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Logo Leteæi bumbar No.812

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Kriminalci u ¹atoru! (2/5)           Engleski jezik

            Oèajni prevodi naslova filmova (Nemaèka, Danska, Island, Italija)

4. Kuvar        Autorski rad

            Kulinarski saveti (manje-vi¹e korisni)

8. Nazivi         Engleski jezik

            Kad bi tip koji je dao ime voki-tokiju davao imena ostalim stvarima…

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Pa¾nja! Stavite mi¹a iznad ѕlike da bi dobili prevod ili obja¹njenje istih!




            Odabrani komentari jednog stripa koji kritikuje lo¹e prevoðenje naslova stranih filmova. Najinteresantnije je ¹to svako misli da je kod njih najgore po tom pitanju.



● "Tangled" → "Rapuzel - Frisch verföhnt" ("Rapuzel - Freshly picturised/blow-dried")

            "Verföhnt" isn't even a word in German! It's the merging of "verfilmt" (picturised/turned into a film) and "geföhnt" (blow-dried) because… she has a lot of hair!

         There are also Action Movies here, that love the word "Gesetz" ("Law") in it:

"Law abiding citizen" → "Das Gesetz der Rache" ("The law of revenge")

"Pride and glory" → "Das Gesetz der Ehre" ("The law of honor")

"Brooklyn's Finest" → "Das Gesetz der Straße" ("The law of the street")

            And a lot of other movies featuring "Rache" ("Revenge") in the title:

"Justice" → "Pakt der Rache" ("Pact of revenge")

● "Thor - the dark world" = "Thor - the dark kindom"

● "Airplane!" → "Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug" ("The incredible journey in a crazy airplane")

"Bridget Jones Diary" "Schokolade zum Frühstück" ("Chocolate for breakfast")

Mile the Credit

"Dodgeball: A true underdog story" → "Voll auf die Nüsse" ("Full on the nuts")

● "Twilight" → "Biss zum Morgengrauen" ("Bite at daybreak")

"9 to 5" →"Warum eigentlich ... bringen wir den Chef nicht um?" ("Well ... why don't we kill the boss?")

● "Frozen" → "Die Eiskönigin, völlig unverfroren" ["The Icequeen, really blatantly (unverfroren = blanrantly but "froren" comes from "frieren" which means "to freeze")]

"Brave" → "Merida - Legende der Highlands" ("Merida - Legends of the highlands")

"Bolt" → "Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Fälle" ("Bolt - A dog for every situation")

"Wreck-it Ralph" → "Ralph Reicht's" ("Ralph has enough")

"Big hero 6" → "Baymax - Riesiges Robowahobu" ("Baymax - A giant WTFdoesthismeans")

"The Princess and the Frog" → "Küss den Frosch" ("Kiss the frog")


● "Concussion" → "Erschütternde Wahrheit" ("Shattering truth")

"North by Northwest" → "Der unsichtbare Dritte" ("The invisible third")

"Eternal sunshine" → "Vergiss mein nicht!" ("Forget me not!")

"Danny the Dog" → "Unleashed – Entfesseld" ("Unleashed – Unleashed")

"Tremors" → "Im Land der Rakenenwürmer" ("In the land of the roket-worms")

"Meet the Fockers" → "Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und ich" ("My wife, her parents-in-law and I")

"Austin Powers - The spy who shagged me" → "Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung" ("Spy in secrect missionary style")

"About a boy" → "Der Tag der toten Ente" ("About a Boy or: the day of the dead duck")

"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" → "Zwei glorreiche Halunken" ("Two glourious scoundrels")

"White men can't jump" → "Weiße Männer bringen's nicht" (it's hard to translate 1:1, but it basically means that white men are bad sex partners)

"Return to me" → "Zurück zu dir" ("Back to you")

"The night we never met" → "Die Nacht mit meinem Traummann" ("The night with my man of dreams")

"Dawn of the dead" → "Zombies im Kaufhaus" ("Zombies in the department store")

"Die hard" → "Stirb Langsam" ("Die slowly")

"A long kiss goodnight" "Tödliche Weihnachten" ("Deadly Christmas")


● "Jaws" is "Der weiße Hai" (The white shark)

"Groundhog Day" = "Every day greets the groundhog"

● "Stripes" = "Ich glaub' mich knutscht ein Elch" = "I believe I'm being kissed by an elk"

"Cellular" = "Wenn er auflegt, muss sie sterben!" = "When/if he hangs up, she must die"

"Beverly Hills cop" = "Beverly Hills Cop - Ich lös' den Fall auf jeden Fall" = "… I solve the case in any case"

"A Knights Tale" → "Ritter aus Leidenschaft" ("Knight out of passion")

● "Liar, liar" → "Der Dummschwätzer" ("The blithering idiot")

"Me, myself & Irene" → "Ich, beide und Sie" ("Me, We and Her")

● "Wizards" → "Die Welt in 10 Millionen Jahren" ("The world in 10 million years")

● "De grønne slagtere" → "Dänische Delikatessen" ("Danish delicacies")

"Pirates of the Caribbean" → "Fluch der Karibik" ("Curse of the Caribbean")

            Most translations in germany are the original titel + some aditional phrase or a translation. Some times they got it wrong like in

"The Revenant" → "Der Rückkehrer" ("Rückkehrer" is someone coming back but not in that zombielike way. The right translation should be "Wiedergänger" for somebody walking again)

● "Escape from New York" → "Die Klapperschlange" ("The rattlesnake")

"The other end of the line" → "Bei Anruf Liebe" ("With call love")

"The proposal" → "Selbst ist die Braut" ["The bride herself" (The German phrase is roughly translated "help yourself" but with "Braut"(bride) instead of "Mann"(man)]

"That's my boy" → "Der Chaos-Dad" ("The Chaos-Dad" - yep, they use sometimes English)

"Van Wilder" → "Party Animals ... Wilder geht's nicht!" ("Party Animals ... Wild as it gets!")

"Made in Dagenham" → "We want Sex"

"The village" → "The Village – Das Dorf" ("The Village - The Village")

"Monty Python and the Holy grail" → "Die Ritter der Kokosnuß" ("The knights of the coconut")

"The Boondock Saints" → "Der blutige Pfad Gottes" ("The bloody path of God")

● "Un genio, due compari, un pollo" (A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe) → "Nobody ist der Grösste" (Nobody is the Greatest) and thus making it a direct Prequel, not an (only implied!) Prequel. Oh, and Denmark did the same! ("Jeg hedder stadig Nobody")

● "In order of disappearance" → "Einer nach dem anderen" ("One after the other")

● "The enternal sunshine of a spotless mind" → "Vergissmeinnicht" (which means both "forget-me-not" and a flower botanically called "myosotis" – prim. ured.: na srpskom je "nezaboravak" ili "spomenak")

● "Annie Hall" → "Der Stadt Neurotiker" ("The city Neurotic")

            Nemaèka (sa engleskog na… engleski…)

● When "Taken" came out, they renamed it to "96 Hours" in Germany, since he only had that much time to save his daughter.

When the sequels came, they got troubles in naming the sequels, because they couldn't just take "Taken 2", so they just kept the "96 hours" part: "96 Hours - Taken 2" and "96 Hours - Taken 3", even though those movies had no time limit at all in their plot! It's mostly funny, because they chose an English title for the movies ("96 Hours" - not the German translation that would be "96 Stunden"), so they made themselves more troubles then they needed to!

● "Cradle 2 the grave" = "Born 2 die"

● "Accepted" = "S.H.I.T."

● "Die hard with a vengeance" = "Die slowly – Now more than ever"

"Maleficent" = "Maleficent – The dark fairy"

"Top Gun" = "Top Gun – They neither fear death nor devil"

"Ghost" = "Ghost – Message from Sam"

"Avatar" = "Avatar – Departure to Pandora"

● "Scissors" = "Final Instinct"

● "Australia" = "Long way home"

"Maze runner" = "Maze Runner - Chosen in the Labyrinth"

● "Black Eagle" = "Red Eagle" (???)

● Switzerland (maybe also Germany) tries to be cool and use English:

"The boat that rocked" = "Radio rock revolution"

"What happend in Vegas" = "Love Vegas"

"Shanghai noon" = "Shang-High noon"

"U-Turn" =  "U-Turn - no way back" (despite that this is the exact opposite of a u-turn)

Tor i Pikaèu

● "Billy Elliot" "Billy Elliot - I will dance"


● "Stripes" → "Røven af fjerde division" ("The ass of fourth devision")

"Planes, trains and automobiles" → "Røvtur på 1. klasse" (the first word can't really be translated it'd be "Asstrip" if you did it anyway, the whole thing means something along the lines of "Unpleasant trip on 1st class")

"Bird on a wire" → "Du skyder, jeg smiler" ("You shoot, I'll smile")

"Prince of darkness" → "I en kælder sort som kul" ("In a celler black as coal")

"Blazing saddles" → "Sheriffen skyder på det hele" ("The sheriff shoots at everyhing")

"Beverly Hills cop" → "Frækkere end politiet tillader" ("Naughtier than the police allow")

"Big trouble in Little China" = "Hvem springer kineserne for?" (literal translation would be "Who do the Chinese jump for?" the way it's written "jumping for somebody" in this context means "Who do they take orders from?")

● "The Shawshank Redemption" → "En verden udenfor" ("A world outside")

"Singin' in the Rain" → "Syng i sol og regn" ("Sing in sun and rain")

● "Gods Army" was "translated" to "Gods Secret Army" (not translated, just added "secret") when published with danish subtitles

● "Airplane" → Højt at flyve, dybt at falde" ("Fly high, fall deep")

● "Die hard with a vengeance" → "Die hard: Megahard"

"Cruel Intensions" → "Sex Games"

● As "Peanuts" were not common or even named in Danish at the time, the comic strip was called "Radiserne".

● "Friends with Benefits" → "Bollevenner" ("Fuck-buddies")

"Meat Balls" → "Med Røven i vandskorpen" (something like "Ass in the Water Surface") which was just one of the ass-themed movie titles of the time.

● Captain America: The Winter Soldier → Captain America: The Return of The First Avenger

● "The running man" → "Sidste chance" ("Last chance")

● "Star wars: The force awakens" → sounds horrible in Danish: "Star wars: Kraften vækkes"

"Jaws" → "Dødens gab" ("Jaws of Death")

            Also, names are sometimes translated into Danish. Bilbo Baggins (From The Hobbit) is named "Bilbo Sækker".

● "Charlie and the chocolate factory" → "Drengen som druknede i chokolade sovs" ("The boy who drowned in chocolate sauce")

● "Birdie nam nam" → "Kom og vask min elefant" ("Come over and wash my elephant")

● "Red heat" → "En Russer rydder op i Chicago" ("A Russian cleaning up Chicago")

● "Total Recall" → "Sidste udkald" ("You sat down")

● "Heartbeat" → "Små og store synder" ("Small and large sins")

● "Miss Congeniality" → "Agent Catwalk" (yes... we translated the very hard word "Congeniality" to "Agent Catwalk")

"It" → "Det Onde" ("The Evil")

"Total Recall" → "Sidste udkald" ("Last Call" or "Last Call Out")


● "Criminal intent" → "Glæpamenn í tjaldi" ("Criminals in a tent")

● "Lethal Weapon" → "Tveir á Toppnum" ("Two at the top")

● @BubbaMort, What do you mean you cannot translate names? We do it all the time. For example, the first Stjörnustríð (Star Wars) movie was the story of Logi Geimgengill, who lived with his relatives Ófeigur Frændi and Bera Frænka on the planet Urðir and set off with the captain of the Fálkinn, Hans Óli, and his first mate Loðinn to rescue Lilja prinsessa, who had been captured by Svarthöfði and taken to the Helstirni that was then used by its commander, Tjörvi stórmoffi, to blow up her planet Alviðra....

● "Jaws" → "Ókindin" ("The monster")

"Die hard" → "Á tæpasta vaði" ("At the most riskiest ford")

"Naked gun" → "Beint á ská" ("Straight in an angle")


● "21 jump street" "Löggur á skólabekk" ("Cops in school")

"The good, the bad and the ugly" "Einn var góður, annar illur, þriðji grimmur" ("One was good, another one evil, the third cruel")


"Howard the duck" "Hetjan Hávarður" ("Howard the hero")

"Living daylight" "Logandi hræddir" ("Really scared")

● "Gattaca" = "The genes will tell on you"

"Star trek" = "Star killings"

● "Star trek" = "Spaceship"

"Walking tall" = "Stand still"

"Jingle all the way" = "Christmas action"

● "Trainspotting" = "Messed up existence"

"Animal house" = "The Delta clique"

"Turk 182" = "Bad treatment of a good boy"

"Eyes wide shut" = "Hold me, let me go"

● On behalf of my country, I apologise:

"Rambo" → "Einn í óbyggðum" ("Alone in the wilderness")

"Full metal jacket" → "Örlög og árásir" ("Fates and attacks")

"House of cards" → "Kortakofi" ("Card hut")

"Men in black" → "Svartstakkar" ("Black coats")

● "The Shining" → "Duld" ("Hidden")

"Dumb & Dumber" → "Heimskir Ferðalangar" ("Stupid travelers")

"Modern times" → "Nútíminn" ("The present time")

"Terminator 2 - Judgement day" → "Tortímandinn 2 – Dómsdagur"

"Lord of the Rings" → "Hringadróttinsaga"

"The Expendables" → "Fórnfúsarnir" ("The willing sacrificers")

"Raiders of the Lost ark" → "Leitin að týndu örkinni"

"Spider-Man" → "Kóngulóarmaðurinn"

"The Dark knight" → "Rökkuriddarinn"


● "Moana" "Oceania" (it's because "Moana" remind everybody the porn actress Moana Pozzi, the main character's new name is "Vaiana")

"Brodre" (Danish) "Non desiderare la donna d'altri" ("You shall not covet your neighbor's wife")

"The Texas chainsaw massacre" "Non aprite quella porta" ("Don't open that door")

"Dead poets Society" "L'attimo fuggente" ("The fleeing moment")

"Pirates of the Caribbean – The curse of the black pearl" "Pirati dei Caraibi: la maledizione della prima luna" ("The curse of the first moon")

"Groundhog Day" "Ricomincio da capo" ("I start again", maybe)

"Van Wilder" "Maial college" (it's a word game between "pig (maiale)" and "never to (mai al)")

- "Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind" "Se mi lasci ti cancello" ("If you leave me, I delete you")

- "Intolerable cruelty" "Prima ti sposo, poi ti rovino" ("First I marry you, then I ruin you")

- "Dr. No" "Agente 007: Licenza di uccidere" ("Agent 007: licence to kill")

- "Total Recall" "Atto di forza" ("Act of force")

- "Away we go" "American life" (yes, it's in English)

- "Mad Max" "Interceptor" (again, it's in English)

- "Cover girl" "Fascino" ("Charm")

- "Le grand amour" "No, no, no, con tua madre non ci sto" ("No, no, no, I will not stay with your mother")

● "I love you Philip Morris" "Colpo di fulmine : il mago della truffa" ("Love at first sight : the wizard of cons")

"Road to Perdition" "Era mio padre" ("He was my father")

"The Shawshank Redemption" "Le ali della libertà" ("Wings of Freedom")

"The seven year itch" "Quando la moglie è in vacanza" ("When the wife is on holiday")

"Spirited Away" → "La città incantata" ("The enchanted city"

"How I met your mother" "E alla fine arriva mamma" ("And at the end mom arrives").

● "The Hangover" → "Una notte da leoni" (literally "Lion's night", meaning "Big night")

"Made in Dagenham" = "We want sex"

● "Brave" → "Ribelle" ("Rebel")

● "Citizen Kane" → "Quarto potere" ("Fourth power")

"There will be blood" → "Il petroliere" ("Oil tycoon")

● "Ace Ventura: Pet detective" → "Ace Ventura: Acchiappanimali" (literally means "animals-grabber")

"The cable guy" → "Il rompiscatole" ("The pest")

"Total recall" → "Atto di forza" ("Act of Force")

"Courage the cowardly dog" → "Leone il cane fifone" ("Leone the cowardly dog", as "Leone" is both a first name and a synonym of "courage", and it rhymes with "fifone", coward)

"21 jump street" → "I quattro della scuola di polizia" ("The Four of the Police Academy")

"The naked gun" → "Una pallottola spuntata" ("A clipped bullet")

"Austin Powers: International man of mystery" → "Austin Powers: Il controspione" ("The counter-telltale")


"Austin Powers: The spy who shagged me" → "Austin Powers - La spia che ci provava" ("The spy who hit on [me]", apparently the term "shagged" was considered outrageous)

"City slickers" → "Scappo dalla città, la vita l'amore e le vacche" ("Escaping the city: life, love and cows")

● Vampire movie "The hunger" was renamed in Italy "Miriam si sveglia a mezzanotte" which is "Miriam wakes up at midnight" For a longtime I thought it was a porn!



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