Nedelja, 7. IX 2014.
U ovom broju donosimo: 2. Fejs-bruk!
Smejurije sa Fejsbuka
Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti 7. Voće
Zašto treba jesti voće?
Delovi ugovora sa "Etihadom" |
se svakog dana gomilaju svakakve odvale na "Facebook-u", na sajtu http://failbook.com/
počele da se pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje odvale, a njih ima jako puno pa
je lakše da ih postavimo
u tekstualnom obliku.
Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u
komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2], [3]
itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.
Oznake za izvor: [
FB ] Fejsbuk; [
T ]
Twitter; [
MT ] Sa FB grupe "Mudrolije
sa Twittera"; [
I ] sajt ispovesti.com;
SP ] diskusija sa Smartfona.
[ MT ]
Tarzanu nas je naučila da čak i ako odrasteš u džungli,
pojaviće se neka riba koja će da te smara da idete do grada. (Radovan
Milivojević; @Preduhitrivach)
[ FB ]
Status: One of the guys that dated Taylor
Swift should write a song called
"Maybe you're the problem"
[ T ]
should put
prizes in tampon boxes. Like: "Yeah, your period sucks, but here's 50%
of some ice cream" (no; @tbhjuststop)
[ T ]
at a
train station. Some kids robbed the vending machine I'm sitting next
to. Then
they gave me 2 "Whispa" bars for keeping silent. haha
[ MT ] Nisam ljubomoran,
al' čuo sam da si pila čaj od nekog Jasmina. Pa, ubiću vas oboje!
(ZovuMeŽile; @fin_u_pm)
[ MT ] Kako tepati
devojci: - šećeru - medu - slatkišu - čokoladice - pola litre mleka - kilo brašna (Puta De Madre; @Dzon_Ef_Kenedi) [ MT ] |
[ FB ]
Status: "How to train your dragon 2" was
an amazing film. O recommend it
to anyone who loves good story mixed with lighthearted humor and the
adorableness that is Toothless. That is all!
[2]: Thanks for not spoiling it!
[1]: They all die in the end.
[ MT ]
ništa što zagrljaj ne može da reši"
dođi da mi zagrliš ove rate za kredit, a poslije idemo da grliš
5 kubika drva. (Zaovičić; @Irelevantije)
[ T ]
want my first
daughter to be a girl. <3
[ T ]
do the women
never have to take a DNA test to see if it's theirs?
[ T ] Just found out
that my birthday is the same day as when I was born. Life is crazy. haha
[ SP ] - Hey, my friend
changed all the names in my phone... Who is this? - Haha cool!
What's my name? Sexy beast? - Close... It's
"bitch". Hah, sorry. - Whatever... It's
Cynthia, your ex. - Oh. Maybe he
kept some names right... - Dick.
[ FB ] Status: I cuted my hair.
And it went back to curly. [2]: Don't you mean
"cut"? hah [1]: It's past tents
[ MT ] Put do
ženskog srca: 1. iskrenost 2. lojalnost 3. poverenje 4. podrška 5. nežnost
Ako to ne uspe: napij je, stavi u
gepek i vozi! (+ zLi PADRE +; @deKKiO)
[ FB ] Status: Wow! I can't believe the "Titanic"
sunk and the people filming it
didn't even stop to help! :(
[ FB ] Status: A blue whale is a "mammal", NOT an
animal! |
[ FB ]
Status: I wish I had a twin over 21 so I
could use their ID. :(
[ FB ]
Status: This time in 5 months I will be at
the altar taking forever vowels
to the love of my entire life! I love you so much!
[ MT ]
ovim reklamama
za praškove uvek uflekaju omiljenu bluzu. Pa što kuvaš u njoj,
koji k*rac! (Miloše; @cujoshi)
[ MT ]
se trudim
da razumem ljude, a nekad samo otvorim pivo. (Ladna rakijenština;
[ ? ]
svim svetim
silama što ne postoji notifikacija za "ko ti gleda profil" jer
bih dobila bar 6 zabrana prilaska, a verovatno i neke batine.
- Hahahahahah... :D Ja mogu sve da nađem! :D
- Hahaha... Aj' nađi mi onda devojku!
[ FB ]
Status (tačnije, preuzeto sa
sa Twittera"): Samo
je grlite dovoljno čvrsto i dovoljno dugo.
[2]: Samo je izje*ite dobro – da ne zna gde
je levo, a gde desno. ;)
[ ? ]
Status: Ko nije tres'o kesu od usisivača,
taj ne zna šta su "50
nijansi sive"...
[ ? ]
Status: Feng Šui dijeta – obavezno
okrenuti frižider vratima prema zidu.
[ FB @ ]
Status: Čitam,
neku curu ugariJo
grom dok je master... mastrub... mast... ma dok se trljala dole! Ako to
bio "Električni Orgazam", onda ne znam šta je to bilo! :S
[ T ]
jula se
desilo da se srušio sajt facebook.com što je u Los Anđelesu
imalo za posledicu da su ljudi bukvalno zvali policiju da pitaju zbog
FB ne radi:
is not a Law Enforcement issue, please don't call us about it being
down, we
don't know when FB will be back up (Sgt. Brink; @LASDBrink)
Yes, we
got calls #facebookdown . That is why I sent out my prevoius msg to
them. #LASD (Sgt. Brink; @LASDBrink)
[ FB @ ] Pričam sa najmlađom sestričinom
Larom (1god. i 10 mes.) telefonom: - Šta ste se igrali, Laro? - Žmurke. - I , ko je pobedio? - Đoković
[ FB ] Status: In Mexico checking
FB [2]: In Canada
checking FB [3]: In Madrid
checking FB haha [2]: Startin' a trend! [1]: Canada? Awesome. [4]: I know I'm gonna
sound stupid but what the hell is FB? :-S
[ Yahoo Questions ] - I was just
thinking and thought how crazy it was that a person walked on the Moon
Mars. I was just wondering if you think person will ever be able to
walk on the
Sun too? I know it's really hot, but I'm thinking if you go in the
winter when
the Sun is like 30°C. I bet the could do it. - Well, if they do, it would have to be at night.
[ FB ] |
Status: Svi zainteresovani estradni
umetnici, ako želite dobar i kvalitetan
tekst, javite se!
[2]: Pošto tie dobar ljubavni tekst od
tri strofe i sa refrenom na temu nesrečne ljubavi (ona je njega davno
ostavila, al on je još tužan i ne može da živi beznje)?
[3]: Treba i meni jedan taki teks, al dae
malo duži i dae on u medžuvremenu imo još jednu ne srečnu
[2]: I da li ima popust na količinu i zašto
[ FB ]
Status: I'm convinced I'm living in the
stone ages. My lightbulb burnt out in my
bedroom... yesterday. My main source of light yesterday was from my
Well, it's not as bright out yesterday, so I'm getting ready in the
dark. Oh,
and with the light from my cell phone.
[2]: I'll bet you could find a tutorial on
youtube on how to change a light bulb.
[ FB ]
Status: Today at 9:08 my life changed forever.
I became a Mom for the first time and as
hard and challenging as the obstacles are it's so worth it in the end!
Nicole, I love you, my BIG 5 year old! ♥♥♥
- You gave birth to a 5 year old?
5 years ago I
You said today
Nowhere in
there did it say that. Quote me where it says it.
The first word.
- Yes... and if you gave birth to a 5 year old five years ago... she's 10.
- But I didn't say that.
[ FB ] Domino's pizza -
Australia: What did your
parents tell you when you were younger so you'd eat all your food? [2]: "Eat your food
or I'll make you eat »Domino's« pizza!"
[ ? ] Mondo: Da li se sećate
Nece iz "Srećnih ljudi"? [2]: RTS mi ne
dopušta da ga zaboravim.
[ SP ] [1]: Hey, dude [1]: I got a new
penis today!!! :) [1]: ... penis!* [1]: Penis!* [1]: ***PC*** [2]: OK =]
[ FB ] Status: 28 weeks and 7 days... Almost done
with this pregnancy... And our handsome
lil' boy will be here. [2]: 28 weeks and 7 days – would that not be
29 weeks, my dear? [1]: I'm not sure. I just put what my
pregnancy app says. [2]: lol OK |
[ I ]
Status: U vezi je sve stvar dogovora. Moja
devojka je htela da idemo na
"Exit", ja nisam hteo, pa smo se dogovorili da idemo na
[ SP ]
[1]: So, how was the date last night, bro?
Did you score?
[2]: Not quite. First date we went to dinner
and then walked her home. Then I killed her in the woods outside her
house and
[1]: Killing her seems a bit harsh. Did she
order the lobster and filet mignon at dinner or something?
[2]: ******KISSED wtf
[ FB ]
Status: I nominate "Internet Explorer" for the "Ice bucket challenge". Oh, wait! It's already frozen!
ne sme biti objavljen pre nego što se pet (5) puta najavi da će biti
vidi ovaj ugovor i priča o tome, umreće u najgorim mukama.
Ugovor mora da ima minimum 43 člana da bi delovao ubedljivo.
se zove Srbija – plaća više.
jednu čokoladnu šljivicu iz deserta radi uštede na godišnjem nivou.
11. Ko
prvi trepne mora da plati milijardu evra! Član
12. Što
pre smisliti kako da se zajebe "Wizzair" i ostala jeftina govna. Član
13. Prvi
avion nazvati po čuvenom teniseru Viktoru Troickom. Član
14. U
prethodnom članu smo se šalili. Nazvati ga, naravno, po Đokoviću. Član
15. Za sve nedoumice pogledati ugovor sa "Fijatom". Član
16. Ugovor stupa na snagu po principu "taknuto-maknuto" ("tike tike tačke – nema više vračke").
revija" mora da promeni ime u "جات
مر اجعة" (preuzeto
sajta "Njuz")