Nedelja, 31. VIII 2014.
U ovom broju donosimo:
Najgore odabrani nazivi bendova
Foto-feljton: dvojnici
poznatih ličnosti
Iz arhiva jedne newsgrupe 8. Rent-a-momak |
know that
phrase your mom taught you, "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Well, covers are a great
way to judge books. If you
look at a book with Ann Coulter on the cover,
for example, you know right up
that you're better off jacking off with sriracha as lube than wasting
second reading even a single word of her deliberately abhorrent
horseshit about
how liberals eat babies. Same goes for band names. If a band can't come
up with
a good name for themselves, it's a pretty good indicator that they
can't make
music worth a damn either. Here are a few classic ways in which people
their band names:
names that
start with "I/we":
We butter the bread with butter;
I am the avalanche;
We are the in crowd;
I set my friends on fire;
We were promised jetpacks;
I killed the prom queen;
We came as Romans
● Hey, asshole. No one asked for your life story. We just need something we can stick on a flyer. You might as well name your band "We are unfamiliar with the concept of editing" or "I should not have been left in charge of naming the band".
names that
are an entire sentence:
Offenders: -
The world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die; -
...And you will know us by the trail of dead; -
This bike is a pipe bomb; -
Cute is what we aim for; -
The number twelve looks like you; -
Someone still loves you, Boris Yeltsin ●
If the acronym for your band name is
longer than most band names, you should really consider letting someone
name your band for you - perhaps a three-year-old. Band names should be
no more
than three words. Four, max. Band
names that
tell people what to do:
Offenders: -
Skip the foreplay; -
Escape the fate; | ![]() |
Say Hi to your mom;
Imagine dragons;
Get involved!
● I'm not about to take orders from a band name.
![]() | Band
names with
punctuation: Worst
Offenders: -
Panic! at the disco; -
Godspeed you! Black Emperor; -
Does it offend you, yeah?; -
The academy is…; -
You say party! we say die!; ●
Wow! What a cool way to make your band
pop... Add an exclamation mark! Or maybe, a question mark? Would that
make it
cool too? And! Just stick it in! Anywhere? Doesn't have to make sense!
Or… some
ellipses! Band
names with
unfortunate acronyms:
Offenders: -
Jimmy Eat World; ●
Before you settle on your band
name, do a quick check: do the letters spell out something potentially
embarrassing like POO or ASS or KKK? Worst
Offenders: -
Boysetsfire; -
Skycamefalling; |
names with
unnecessary numbers:
Death from above 1979;
Sum 41
● "The Jackson 5". That makes sense, there are five Jacksons in the band. "4 Non Blondes". They were four dark-haired women, totally reasonable. But when you just take a random-ass number and stick it into your band name, it really makes no sense 823.
names with
references to God/religion:
First off, if you're in a
Christian rock band, chances are less than 0.0001% you'll actually be
listenable anyway. So it actually makes sense that you would name yourself
something terrible, sort of like the way a skunk uses its foul odor to warn
people to stay away from it.
nms tht dlt
thr vwls (Band names that delete their vowels):
The Weeknd
T-shirt companies don't charge you by
the letter, guys. Go ahead and splurge on the vowels. Otherwise just
sound like
a bunch of fckng mrns.
![]() | Band
names with
TV/movie references: Worst
Offenders: -
Fall out boy; -
Atreyu; -
Say anything; -
Save Ferris; -
Veruca Salt; -
Mogwai; -
Chunk! No, captain Chunk! ●
Having a band name that references a
movie or a TV show says one of two things: You are a supernerd who
doesn't get
out of the house much and/or you are too lazy and original to come up
with your
own name. No one wants to listen to a band named after The Nutty
Professor or
whatever. Band
names that
are book titles: Worst
Offenders: -
The devil wears Prada; -
Of mice & men; -
As I lay dying; |
Band names shouldn't sound like
something from the bargain bin at Barnes and Noble. If you come up with
a band
name that's also the title of a book, you have failed and need to start
That name has already been taken and the author probably doesn't want
book associated with your shitty metalcore act.
a bunch of
random symbols and numbers and shit:
Sunn O)));
(həd) p.e.; !!!
Make it easy on the poor person
designing your merch. Don't make people have to bust out the character
map just
to put together a show poster.
names with
any of the following: blood/bleed, die/dying/death, kill/killing,
Offenders: Too goddamn many to list.
Yeah, we get it. Your band is a bunch
of tough guys. No need to drive that home by making your band name all
Emo band
The Juliana theory;
From autumn to ashes;
Further seems forever;
Planes mistaken for stars
Just avoid words like "theory,"
"stars," "sky," or anything else that sounds like it came
out of Emo Mad Libs.
Beach house;
Best coast;
Sort of ironic that these bands are
always filled with people who need to apply SPF 600.
Grizzly bear;
Golden retriever;
The mountain goats;
Panda bear
Nothing says you got stoned and
watched a documentary on the National Geographic Channel quite like
naming your
band after a breed of animal.
names that
are misleadingly badass:
- Death vessel
(od domaćih: "Kerber")
Your band name should represent who
you are as a band. If you name yourself something badass, you'd better
your guitars and crank out blast beats or sing about killing cops or
Or at the very least, don't sound like some sissy indie rock band.
Poglavlje prvo: Definicija
U velikom prostranstvu Usenet-a, u udaljenoj hijerarhiji, postoji jedna država. Država bez teritorije i bez granica. Država sa vojskom i zakonima. Država koju najbolje opisuje sledeći komentar jednog od žitelja: "Ovo je crna rupa useneta, iz koje je sve postalo i u koju će se sve utopiti kad dođe vreme, ovo je država sa svojim univerzumom, oružanim snagama, obaveštajnom službom i još mnogo čime još, osvojili smo u svojim pohodima širenja države pola yu. teritorija i niko nikad nije uspeo da nam se suprotstavi, a nije da nisu pokušavali" Naravno, država o kojoj je reč je nezavisna konfa YHV(yu.humor.vic).
Iako u imenu ima 'vic' na YHV-u nećete naći viceve. Promakne po neki, ali je u principu takav vid humora strogo zabranjen. Prekršiocima ove zabrane slede strašne kazne koje ne bih ovde pominjao da nas ne bi tužili društvu za zaštitu životinja i zelenog povrća. Specijalna vrsta humora koje je ovde vrlo cenjena je takozvani 'beZsmisleni tred'. Kao što samo ime kaže u pitanju je tred (niz poruka pod zajedničkim subject-om - prim. aut.) bez ikakvog smisla. Još uvek nije objašnjeno zbog čega se žitelji ove po svemu specifične države toliko lože na beZsmislene tredove, ali ni Kenedijevo ubistvo još uvek nije razjašnjeno, tako da se ne brinemo preterano.
![]() | Još jedan od čudnih običaja ovih ljudi su takozvana 'sastančenja', masovna okupljanja, sa jelom, pićem i žrtvovanjem nevidljivih devica. Odakle su te jedne devojke, kao i na koji su način i kome žrtvovane, niko ne zna iz prostog razloga što niko nije uspeo da vidi same devojke, pošto su jelte, nevidljive. Iako slučajnim prolaznicima može izgledati da je u pitanju obično mladalačko (jer se većina žitelja krije iza mladih, naivnih i nevinih lica - prim. aut.) druženje u pitanju je mnogo više od toga. Na takvim okupljanjima su rušene vlade (ove poremećene individue pokazuju izrazito neprijateljstvo prema ljudima koji se zovu vlada - prim. aut.), birani predsednici, donošeni zakoni i vršene razne ostale mutne radnje. |
Vidim da sam se zaneo malo pa ne bi bilo loše da stanem. Mislim, mogao bih ja ovako do sutra da pričam o YHV-u, ali ne bih da odajem i ostale državne tajne.
I tako… još jedna tema manje… priči nikad kraja…
iznajmite me kao momka!
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Šetnja |
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Šetnja + držanje za ruku |
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Ručak sa vašim roditeljima |
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Javno blamiranje (npr. vrištanje sa zgrade da te
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350€ |
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Srce na zidu |
2€ |
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Slika za Fejsbuk |
4€ |
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Vređanje vaših drugarica koje vas nerviraju |
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Da "ozvaničimo" vezu na Fejsbuku |
13€ |