Nedelja, 4. V
U ovom broju donosimo: 2.
sa Fejsbuka 3. Tagulator
Najbolje fore i doskočice sa newsgrupa (bez cenzure
i bez reda)
Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti |
se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u", na sajtu
su počele da se
pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje
odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa je lakše da ih postavimo u
tekstualnom obliku.
Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u
komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2], [3]
itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.
Oznake za izvor: [ FB ] Fejsbuk; [ T ] Twitter; [ MT ] Sa FB grupe "Mudrolije sa Twittera"; [ I ] sajt
[ T ] Status: Mario kart's "The closer to 1st
place you are, the less useful
power-ups you get" system is an ideal model for how our economy should
[ FB ] Status: Ever notice werewolves and women
both turn into monsters once a month? [2]:
Do you enjoy being single? [1]:
I must... (not really)
[ FB ] Status: It's really weird going to college
for 9 months and coming home for 4. Just
saying. [2]:
Considering there is 12 months in a
year, that's very weird. Status: I hate hipsters. Their smug faces, vegan diet, tiny feet & sawdust bedding. No, wait! Hamsters! I hate hamsters!
[ Yahoo Answers ] Q: What is a good age to loose ur
verginity? |
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Status: I hate that sad moment when the
lights in the tanning bed turn off after a
nice warm nap.
[2]: Tanning beds cause cancer.
[1]: I quit smoking. I feel like it's
a fair
[2]: Fair enough.
[ FB ]
Razgovor između sina i majke:
Mom, would you
PLEASE just install "Chrome"?
Exorcizamus te,
omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio
adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, draco
Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus audi
- Did you just exorcise "Internet explorer"???
[ FB ]
Status: When a woman is attracted to man,
she speaks in a higher pitch than normal.
[2]: That explains why every girl I
talk to
sounds like f**king Batman.
[ MT ]
Status: Ko izmisli nedostajanje, pamet mu
nedostajala! (@sponzorka, )
[ MT ]
Status: Po koji put idem do kuhinje da
vidim da li ima nešto slatko iako znam da
nema. Možda se nešto stvorilo – šta ja znam! (@ElPulchino)
[ T ] Status: O, je*em ti semafor na
bogosloviji! 17 Cigana nam opere auto, promeni gume,
otpeva 3 pesme Ljube Aličića i proda dete pa se onda tek upali
zeleno! (@bracajzla)
[ FB ] Status: It makes my heart smile when two
ugly people find each other and fall in
love. [2]:
So, who's the lucky guy?
[ FB ] Status: Zaljubila sam se u muža na prvi
pogled. Bio je lepo građen i samo je
ćutao. Tada nisam znala da nije mogao istovremeno da priča i da
uvlači stomak.
[ T ] Status: I don't understand why people
always say that the "Mona Lisa" is
Leonardo da Vinci's best work. I really liked his role in "Titanic". |
Status: Prodere se čovek sa fantomkom u
busu: "Ovo je pljačka! Da se
niko nije pomerio!", a čuje se sa druge strane busa: "Idi u
k*rac! Ja mislio kontrola!"
[ MT ]
Status: Da sam voditelj jutarnjeg programa
gledali biste me kako spavam
[ MT ]
Status: Kupi proteine, kreatine i
istetovira se da bi se tripovao da je opasan.
Onda izađe u grad i dobije batine od konobarice. (@milovsat)
[ MT ]
Status: Ljubav je kao malezijski avion – i
tako nestane bez objašnjenja.
[ I ]
Status: Dijabetičar sam i imam drugove
koji me zovu "Šećer" i
stalno kad igramo fudbal i počne da pada kiša, oni me iznose sa terena
se ne "istopim".
[ I ]
Status: Juče sam kupio plavu posteljinu
kod Kineza i jutros sam se probudio
kao avatar...
[ MT ]
Status: Odgledao "Paklene ulice 6",
naložio se, seo u auto, stavio
naočare, zvoni mi mob. Rek'o: "Talk to me!". Kaže keva:
"Kupi 3kg luka i pokupi babu usput" (@dje_ces_stani)
[ MT ]
Status: Starleta je osoba koja je poznata
iz nepoznatih razloga. (@Purple____Girl)
[ MT ]
Status: Ekskluzivno! Nakon što je iskoristio avion za tajnu akciju hapšenja Darka Šarića, Vučić vratio avion Maleziji! (@sloba_milosevic)
[ T ] Status: If your grave doesn't say "rest in
peace" on it, you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war.
[ FB ] Status: I was in a serious relationship
once. We never ever smiled.
[ T ] Music isn't about the fokin "drop"... What the fok
is a drop? Stop saying that word – just enjoy music! (@Skrillex)
[ T ] Status: 99 little bugs in the code 99 little bugs in the code! Take one down, patch it around. 117 little bugs in the code... (@irqed) |
[ MT ]
[ MT ]
Status: Ajde da poradimo malo na tvojoj
lepoti. Ti idi šminkaj se, a ja ću da
se napijem.
[ MT ]
horoskop: "U vezi vam je jako lepo". U vezi čega??? (@Blejzova)
[ FB ]
Status: That moment when your roommate has
been chatting with a girl from a dating
website and making plans to meet her. When he looks up and asks: "What
a transsexual?"
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[2]: So, how did he take the news?
[ FB ] Sa grupe "Neverovali ili da": U Argentini postoji radio stanica
koja se uživo
emituje iz mentalne institucije u Buenos Airesu, a osnovni program ove
su intervjui sa pacijentima. Stanica se zapravo zvoe "Ludi radio" i
svakodnevno je prati oko 12 miliona ljudi. [2]:
Kod nas postoji "Pink". Isto
to emituju.
[ MT ] Imam ukupno tri
emocije, a to su: gladna sam, spava mi se i trebaju mi pare.
[ FB ] Status: Pitam babu "Je l' ima nešto gazirano?", a ona mi kaže "Ima pudinga"... O, krv ti jebem! Vrati se u poke-loptu, hobitu jedan retardirani!
[ T ] Status: "Pa bolje me ubij i baci u Savu da
me podmornica izgazi i posle som
pojede nego što ću raditi kod privatnika!" Dragan J. Torbica
[ FB ] Status: Kupili smo novi usisivač, i toliko
je jak, kad smo krenuli da
usisavamo, kontam da su se ovi što sede ispod u piceriji, zalepili za
plafon! |
Status: Nemam sitno. Imam žvake od prošlog
kusura. Može? – Imperija uzvraća
udarac! (@bloodney)
[ T ]
Status: UK – We call it Autumn, from the
French word "autompne" and
later, the Latin "autumnus"
– We call it
"fall" because leaf fall down (@Turbo_Jimmy)
[ FB ]
In Norwegian,
you don't refer to your romantic partner as a "boyfriend" or
"girlfriend". You say "kjæreste", which is gender neutral
and literally translates to "the
And in Swedish
you refer to your boyfriend/girlfriend by saying "älskling" which
translates into "my beloved one".
And in Finnish
we say "mulkvisti" which means "one I don't hate as much as the
[ T ]
Status: If a tree falls in the forest and
no one is around to hear it, then have we
found the perfect location for a "Nickelback" concert?
[ FB ]
Status: Loosing friends is the worst thing
in the world to me. I love my friends,
and to lose one cuts deeply.
[2]: Have you looked under the couch
[ MT ] Status: Statistika: 50% mladih u Srbiji vidi bolju budućnost. Druga polovina nema para da kupi drogu. (Milić Vukašinović, @Militch)
[ FB ] [1] =>
Jessie J Poruka: I've just downloaded your song
"Price tag" illegaly – free. I'm
sure you won't mind. It's not always about the money. (zadnja
rečenica je refren i poruka pesme)
[ FB ] Status: Watching "The Titanic". Such a
beautiful movie, it always gets
me. Makes me wanna go on a cruise like that one day. :)
[ T ] Status: I'm at that awkward age where half
of my friends are engaged and having
babies and the other half are too drunk to even find their phones.
[ SMS ] - R U Indian? - I'm Korean. - East or west?
[ SMS ] - What R U doing? - Finishing a paper. And by finishing I mean half way. And by half way, I mean starting right now. And by right now I mean in an hour when I realize I have to pass the class...
[ ? ] Status: In Germany we don't say "let me hug you" – we say "lass mich deine seele dem herrscher der finsternis opfern" which translates to "I never want to let you go" and I think that's beautiful. "Google
Daj mi tvoju dušu da je žrtvujem gospodaru tame. |
Status: Zimi nemam dečka zato što imam
previše slojeva odeće na sebi, pa
niko neće da se muči, a za leto još nisam smislila izgovor...
(Živčana Volonterka, @Smajlisha)
[ MT ]
Status: Vi što padate, ustajete i nikad ne
odustajete – ajd' malo u stranu, da mož'
da se prođe (Incognita, @Incognitalva)
[ T ]
Status: Da i ja kobajagi razrešim
misteriju: Jozef K. se preziva Krstić. Znate
ono: "Ja sam ja – Jozef K. – prezivam se Krstić" (kafka,
[ MT ]
Status: U davna vremena omiljeni sport mi
je bio snimanje kasetofonom sa TV-a. A
onda mama uđe i pita: "Šta ćeš da jedeš?" i zaj*be snimak.
(Doktor; @okanovic_dusan)
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[ FB ] Status: Does anyone know how I can find a
document on my MAC that I did not save?
[ MT ] Status: Znaju žene
vrlo dobro šta hoće, samo to nisi ti. (@Iz_Zadnje_Klupe)
[ MT ] Status: Razlozi da se zaljubiš u mene: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ko Boga te molim!
[Twitter] Status: Počinila sam samougojstvo. (Van Der Va; @VanDosevic) [ FB ] Status: I want my first daughter to be a
girl. |
[ FB ]
Status: I sure am missing my kids so much
and my pets… Missing the home life…
Trying not to feel sad today…
[2]: CoD has better plans (CoD = Call of Duty)
[ MT ]
Status: Žene vole jednostavne stvari tipa
da im čitaš misli. (Maharaja;
[ I ]
Status: Često imam veliku želju da ispod
nekih statusa na FB napišem:
"Aj' ne s*ri!"
[ T ]
We live in a world
where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity
Um, OK, but I
don't recall my virginity having 16GB of memory with all my contacts,
photos, calendars and apps or costing over $200
[ MT ]
Status: Kako to misliš da odustaneš? Da li
ej Rubi odustala kada je propala kroz
staklo i osakatila se, a Alehandro oženio ćopavu Maribel? Nikada!
[ MT ]
Status: Jednog dana ću se svemu ovome
smijati. Pitanje je samo da li će
to biti smijanje na jahti ili u ludačkoj košulji. (TheArabian;
[ FB ] Status: Can anyone tell me what the history test will be about? [1]: The past [2]: F*ck off!
[ ? ] Chat: - Got boobs? - I do. - Nice. What
size? - B cup - Cool! You happy
with 'em? - Not really - How come? - I'm a guy |
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[ T ]
Status: If you're in a relationship and
all you do is cry everyday, you need to
stop and ask yourself: "Am I dating a human or an onion?" (Jessica
Kate Plummer, @Neon_Jess)
[ FB ] Status: Very strange day... LOL [2]: Please
tell dad aunty Doreen died.
[ MT ] Status: Malezijski avion će se na kraju
pojaviti na nekom auto-placu u Šapcu
sa uredno pređenih 150.000km, prvi vlasnik, baba ga vozila.
@AleksandarDgr8) Status: Problem ovog društva je to što
problemi ovog društva govore šta je problem
ovog društva. (Lolakova; @Lolistichar)
[ MT ] Status: Ako je Spajdermena ujeo pauk, mene je lenjivac. (Kavaljer; @Zgranut)
[ MT ] |
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