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U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Kriminalci u ¹atoru! (1/5)           Engleski jezik

            Oèajni prevodi naslova filmova (©vedska, Norve¹ka, Indija)

4. Prièe iz Le¹nikgrada

            ©ta veverice rade u slobodno vreme

8. Strip           Engleski jezik

            Odabrane table

Urednicima ostalih èasopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj èasopis kad veæ uzimate materijal odavde!

Pa¾nja! Stavite mi¹a iznad ѕlike da bi dobili prevod ili obja¹njenje istih!



            Odabrani komentari jednog stripa koji kritikuje lo¹e prevoðenje naslova stranih filmova. Najinteresantnije je ¹to svako misli da je kod njih najgore po tom pitanju.



● "Caddyshack" → "Tom i bollen" ("Empty in the head")

● Batman → Läder Lappen (Leather Cloth) ... Good Job Sweden

● The cheesiest Swedish renaming is those of the "Twilight" saga, I think.

"Twilight" → "If I could dream"

"New Moon" → "When I hear your voice"

"Eclipse" → "The sound of your heart"

"Breaking dawn" → "As long as we both breathe"

● "You only live twice" → "James Bond i Japan" ("James Bond in Japan")

● "Blue Hawaii" (with Elvis Presley) → "Ung man med gitarr" ("Young man with a guitar")

● "Joe" (1970) "Joe - Skjut varenda jävla hippie!" ("Joe - Shoot every goddamn hippie!")

"Shamus" (1973) "McCoy - Fräck som fan!" ("McCoy - Cheeky as fuck!")


"Them!" (1954) "Spindlarna" ("The Spiders" - but they're actually ants...)

"The worlds fastest Indian" (2005) "Citronträd och motorolja - en sjuhelvetes historia!" ("Lemontrees and motoroil - a motherfucker of a story!")

"It could happen to you" (1994) "Polis ger servitris 2 miljoner i dricks." ("A cop gives a waiter 2 millions in tips")

"My blue heaven" (1990) "Hur jag lärde en FBI-agent dansa marengo" ("How i taught an agent from the FBI to dance the Marengo.")

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" "Monty Pythons galna värld." ("Monty Pythons crazy world" - good to know that the film doesn't have anything to do with grails or anything)

Buy me a coffee

● There's also the series of pulp adventure novels about Remo Williams that are known as "The Destroyer" in America. Well, in Sweden they were called "Remo - Mannen som är en dödsmaskin" ("Remo - The man who is a deathmachine") A common pun used to be "Remo - Mannen som är en diskmaskin" ("Remo - The man who is a dishwasher)

● "Groundhog day" "En ny dag truer" ("A new day threatens")

"Keeping the faith" Tro, håp og forviklinger ("Faith, hope and complications")

● "Groundhog day" "Måndag hela veckan" ("Monday the whole week")

"Bowfinger" "Knubbigt regn" ("Chubby Rain")

"Airplane!" "Titta, vi flyger" ("Look we are flying!")

"Attack of the 50 foot woman" "Wow, min fru är en sexig jätte" ("Wow, my wife is a sexy giant")

"Bad day at Black Rock" "En man steg av tåget" ("A man stepped of the train")


"Romuald et Juliette" → "Det ligger en vit man i din säng, mamma!" ("A white man is laying in your bed, mother!")

"Room Service" → "Panik på hotellet" ("Panic at the hotel")

"Married… with children" → "Våra värsta år" ("Our worst years", or more like: "Worst years of our life")

"Jaws" → "Hajen" ("The shark")

"Grosse Point Blank" → "Även en lönnmördare behöver en träff ibland" ("Even a hitman needs a hit sometimes")

● "Vacation" → "Ett päron till farsa" ("A Pear as a dad")

"European vacation" → "Ett päron till farsa på semester i Evropa" ("A pear as a dad on vacation in Europe")

"Crocodile Dundee" → "En storviltjägare i New York" ("A big game hunter in New York")

"Superman III" → "Stålmannen går på en krypto-nit" ("The man of steel hits a krypto-rivet") "Cannonball run" "Mitt i plåten" ("In the center of the plate")

● "The fault in our stars" → "Förr eller senare exploderar jag" ("Sooner or later I will explode")

● "For your eyes only" → "Ur dödlig synvinkel" ("From a lethal perspective")

"Basic Instinct" → "Iskallt begär" (approximately "Ice-cold demand").

● "Foul play" "Tjejen som visste för mycket" ("The girl who knew too much")

● "Smokey and the bandit" "Nu blåser vi snuten" ("Let's fool the coops")

● "The princess bride" "The minute of pale death"

● Back in the 60's when "Dr. No" hit the swedish cinemas it almost got translated into "Vi vill inte ha någon Doktor" ("We don't want a Doctor") before someone in the translation department actually watched it and decided to call it "Dr. No" with the subtitle "Agent 007... med rätt att döda" (Agent 007... with the right to kill")

            Then when "License to kill" came out the translators had to call it "Tid för hämnd" ("Time for revenge") instead.

● "Jay and Silent Bob strikes back" "Stjärnor utan hjärnor" ("Stars without brains")

"From Russia with Love" "Agent 007 ser rött" ("Agent 007 sees red")

"For your eyes only" "Ur dödlig synvinkel" (roughly means "A view to a kill", literally "Through a killing view")

"A view to a kill" "Levande måltavla" ("Living Target")

"The living daylights" – "Iskallt uppdrag" ("Icecold mission")

● "Heaven knows, mr. Allison" → "Hven vet, mr. Allison"

"The shores of Tripoli" → "Stridskamrater" ("Comrades in battle")

"Wing and a prayer" → "Spökskeppet" ("The ghost ship")

"Courage under fire" → "I sanningens namn" ("In the name of the truth")

"Between Heaven and Hell" → "Djävulsön" ("Devil's island")

● "Once upon a time in the West" → "Vestens hårde halse" ("The hard neck of the West")

● The movie "Equilibrium" was called "Cubic" in Sweden. The swedes just substituted one english word for another. Why even bother then?

● "Bird on a wire" "Lovligt byte" (sort of "Legal prey")

LG 811

● "The Shawshank redemption" "En verden udenfor" ("A world outside")

"Singin' in the rain" "Syng i sol og regn" ("Sing in sun and rain")

● "Shriek if you know what I did last friday the thirteenth" "Scary Video"

● "Down periscope" "Titta vi dyker" ("Look, we are diving!")

            ©vedska (nazivi prema glumcima)

        Most movies including Goldie Hawn was translated to the Swedish equivalent of "The girl who XYZ", so:

"Overboard" "The girl who fell overboard"

"Foul play" "The girl who knew too much"

"Best friends" "The girl who didn't want to marry"

"Private Benjamin" "Tjejen som gjorde lumpen" ("The girl who joined the military")

"Wildcats" "Tjejen som tog hem spelet" ("The girl that won the game")

"Sugarland Express" "Tjejen som spelade högt" ("The girl who played with high stakes")

● In Sweden all movies made by Mel Brooks are called "Det våras för..." which can be interpreted as "Those who stand with...", but is also a word play on springtime as spring = vår, and the first mel brooks movie was called "Springtime for Hitler" (He originally called it "The Producers", and that what it's famous as now)…

● In Sweden, most of Mel Brooks' films had the prefix "Det våras för" Wich literary translates as "spring is coming for", but is more used as a very old term for "is arising".


"The producers" → "Det våras för Hitler"

"Young Frankenstein" → "Det våras för Frankenstein"

"Blazing saddles" → "Det våras för Sheriffen"

"Silent movie" → "Det våras för Stumfilmen" (The silent movie)

"The twelve chairs" → "Det våras för Svärmor" (My mother in law)

"Spaceballs" "Det våras för rymden" ("…Space")

"The history of the world" "Det våras för världshistorien" ("… the history of the world")

"Dracula dead and loving it" "Det våras för Dracula"

"High anxiety" → "Det våras för galningarna" ("...for the lunatics")

● Sweden used to enjoy naming movies based on who's in them.

            For example, because Anthony Hopkins was in "Spotswood" (also called "The Efficiency Expert"), we named it "När toffelfabriken tystnar" ("Silence of the moccasin factory").

            "Sister Act" was called "En värsting till syster" ("A badass for a sister"), and Whoopi Goldberg kept the title of "värsting" in movies such as "Eddie", which became "Eddie - en värsting till coach", and "The Associate", which became "En värsting på Wall Street".

            "Privates on Parade" features John Cleese, so it was called "Fronten é python" ("The front is python", where "pyton" in Swedish is slang for "vile" or "disgusting").

            The movie "Road to Singapore" - starring Bob Hope and Bing Crosby - became "Två glada sjömän går i land" ("Two happy seamen go ashore"). "Road to Zanzibar" - also starring Hope and Crosby - became "Två glada sjömän i Afrika"; bit of a stretch, maybe, but there is a boat in the movie! "Road to Morocco" became "Två glada sjömän i Marocko". Hope and Crosby played stowaways in that film; close enough, I suppose? However, renaming "Road to Utopia" to "Två glada sjömän i Alaska" just makes no sense at all.


● "Mousehunt" → "Vekk ikke musen som sover" ("Don't wake the mouse that's sleeping")

"Hoodwinked!" → "Sannheten om Rødhette" ("The Truth about Little Red Riding Hood")

● "Austin Powers: The spy who shagged me" "Spionen som spermet meg" ("The spy who spermed me")

- "Die Hard" "Operasjon skyskraper"

- "Monsters in the Closet" "Skapulf" ("The cabinet wolf")

● "The fault in our stars" "Faen ta skjebnen" ("F*ck destiny")

● "The Shining" "Ondskapens hotell" ("Hotel of evil")

"Silence of the lambs" "Nattsvermeren" ("The moth")

"Jaws" "Haisommer" ("Shark summer")

● Also, there's the older names of the various superheroes, which I find pretty silly:

Batman Lynvingen (Lightning wing)

Spiderman Edderkoppen (The spider)

The Flash Lynet (the lightning)

Daredevil Demonen (The demon)

● "Scorch trails" "Ildprøven" ("The fire test")

● "Deliverance" "Picnic med døden" ("Picnic with the death")

● "So I married an axe-murderer" "Saken er Biff" (an expression for saying that you can handle something)

● "Cool runnings" → "Kalde rumper" ("Cold butts")

"The Shawshank redemption" → "Frihetens regn" ("The rain of freedom")

"Goodfellas" → "Mafiabrødre" ("Mafia brothers")

"Ace Ventura - Pet detective" → "Jakten på den forsvunnede delfin" (The hunt for the lost dolphin")

"Austin Powers - International man of mystery" → "Agenten som kom ut av fryser'n" ("The agent that came out of the freezer")

"Groundhog Day" "En ny dag truer" ("A new day threatens")

"The hustler" "Storbyens haier" ("The sharks of the big city")

"Cool hand luke" "Rebell i lenker" ("Rebel in Chains")

Kapetan Pikard

"Fawlty towers" "Hotell i særklasse" ("Hotel in odd class"? The word "Sær" roughly translates to odd/special)

"The Manchurian candidate" (1962) "Ruterdame dreper" ["Queen of diamonds kills (the playing card that is)]

● "The good, The bad, and the ugly" "Den gode, den onde, og den hjaretlause" ("… heartless")

"Saturday night fever" "Lørdagskjøret" ("Saturdaydrive")

● "Mars needs moms" "Milo på Mars" ("Milo on Mars")

"The misfit brigade" "Døden på larveføtter" ("The death on caterpillar feet")

● "The war of the planet of the apes" "Angrep på apebyen" ("Attack on Ape City")

● "The Rookie" → "Koldt bly og varme øretæver" ("Cold lead and hot whoopings")

"Any which way you can" → "Seje bøffer og hårde bananer" = ("Tough steaks and hard bananas")

● "Wallace and Gromit in a close shave" "Wallace forelsker seg" ("Wallace falls in love")

"Wallace and Gromit and the Wererabbit" – "Wallace og Gromit og Varulvkaninens forbannelse" ("Wallace and Gromit and the Werewolfrabbit's curse")

- Miss Congeniality - Miss Undercover (as in they changed the title to something else in English)

● "Monty Python's life of Brian" "Profeten Brians liv og historie" ("Brian the Prophet's life and story")

"No man's land" "Døden kjører Porsche" ("Death drives a Porsche")

"The Italian job" "Den ville biljakten" ("The wild car chase")

"Vampire's kiss" "Hvem 'tenner' hvem" ("Who teeth (meaning "turns on" in the sexual way) who")

Maca i mi¹

"Half baked" → "Maks uflaks" ("Maximum bad luck")

"Dangerous minds" → "Valget er ditt" ("Choice is yours")

"Being there" → "Velkommen mr. Chance" ("Welcome mr. Chance")

"Reindeer games" → "Dobbeltspill" ("Double-cross")

"Scrubs" → "Helt sykt" ("Totally sick")

● "The onion field" → "Patruljebil 6Z4 svarer ikke" ("Patrolcar 6z7 isn't answering")

"Europa, Evropa" "Jøde i Hitlerjugend" ("Jew in Hitlerjugend")

"In the shadows" "Something in the shadows"

"Two can play that game" "How to make your man behave in ten days"

"If Lucy fell" "Tro, håp og selvmord" ("Faith, hope and suicide")

"Keeping the faith" "Tro, håp og forviklinger" ("Faith, hope and entanglement")

● Norwegians named every comedy ever "Help, we [insert activity]" through the 70s, 80s and early 90s. Finally, something happened, something drastic, maybe even violent (I hope), and this naming convention kind of stopped over night.

"Airplane" "Hjelp, vi flyr" ("Help, we are flying")

"Blue Movies" "Hjelp, vi lager pornofilm" ("Help, we are making a porno")

"Christmas vacation" "Hjelp, det er juleferie" ("Help, it's christmas holiday")

"European vacation" "Hjelp, vi må på ferie til Europa!" ("Help, we have to go to vacation to Europe!")

"Every man needs one" → "Hjelp, vi blir forelsket!" ("Help, we fall in love")

"Hospital!" → "Hjelp, vi er på sykehus!" ("Help, we are in hospital")

"Hysterical" → "Hjelp, vi tørner!" ("Help, we're going crazy")

"Hurra, ich bin Papa!" → "Hjelp, jeg er pappa!"

"Max Keeble's big move" "Hjelp, jeg skal ikke flytte!" ("Help, I will not move")

"National Lampoon's vacation" "Hjelp, vi må på ferie!" ("Help, we have to go on vacation!")

"Nativity!" → "Hjelp, vi skal ha juleavsluttning!" ("Help, we will have a Christmass break")

"Opportunity knocks" "Hjelp, jeg er blitt sjef!" ("Help, I have become the manager")

"Rich kids" → "Hjelp, mamma og pappa er utro!" ("Help, mom and dad are unfaithfull")

"She's having a baby" → "Hjelp, vi gifter oss!" ("Help, we are getting married")

"Spinal Tap" "Hjelp, vi er i rockebransjen!" ("Help, we are in the rock-industry")

"The broad coalition" "Hjelp, jeg er gravid! ("Help, I'm pregnant")

"The maid" "Hjelp, jeg er hushjelp" ("Help, i am a maid")

"The slightly pregnant man" "Hjelp, min mann er gravid!" ("Help, my husband is pregnant")

"Un amour de banquier" "Hjelp, jeg er hushjelp!"

"Vacation" → "Hjelp, vi må på ferie!" ("Help, we're vacationing!")

"Vasectomy" "Hjelp, vi har visst for mange barn!" ("Help, we appear to have to many children")

"Volunteers" "Hjelp, vi får hjelp!" ("Help, we will recieve help shortly")

"Young doctors in love" "Hjelp, vi opererer" ("Help, we're operating")

- "Help, we're mis-naming comedies!"


● "The avengers" → "Embers turn to blazing fire"

"Finding Nemo" → "Nemo's lost. Have you seen him?"

"Lara Croft: Tomb raider" → "Lioness No.1"

"Despicable me" → "I Suck!"

"Night at the museum" → "Alexander's stuck in a museum"

"Pirates of the Carribean" → "Sea bandits"

"Dead man's chest" → "Treasure of corpses"

"Dude, where's my car? " → "2 losers in a car"

"UP" → "Fly sneeze"

"Gullivers travels" → "Big dude, tiny dude"

"Monsters Inc" → "Shop of fear"

"The sixth sense" → "The kid talks to ghosts"

"Captain America: The winter soldier" → "Super Badass"

"Planet of the apes" → "Monkeys Rule!"

Strip 811 Antarktik



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