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EN814 - Nedelja, 21. VII 2024./7531.

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U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Kriminalci u šatoru! (4/5)           Engleski jezik

            Očajni prevodi naslova filmova (Portugalija i Brazil, Kina, Slovačka, Češka, Slovenija, Mađarska)

4. Slike čitalaca

            Slike koje su naši čitaoci montirali (i poslali nama)

8. Tomove povrede   Engleski jezik

            Sve povrede koje je mačak Tom doživeo tokom karijere

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!

Pažnja! Stavite miša iznad ѕlike da bi dobili prevod ili objašnjenje istih!

Pas tigar


            Odabrani komentari jednog stripa koji kritikuje loše prevođenje naslova stranih filmova. Najinteresantnije je što svako misli da je kod njih najgore po tom pitanju.


            Portugalija i Brazil

● "The hangover" → "Se beber, não case!" ("If you drink, don't get married!")

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" → "Um belo par de patins" ("A nice pair of roller skates")

"The hurricane" → "Hurricane: o furacão" ("Hurricane: the hurricane")

"Not another teen movie" → "Não é mais um besteirol Americano" ("Not another American slapstick")

● "The Party" → "A very goofy guest"

"Parenthood" → "The shot that backfired"

"Rat Race" → "Everybody went crazy - A race for million$" (yes, the $ is actually in the title).

● "Scary movie" → "Todo mundo em pânico" ("Everybody in panic")

"From within" → "Do além" ("From beyond"... Yes, it's almost the exact opposite of the originalname. The movie itself is stupidly boring, by the way)

Ptica trkačica

"Final destination" → "Premonição" ("Premonition")

"Saw" → "Jogos mortais" ("Deadly games")

"Austin Powers: The spy who shagged me" → "Austin Powers: O Agente Bond Cama" (a pun with the name Bond. The title reads like "The Agent Good in Bed")

"Die hard" → "Duro de matar" ("Hard to kill")

"The lovely bones" → "Um olhar do Paraíso" ("A look from Paradise")

"Inside out" → "Divertida mente" (a pun, literally it means "Fun mind", but you can also read it as Funnily, or Entertainingly. It's a pretty good title, to be fair)

Kupi mi kafu

● "Flickan som lekte med elden" → BRA: "A menina que brincava com fogo" ("The girl who played with fire"

            → P: "A rapariga que sonhava com uma lata de gasolina e um fósforo" ("The girl who dreamt with a can of gasoline and a match")

● "The secret of NIMH" → "A ratinha valente" ("The corageous little mouse")

"Airplane" → "Apertem os cintos, o piloto sumiu" ("Fasten your seatbelts, the pilot is gone")

"Naked gun" → "Corra que a polícia vem aí" ("Run away, police is coming")

"Despicable me" → "Meu malvado favorito" ("My favorite bad guy")

"Breakfast at Tiffany's" → "Bonequinha de luxo" ("Luxury doll")

"The nut job" → "O que será de nozes?" (a pun with us=nós and nuts=nozes: "What about us/nuts?")

"The godfather" → "O poderoso chefão" ("The powerful big boss")

"The sound of music" → "A noviça rebelde" ("The rebelious novice")

"Shane" → "Os brutos também amam" ("The brutes/ bad ones also fall in love")

"Rope" → "Festim diabólico" ("Devilish little Party")

● Charlie Brown didn't get much well known in Brazil back in the day. It's success here started mostly due to Snoopy, so that's what the comic was named at first. Now "Peanuts the Movie" is called "Snoopy e Charlie Brown, Peanuts o Filme", translating as "Snoopy and Charlie Brown, Peanuts, the Movie".

● "Must love dogs" → "Mulher com cão procura homem com coração" ("Woman with dog looks for men with heart")

"White man can't jump" → "Branco não sabe meter" ("White man don't know how to put")

"Jersey girl" → "Era uma vez… um pai" ("Once upon a time....a father")

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" → "Um belo patins" ("A good pair....of rollerskates")

"Monsters ball" → "Depois do ódio" ("After the hate")

"Are we there yet? " → "Estás frito, meu!" ("You are toasted, dude!")

"Balls of fury" → "Não me toques nas bolas" ("Don't touch my balls!")

● "Silver linings playbook" → "The good side of life"

"Don Juan" → "How not to lose that woman"

"Annie Hall" → "Nervous Groom, Neurotic Bride"

Šesto čulo

            Kina [prim. ured.: da me ne bi zezao enkoding, umesto kineskih znakova ću koristiti pin-jin (latinicu)]

● "Léon" (France) = "This hit man is not as cold as he thought"

            The further away we get from France the greater the need for explanations and we wouldn't want to offend American or Chinese sensibilities with French names in the title.

"Sixth sense" = "He vas a ghost after all!"

"Trainspotting" = "Guessing the trains"

"The full monty" = "Six naked pigs"

"Pretty woman" = "I will marry a prostitute to save money"

"Junior" = "Son of the devil!"

"GI Jane" = "Satan female soldier!"

● I met a friend about 10 years ago who had foolishly gotten a Chinese tattoo. She told the artist she wanted, "'til death do us part" tattooed in Chinese characters on the back of her neck. Since I was studying Japanese at the time, she wanted to know if that's what it said (something not unreasonable, since Japanese uses the same writing system, just with fewer characters). Suspicious about the true meaning, as there was only one character in her tattoo, I set about researching it. Took me forever to find, as it turned out this was one of the characters Japanese didn't use.

            Turns out, there was a Chinese movie made called "Bié ài wǒ" which was translated on the DVD box in English as "Till death do us part." Two problems: one, that is NOT what the Chinese translates to. The truer translation is "Do not love me". The second problem is that the tattoo artist only did the first character from the phrase... That was it! So my friend had "Do not" permanently inked on the back of her neck, because her dumb tattoo artist did a lazy Google search, and an even lazier tattoo job.

            Never, ever get foreign words tattooed on yourself, kids.

● Apparently it is common practice for any film to have at least three names in Chinese - one for the Mainland (CN), one for Hong Kong (HK) and Macao (M), and one for Taiwan (TW). Singapore (S) will sometimes create her own translation.

"3 idiots" → CN: "Sān shǎ dà nào bǎo lái wù" ("3 idiots go on a rampage in Bollywood")

            → HK: Hong Kong: "Zuò sǐ bùlí 3 xiōngdì" ("The three brothers who are always together")

            → TW: "Sān gè shǎguā" ("Three idiots")

● In China, "Guardians of the Galaxy" became "Unusual interplanetary attack team".

● It gives some weird translated titles, and many of them are Chinese:

"As good as it gets" → "Mr. Cat Poop"

"Free Willy" → "A very powerful whale runs to the sky"

"Get smart" → "The spy, is he qualified or not?" (TW)

"Barb wire" → "Delicate orbs of womanhood bigger than your head can hurt you"

"Leaving Las Vegas" → "I'm drunk and you're a whore"

"Batman & Robin" → "Come to my cave and wear this rubber codpiece, cute boy"

"American pie" → "The virgin american"

"My best friend's wedding" → "Help! My pretend boyfriend is gay"

"Interview with the vampire" → "So, you are a lawyer"

"Babe" → "The happy dumpling-to-be who talks and solves agricultural problems"

"Field of dreams" → "Imaginary dead baseball players live in my cornfield"

"The crying game" → "Oh, no! My girlfriend has a penis!"

● Well, in Taiwan we also have stock phrases used to translate/reinvent movie names (and sometimes even name original movies by), to the point that it's extremely easy for people to mix up two movies of the same genre.

            "Jíkè" ("immediate", "instantaneous", "right away")

"Taken" → "Jíkè jiùyuán" ("Immediate rescue")

"The grey" → "Jíkè liè shā" ("Immediate hunt")

"Tokarev/Rage" → "Jíkè fùchóu" ("Immediate revenge")

            "Zhōngjí" ("ultimate", "utmost", "most badass"…)

"Taxi" → "Zhōngjí shāzhèn" ("Ultimate weapon/tactic")

"Hostage" → "Zhōngjí rénzhì" ("Ultimate hostage)

"Die hard" → "Zhōngjí jǐng tàn" ("Ultimate detective")

"Extraction" → "Zhōngjí jiùyuán" ("Ultimate rescue")

            "Shén guǐ" ("God and ghost", basically just a way to sound badass)

"The mummy" → "Shén guǐ chuánqí" ("Legend of God and ghost")

"Bourne identity" → "Shén guǐ rènzhèng" ("Identification of God and ghost")

"Gladiator" → "Shén guǐ zhànshì" ("Fight of God and ghost")

"Catch me if you can" → "Shén guǐ jiāofēng" ("Battle of God and ghost")

"The Aviator" → "Shén guǐ wánjiā" ("Player of God and ghost")

"Pirates of the Caribbean" → "Shén guǐ qí háng" ("Voyage of God and ghost")

"The Revenant" → "Shén guǐ lièrén" ("Hunter of God and ghost")


            "Xīnlíng" ("heart and soul" or "mind", "spirit", "heart"…)

"Good Will Hunting" → "Xīnlíng bǔshǒu" ("Catcher of heart and soul")

"Boy A" → "Xīnlíng tiěchuāng" ("Prison bars of heart and soul")

"The rookie" → "Xīnlíng tóushǒu" ("Pitcher of heart and soul")

            "Zhēn'ài" ("true love")

"The fountain" → "Zhēn'ài yǒnghéng" ("True love lasts forever)

"Going the distance" → "Zhēn'ài líng jùlí" ("True love zero distance")

"Revolutionary road" → "Zhēn'ài lǚchéng" ("True love journey")

            "Juédì" (I don't even know how to translate this… "despairing land/circumstances", or "on the edge/at the end of the rope/hanging by a thread/no retreat" or something like that)

"The big momma's house" → "Juédì nǎi bà" ("Babysitter in despairing land)

"The Martian" → "Juédì jiùyuán" ("Rescue in despairing land")

"The island" → "Juédì zàishēng" ("Rebirth in despairing land")

Jedi → "Juédì wǔshì" (Jedi knight/Samurai - not the name of a movie, but that's how Jedi in Star Wars are translated)


● "Kevin and Perry go large" "Klub sráčov" ("Club of wankers")

"Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle" "Pofajčíme, uvidíme" ("We'll smoke and see")

"Basic" "Zelené peklo" ("The green hell")

"The Amityville horror" "3:15 zomrieš" ("You'll die at 3:15")

"Buffalo soldiers" "Ukradni, čo môžeš" ("Steal whatever you can")

"Knight and day" "Zatiaľ spolu, zatiaľ nažive" ("So far together, so far alive")

"Crank" "Zastav a neprežiješ" ("Just stop and you won't survive")

"The invisible" "Život, smrť a niečo medzi tým" ("Life, death and something in between")

"Sweet home Alabama" "Dievča na roztrhanie" ("So badly wanted girl" - it literally means: "A girl to be shred", that's a phrase for someone being wanted by everyone and everywhere)

"The ultimate gift" "12 podmienok k dedičstvu" ("12 conditions of inheritage")

"Clerks" "Podvodníci z New Jersey" ("Cheaters from New Jersey")

"The 13th warrior" "Vikingovia" ("The Vikings")

"The messengers" "Prekliatie domu slnečníc" ("Curse of the sunflower house")

"Taken" "96 hodín" ("96 hours")

"Journey to the end of the night" "Svet drog" ("The world of drugs")

"Metro" "Policajt zo San Francisca" ("Policeman from San Francisco")

"Step up! " "Let's dance!"

"Wicker park" "Miluj ma! Prosím…" ("Love me! Please…")

"The omen" "Satan prichádza" ("Satan is coming")

"The good shepherd" "Kauza CIA" ("The CIA case")

"Not another teen movie" "Bulšit" (this is just "Bulshit" written with Slovak spelling)

"Breaking Bad" "Perníkový tatko" ("The gingerbread daddy"; btw, "perník" can as well mean "gingerbread" just as slang used word "pervitine")

"Bad company" "Česká spojka" ("The Czech clutch")

"Men of war" "Švéd" ("Swede")


● "Inception" → "Počátek" ("The beginning)

● "The 13th Warrior" → "Vikingové"

"Outlander" → "Vikingové II"

"Vacation" → "Bláznivá dovolená" ("Crazy Holiday")

"The ringer" → "Bláznivá olympiáda" ("Crazy Olympics")

"The naked gun" → "Bláznivá střela" ("Crazy shot")

"Daddy day care" → "Bláznivá školka" ("Crazy kindergarten")

● In the Czech Republic we've got some gems too:

"Die hard" = "Deadly trap"

"A beautiful mind" = "Pure soul"

"Bee movie" = "Mr. Bee"

"The butterfly effect" = "Touch of destiny"

"Hangover" = "Party in Vegas"

"The Bourne identity" = "Agent without past"

"Cool runnings" = "Coconuts on snow"

Džejms Bond

● My personal favourite is "American pie" being basically called "Fuckity fuckity fuck" ("Prci prci prcičky") in Czech. Yes, seriously, that was the oficial release name.

● The Coen Brother's "Blood Simple" is kind of hard to translate precisely, so the Czech title is "Needless Cruelty". Then the Coens had to go and make a movie called "Intolerable Cruelty"...


● We called the movie "Alien" "Osmi Potnik" ("The eight passenger"). Because there were 7 crew members on the "Nostromo" and the alien made up the 8th. But of course no-one could possibly expect there to be a sequel where the name would lose all meaning. But naturally "Aliens" was called... "Osmi Potnik 2".

● "Mrs. Doubtfire" "Očka v krilu" ("Daddy in a skirt")

● "Blades of glory" "Drkajva skupaj" (which is actually an old word for skating that we don't use anymore but in our language it could also mean "Jerk Off Together")

"Hunger games - Catching fire" "Igre Lakote: Kruto maščevanje" ("Cruel revenge") also First part got a subtitle "Arena of death" and the third one just got "Hunger games: Rebellion".

"Despicable me" "Jaz baraba" ("I, bastard")

"Stuck on you" "Kot rit in srajca" ("As ass and a shirt", it is actually a saying in our language for someone who always sticks together)

"RV" "Očka, ne ga srat!" ("Dad, stop screwing around" - slang)

"Bringing down the house" "Frka v bajti" (slang - "Mess/Fuss in the house")

"Failure to launch" "Čez trideset in še vedno pri tastarih" ("Over 30 and still with the old folks")

Tri roze koze - Cipelići

"Rush hour" → "Full gas"

"The departed" → "Dvojna igra"

"9 songs" → "9 orgazmov"

"Due date" → "Draga, počakaj, sem na poti" ("Darling, wait, I'm on my way")

"Ride along" → "Svaka pod krinko" ("Brothers-in-Law Undercover")

"Point break" → "Peklenski val" ("A wave from hell")

"The to do list" → "Abeceda seksa" ("Alphabet of Sex")


● "Men in black" → "Sötét Zsaruk" ("Dark cops")

● "Blade runner" = "Winged headhunter"

"Die hard" = "Give your life expensive"

"Die hard 2" = "Your life is even more expensive"

"Die hard 3" = "Life is always expensive"

"Alien" → "A nyolcadik utas a Halál" ("The 8th Passenger is Death")

"Alien 2" → "A bolygó neve Halál" ("The name of the planet is Death")

"Alien 3" → "A végső megoldás Halál" ("The final solution is Death")

"Alien 4" → "Feltámad a Halál" ("The Death resurrects")

● "Le boulet" → "A tökös, a Török, az őr meg a nő" ("The one with the balls, the turk, the guard and the woman").

"Quantum of Solace" → "A Quantum csendje" ("Silence of the quantum")

● "Mr. Woodcock" → "Anyámon a tanárom" ("My teacher is on my mother")

"Pretty little liars" → "Hazug csajok társasága" ("Liar chick's company)

"Home Alone" → "Reszkessetek, betörők!" ("Tremble, burglars!")

"The last stand" → "Erőnek erejével" ("With the power's power")

"Love the Coopers" → "Káosz karácsonyra" ("Chaos for Christmas")

"Kick/ass" → "Ha/ver" ["If he beat" (ha= if, ver= he beat; but "haver" means "buddy")]

"Slackers" → "A nyúl viszi a puskát" ("The rabbit brings the rifle")

"Scary movie" → "Horrorra akadva, avagy tudom kit ettél tavaly nyárson" ("Found horror, or I know who you have eaten in skewer last year")

● "Notting hill" → "Sztárom a párom" ("My significant other is my star")

"The pick of destiny" → "Kerek rockerek" ("Round rockers")

"Car wash" → "Retkes verdák rémei" ("The fiends of the dirty cars")

"Hot shots" → "Nagy durranás" ("Big Bumm")

"Star wars" → "Csillagok háborúja" ("War of the stars")

"Battle of the Bulge" → "A halál 50 órája" ("The 50 hours of the death")



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