašto si otišo od mene kući? A samo smo 3 puta vodili ljubav!

- Pa jbg umorio sam se, a i moram ustat za 3 sata. Na posao idem...

- Zdravko, šta se dogodilo? Ti mene ne voliš više?

- Desilo se da smo se j*bali 389 puta za mjesec. Smršo sam 11kg. Stara misli da se drogiram...

            [ SMS ]

- Some asshole changed the names on my phone. Who are you?

- What's my name on your phone?

- Batman

- Bad ass.

- So, who are you?

- I am Batman.

- -_-

            [ FB ]

Status: I suppose we define "becoming an adult" not by our age in numbers, but the way we think, act and behave.

            Myself, for example, just found a packet of "Tic-tacs" in my pocket. A packet that I've had for 3 days. A packet that's still not empty.

            Hello adulthood!

            [ T ]

Status: RIP Nelson Mandela. Tvoje ću filmove pamtiti do kraja života...

(verovatno ste videli ovu sliku, ali to je ipak montaža prišivena Avi Karabatić i još nekima)

            [ FB ]

Status: My dad says he's not gay, but there's no proof that he's ever had sex with a woman.

Prirodni frižider
            [ FB ]

Status: Warning about online bying! Be careful what you buy online!

I just spent $450 on a penis enlarger. The bastards sent me a magnifying glass!!!

The only instructions said: "Do not use in sunlight"

            [ FB ]


- Ćao. Odakle si?

- E, to je tajna :P

(a ispod te rečenice piše: Sent from Smederevo, Srbija)

            [ SMS ]

- Srećan rođendan, ljubavi!!! ♥

- Hvala, dragi. A šta si mi kupio? Hihihi ♥

- Sećaš se onog roze mercedesa kojeg jako želiš?

- Jaoooooo!!!! Vrištim od sreće!!!! ♥

- Pa, kupio sam ti kecelju u toj boji.

            [ T ]

Kanye West: "I am the next Nelson Mandela"

[2]:  One can only hope he goes to prison for at least 27 years as well.


            Iako na prvi pogled ovaj članak nema veze sa Novogodišnjim praznicima, ipak će dobro doći kad treba ukrasiti kuću ili odabrati poklone.

1. Make lists

2. Carry a notebook everywhere

3. Try free writing

4. Get away from the computer

5. Quit beating yourself up

6. Take breaks

7. Sing in the shower

8. Drink coffee

9. Listen to new music

10. Be open

11. Surround yourself with creative people

12. Get feedback

13. Collaborate

14. Don't give up

15. Practice, practice, practice

16. Allow yourself to make mistakes

17. Go somewhere new

18. Count your blessings

19. Get lots of rest

20. Take risks

21. Break the rules

22. Don't force it.

23. Read a page of the dictionary

24. Create a framework

25. Stop trying to be someone else's perfect

Uradi sam - kamin

26. Got an idea? Write it down!

27. Clean your workspace

28. Have fun

29. Finish something




Prethodni brojArxiwaFejsbuk stranicaMarketingGlavna stranicaSledeći broj