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EN573 - nedelja, 26. IV 2015./7534.

Logo Leteći bumbar No.573


U ovom broju donosimo:

2. The Pirate bay                   Engleski jezik

            Kako se ovaj poznati sajt nosi sa raznim upozorenjima za kršenje autorskih prava

4. Kviz: I oni su bili klinci!

            Pogodite poznatu ličnost

4. Špigl - dvojnici poznatih

            Foto-feljton: Dvojnici poznatih

5. Sâm svoj nadrimajstor

            Nova rubrika

7. Doktor                                Tekst poslao čitaoc

            Pesma gos'n Bandara

8. Anegdote

            Doskočice poznatih ličnosti

Sačuvajte ovaj broj! Možete od njega da napravite: molersku kapu, brodić, avion koji leti…

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!




            Popularna internet stranica "The Pirate Bay" (TPB), koja je osnovana u Švedskoj, već je izazivala kontroverze u javnosti. Mnogi je percipiraju kao centralno mjesto na kojem se nalaze brojne ilegalne kopije svega što se može pronaći u digitalnom obliku. Međutim, unatoč brojnim pokušajima da se onemogući rad stranice, iza koje stoji neprofitna udruga, ona još uvijek funkcionira i jedno je od najposjećenijih mjesta na Internetu.

            Na njenim serverima pohranjene su torrent datoteke koje preko bittorent protokola omogućuju da korisnici preuzimaju druge velike datoteke. Među njima su najčešće one koje omogućuju preuzimanje sadržaja interesantnog većini korisnika interneta, poput filmova, računalnih igara ili raznih programa. No, očito zakonsko tumačenje torrent datoteka nije dovoljno precizno ili se razlikuje među pojedinim pravnim sustavima, pa mnogi pokušavaju djelovati na TPB da ukloni sadržaj koji drugi vide kao sporan. Međutim švedski zakoni omogućuju da se organizacija vješto skriva iza njih.

            TPB je na svojim stranicama istakao upozorenje korisnicima "da ih ne kontaktiraju ako pronađu nešto neprikladno, nego da probaju pronaći nešto što nije". Torrent datoteke, kako pišu u odgovoru na jednu od pritužbi gdje se pozivaju na relevantne zakonske odredbe, nisu same po sebi ilegalan sadržaj, nego "samo sadrže informaciju gdje se ilegalan sadržaj može pronaći". Zato veliki broj pravnih prijetnji smatraju neutemeljenima, pa su odlučili da će bilo koju pristiglu pritužbu na autorska prava ismijati i objaviti na stranicama.

            Da bi dosljedno mogli provoditi svoju odluku, otvorili su posebnu rubriku "Pravne prijetnje", gdje se mogu pročitati i odgovori na njih u kojima bez imalo suzdržavanja odgovaraju na prigovore. Osim što dio njih argumentirano obrazlože, većinu doživljavaju kao ispušni ventil.


            Primjerice, za pravne predstavnike "Dreamworksa" bez ustručavanja tvrde da su moroni, nakon što su im otkrili da se Švedska nalazi u Europi, a ne u SAD-u, pa tako ne podliježe njihovim zakonima. "Electronic Arts-u" su poručili da nije pogodan trenutak za njihovu sudsku tužbu jer odvjetnik TPB-a vjerojatno leži negdje pijan u uličici, pa mole da pričekaju dok ga pronađu i prođe mamurluk. "Sega" im je uputila prigovor zbog kršenja prava na igri "Football Manager" i upozorila ih da podliježu britanskim zakonima, na što su im odgovorili da bi više voljeli da ih tuže u Japanu jer nikada nisu posjetili Tokyo. Traže i puno pravnih dokumenata na velikoj količini papira jer im se zaliha u kupaonici bliži kraju.

            Ostale odgovore možete naći ovdje:


Prema "Letećem bumbaru", najzanimljiviji odgovori:




            This letter is being written to you on behalf of our client, "DreamWorks SKG" (hereinafter "DreamWorks"). DreamWorks is the exclusive owner of all copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in and to the "Shrek 2" motion picture. No one is authorized to copy, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use the "Shrek 2" motion picture without the express written permission of DreamWorks. [...]

Podla maca

            As you may be aware, Internet Service Providers can be held liable if they do not respondto claims of infringement pursuant to the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In accordance with the DMCA, we request your assistance in the removal of infringements of the "Shrek 2" motion picture from this web site and any other sites for which you act as an Internet Service Provider. We further declare under penalty of perjury that we are authorized to act on behalf of DreamWorks and that the information in this letter is accurate. Please contact me immediately to discuss this matter further.


            As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe. Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here. For your information, no Swedish law is being violated.

            Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium, will result in

a) a suit being filed for harassment

b) a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for sending frivolous legal threats.

            It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are… morons, and that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.

            Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on

            Go fuck yourself.

Polite as usual,




Ovo je slika jedne poznate ličnosti. Vaš zadatak je da pogodite o kome se radi. Rešenje je na poslednjoj strani.

Знаменитости в детстве


 Vožnja noću po vejavici → Brzina svetlosti

TLL 573

                                  ELECTRONIC ARTS


Dear Mr. Neij:

            It has been brought to the attention of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA") that the website with the IP addresses of [IP adrese] is conducting unauthorized activities with respect to EA's copyrighted software, "The Sims 2".  The aforementioned website is offering and distributing bittorrent seeds for an unauthorized downloadable version of this EA game.

            The infringing material may be found at: [link]


            Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in question.

            Oh wait, just kidding. We haven't, since the site in question is fully legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the streets and attacking people. :-(


            This unauthorized activity with respect to the distribution of EA's software products constitutes infringement of EA's intellectual property rights. EA enforces its intellectual property rights very aggressively by using every legal option available.


            Please don't sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from too much moonshine, so please atleast wait until he's found and doesn't have a huge hangover...


            As you are listed as the registrant for this website, EA demands that you immediately and permanently disable access to the aforementioned bittorrent seeds for "The Sims 2" and any in the future.


            You're free to demand anything you want. So are we. We demand that you cease and desist sending letters like this, since they're frivolous and meaningless. Where should I send the bill for the consumed diskspace and bandwidth?


Buy me a coffee


NM Mostar 1279384514067844439_n.jpg

            Predstavljamo vam našu novu rubriku "Sâm svoj nadrimajstor" koja će biti posvećena raznim skarabudžima, snalažljivcima i "udri me do zore" rešenjima. Da li će tako sebi olakšati ili otežati život, zavisi od samog (nadri)majstora. Naše je samo da se divimo kako se ljudi snalaze.
            Nadamo se da će vam se svideti nova rubrika. Usput, zahvaljujemo se čitaocu iz Mostara koji nam je dostavio ovu sliku.

Vaša Redakcija



            We act on behalf of SEGA Europe Limited ("SEGA") in the enforcement of its Intellectual Property Rights in the United Kingdom.

            As you will be aware, "SEGA" is world famous and is recognised as being an industry leader in interactive entertainment. " SEGA", and its software developer "Sports Interactive Limited" ("Sports Interactive") have recently announced that its new football management PC game "FOOTBALL MANAGER 2005" is due to be launched later this month (see: [link]). As a result of the recent publicity our client and "Sports Interactive" enjoy a substantial reputation and goodwill in the "FOOTBALL MANAGER" name.

            Further, SEGA's developer, "Sports Interactive" is the owner of a UK trade mark registration for FOOTBALL MANAGER under number 2,169,952. We attach details of the UK registered trade mark for your information.

            It has come to our client's attention that through the service provided by your "" website, users are able, by clicking on a link on your website featuring the FOOTBALL MANAGER™, to download an unauthorised and illegal version of our client's new FOOTBALL MANAGER 2005 PC game. In this regard, your website is currently listing FOOTBALL MANAGER 2005 as number 1 in its "Top 5" and a substantial number of UK users used your services to download this game in the UK.

            By providing this service to UK users using the FOOTBALL MANAGER name, you are infringing the FOOTBALL MANAGER trade mark in the UK. Further, our client is concerned that due to the volume of illegal copies of our client's FOOTBALL MANAGER 2005 PC game being provided via your service our client is losing substantial sums of money in lost sales.

            This email is ask that you immediately remove the link complained of, and to confirm that there will be no further misuse of the FOOTBALL MANAGER™ in relation to your services.

            In the meantime, our client reserves its rights in respect of any causes of action available to it in this matter and in respect of any claim for costs and/or damages against you. In this regard, your speed in complying with our requests will be taken into account.


Dear Sir(s), Madam(s), and/or Slimemold(s),

            I have the distinct pleasure of informing you that no Swedish trademark and/or coypyright law is being violated, regardless of how the situation may or may not be under UK law. I would advise you to read up on Swedish trademark law, more specifically Varumarkeslag (1960:644), as this might save you a great deal of future humiliation.

            I would also advise you to

a) not write the subject all in UPPERCASE, as it makes spam filters go nuts

b) not attach meaningless data from trademark registrys in PDF format and

c) stop lying.


            IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and attachments are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege and/or protected by copyright. Copying or communicating any part of it to others is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, copy, distribute or rely on this email and should please return it immediately or notify us by telephone. While we take every reasonable precaution to screen out computer viruses from emails, attachments to this email may contain such viruses. We cannot accept liability for loss or damage resulting from such viruses. We recommend you carry out your own virus checks.

LC hEBE4284E


            Then I guess you'll have to send us another oh-so-scary-sounding e-mail

about httр://static.thepiratebay.оrg/sega_mail.txt and

httр://хt :-/.


            Further to your response below, you should be aware that your misuse of the FOOTBALL MANAGER™ in relation to your services constitutes an infringement in the UK, irrespective of Swedish law and whether or not you are based in Sweden, not least because your "" website is targeting users in the UK (as evidenced by the fact that a substantial number of UK users have already used your services to download this game in the UK). This gives a cause of action and jurisdiction to sue you in the UK. Our client would then proceed to enforce the UK judgement against you in Sweden.

            In the circumstances, we repeat our request once more that you immediately remove the link complained of and confirm that there will be no further misuse of the FOOTBALL MANAGER™ in relation to your services.

            We look forward to hearing from you.


Dear Prokaryote(s),

            Please sue me in Japan instead. I've always wanted to visit Tokyo. Also, I'm running out of toilet paper, so please send lots of legal documents to our ISP - preferably printed on soft paper.

            No, but seriously. That's simply not how international law enforcement works. Using the same logic, a country where web sites are forbidden could press charges against you for having one.



Zakazano imam kod doktora.
Srešću medicinske sestre i braću.
Treba da mi gledaju krvnu sliku,
sekret, stolicu i mokraću.


Unapred znam šta će mi reći:
da se opametim dok nije mi kasno,
i prestanem da pušim, pijem i jedem,
slatko, slano, ljuto i masno.


Čovek u belom, diploma na zidu,
debela sestra i pogledi niski.
Gledaju samo da me skinu s vrata,
jer im nisam doneo kafu i viski.


"Dijagnoza vam nije sasvim vesela, znate!
Znam da se ne osećate baš najbolje, je l'?
Prepisaću vam za ujutru i uveče,
pilule, tablete, sirup i gel!"


Doktore, teraj se odakle si doš'o!
Izmišljaš samo boleštine neke,
a jedino ti stalo da postanemo svi
redovne mušterije tvoje apoteke!

Gos'n Bandar



            Čuvenog švajcarskog zoologa i geologa Aleksandra Agasiza (1835-1910), profesora Univerziteta Kembridž u Masačusetsu, pozvali su da održi nekoliko predavanja u Njujorku. Profesor je odbio izgovorivši se, što je i bilo tačno, da je prezauzet. Misleći da je u pitanju honorar, Njujorčani su mu se ponovo obratili ponudivši za tih nekoliko predavanja ogromnu sumu. Na njihovo neopisivo iznenađenje, Agasiz je po drugi put odbio rekavši: "Prosto naprosto nemam vremena da zarađujem pare".


            Pred kraj drugog svetskog rata britanske snage pod komandom feldmaršala Montgomerija (1887-1976), ovenčan slavom zbog pobede nad Romelom kod El Alamejna u Severnoj Africi, i američke na čelu sa generalom Patonom (1885-1945) borile su se zajedno protiv Nemaca na tlu Francuske. Na žalost, između komandanata čiji je zadatak bio da tesno sarađuju došlo je do zle krvi i, posle jednog žučnog sastanka, Montgomeri je poslao Patonu sledeću poruku:

            "Imam čast saopštiti vam samo dve stvari: prvo, držite se što dalje od mene; drugo, ostavite mi vaše gorivo."

            Uskoro potom Amerikanci su postigli spektakularnu prednost nad neprijateljem daleko nadmašivši prodor Britanaca. General Paton je tada poslao Montgomeriju oficira s jednom jedinom kanticom benzina i usmenom porukom:

"General Paton vam zahvaljuje na saopštenju i toplo se nada da ste zadovoljni što se sada sa svojim momcima nalazi dovoljno daleko od vas. Šalje vam ovu kantu benzina, jedinu koje u datim okolnostima može da se liši, pošto vam je sigurno jasno da je njemu gorivo potrebnije nego vama." [PZ #1652/1983]


            Napoleon Bonaparta (1769-1821), francuski vojskovođa, državnik i car, na završnim ispitima u vojnoj akademiji, od 58 pitomaca bio je 42. u rangu

Lindzi Lohan


Rešenje kviza sa četvrte strane: Dženifer Lopez (Jennifer Lopez, 1969.)



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