EN641 - Nedelja, 14. VIII 2016./7524.
[sa ovogodišnjeg "Blok rok festa" ("Blokstok), Novi Sad]
Whilst the average person spends 1 hour 40 minutes browsing social networks each day, there's another habit which wastes hours each week for many... asking "Google" a whole host of crazy questions!
Some people really do seem to have too much time on their hands judging by what people are Googling, with the questions asked ranging from the plain stupid to the downright disguisting!
Using "Google autocomplete" and their "Keyword planner tool", here's the craziest question people ask the world's favourite search engine each month.
Question: Am I pregnant?
Monthly searches: 90.500
Comment: It looks like "Google" has replaced a pregnancy test for more than 90.000 women each month!
Question: How do I get home?
Monthly searches: 49.500
Comment: Perhaps unsurprisingly, ask "Google" this question and you'll be met with a box which asks "Where's home?"
Question: Are aliens real?
Monthly searches: 49.500
Comment: With NASA having claimed we'll find alien life by 2025, it seems that almost 50.000 people each month are eager to find out the truth!
Question: Does farting burng calories?
Monthly searches: 49.500
Comment: Wouldn't it be great if you could burn calories from passing wind? Unfortunately, the claims that it burngs 67 calories are false.
5. Question: When will I die? Monthly searches: 90.500 (?) Comment: Who knew "Google" was now able to foretell the future? 6. Question: Why do men have nipples? Monthly searches: 22.200 Comment: We all know they have them but it seems a fairly large number of people each month waste a little bit of time trying to find out why men have nipples! 7. Question: Do penguins have knees? Monthly searches: 18.100 Comment: Does it really matter whether or not penguins have knees? 8. Question: Why are we here? Monthly searches: 8100 Comment: Getting a little philosophical now, aren't we? |
Question: Is the tooth fairy real?
Monthly searches: 8100
Comment: This is a little bit asking if Santa is real... Of course the tooth fairy is real! You've always had a coin left under your pillow in return for a tooth, haven't you?
Question: Do pigs sweat?
Monthly searches: 8100
Comment: Why, oh why, would anyone care or event want to know whether or not pigs sweat?!?
Question: Does my bum look 40?
Monthly searches: 8100
Comment: "Of course it doesn't!" is the answer over 8000 women each month want "Google" to tell them when asking whether their bum looks 40.
Comment: Does it really matter if worms have eyes?
Question: Can a man get pregnant?
Monthly searches: 2900
Comment: What on Earth are they teaching (or not teaching as the case may be) kids in school these days?
Question: What happens if you drink blood?
Monthly searches: 880
Comment: We can only assume that "Twilight" is to blame for almost a thousand wannabe vampires each month wondering about the safety of drinking blood!
Question: Can I marry my cousin?
Monthly searches: 880
Comment: Really?! That's 10.560 people each year considering popping the question to their cousin!
20. Question: Why does my boss hate me? Monthly searches: 170 Comment: Why don't you ask him yourself? ODVALE IZ "SVETA"Rubrika koju smo planirali, ali nismo uspeli da pokrenemo. Većinom zbog toga jer je časopis "Svet" ukinuo tu rubriku sa odvalama naših poznatih ličnosti. ● Do viđenja i igrajte "Loto" i
sledeće nedelje! Suzana Mančić, voditeljka; RTS, emisija "Bingo" (a
ne "Loto") ●
Uživam da ronim pod vodom. Miloš
Bojanić, pevač; Pink ● Sa nama je i Marko Đurovski,
poznat kao učesnik "Farme", ali i po prezimenu koje je nasledio od svog
oca Milka. Sandra Obradović, voditeljka; Pink |
● Mi
imamo dve Brege, tako da je Brega samo jedan.
Natalija "Trik FX", pevačica;
● Oni
nisu zabranili da se jede međusobno.
pevačica; Pink, emisija "Farma" (naslov: "Kanibal u
● U
Crnoj Gori se osećam
kao domaća životinja
Danijela Vranić, pevačica; Pink
● Ajde
odgovori: Koliko slonova ima Ustav Srbije? (htela je da kaže
balerina; Pink
● Nema
niti jedno jedino jaje. Samo jedno imamo.
pevačica; Pink – "Farma"
Eto, ona nije jela i dobila je ono, kako se beše zove… aneksija,
areksija? Raka
Radović, političar; Pink – "Farma" ●
Ja i Đus se uopšte nismo svađali između sebe i mene. Miloš
Bojanić, pevač; Pink – "Farma" ●
Tamo će biti veća nadmorska visina mora. Radomir
Antić, selektor reprezentacije; Pink ●
Imamo primer jedne fenomenalne krave, a videćete zašto smo upotrebili
tu tešku reč. Jovana
Janković, voditeljka; Pink ● To što je izjavio da želi da umrem i da mi dođe
na sahranu znak je da me i dalje voli i da želi da mu se vratim. Marina Perazić, pevačica, o Firčiju; Press ●
90% stanovnika ove zemlje zove se Miloš Bojanić, i ako taj čovek pobedi
na "Farmi", ja ću da se skinem gola i da tražim državljanstvo neke
druge zemlje. Viktorija,
pevačica; Kurir |
Rođendan nije trajao do zore, već dok se ujutru nije završio.
glumac; "Blic plus"
● Džon
Foster mnogo je pisao i njegovi filmovi filmovani su u filmove.
Nataša Miljković, voditeljka; RTS
Brookov zakon
Ako softverski projekat koji kasni
pojačaš dodatnim ljudima, kasniće još više.
Zakoni kompjuterašenja po Gloubu
Mutni ciljevi projekta
služe da se izbegne neugodnost procene odgovarajućih troškova.
Za izvođenje
aljkavo planiranog projekta treba tri puta više vremena nego što je
za brižljivo planiran projekat treba samo dva puta više vremena.
Trud potreban
za ispravku kursa geometrijski raste s vremenom.
Projektni tim
gnuša se nedeljnog izveštaja o ostvarenom, zato što ovaj živopisno
pokazuje nedostatak napredovanja.
Zakon Lubarskog o kibernetičkoj
Uvek ima još jedan "bag".
Shawovo načelo
sistem koji i budala može da koristi, pa će ga samo budala i hteti da
koristi. ● MAŠINOLOGIJA ● IBM Pollyana načelo
Mašine treba da rade, a ljudi da misle. Zakon izopačenosti prirode
Ne možeš unapred uspešno odrediti koju stranu hleba
treba namazati puterom. Zakon selektivne gravitacije
Predmet pada tako da prouzrokuje najveću štetu. Jenningova pouka: Klipsteinova pouka: Sprinkleov zakon
uvek padaju pod pravim uglom. Anthonyjev radnički zakon
Svaki ispušten alat otkotrljaće se u
najnepristupačniji ugao radionice.
Pouka: Princip rezervnih delova
Dohvatljivost sitnih delova palih sa radnog stola
direktno je srazmerna njihovom značaju za završetak započetog posla. Paulov zakon
poda ne možeš pasti. Johnsonov prvi zakon
Svaki mehanički uređaj otkaže u najnepovoljnijem
trenutku. |
● ● ●
Rešenje kviza sa treće strane: Adam Lavin (Adam Levine; 1979)