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EN815 - Nedelja, 28. VII 2024./7531.

Logo Leteći bumbar No.815

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Kriminalci u šatoru! (5/5)           Engleski jezik

            Očajni prevodi naslova filmova (Poljska, Rusija, Grčka, anglofone zemlje, Izrael, Srbija i Hrvatska, Japan, Estonija, Rumunija, Turska, Indonezija, bonus)

4. Špigl - dvojnici poznatih

            Foto-feljton: dvojnici poznatih ličnosti

8. Telefonski razgovori

            Trajanje telefonskih razgovora

Urednicima ostalih časopisa: Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!

Pažnja! Stavite miša iznad ѕlike da bi dobili prevod ili objašnjenje istih!


Hello Kriki



            Odabrani komentari jednog stripa koji kritikuje loše prevođenje naslova stranih filmova. Najinteresantnije je što svako misli da je kod njih najgore po tom pitanju.



● "Die hard" → "Szklana pułapka" ("Glass trap")

"Dirty dancing" → "Wirujący seks" ("Spinning seks")

"Hangover" → "Kac Vegas" ("Hangover Vegas")

"Hangover 2" → "Kac Vegas w Bangkoku" (Hangover Vegas in Bangkok")

"Terminator" = "Electronic murderer"

"Whatever works" = "What makes us horny"

"Reality bites" = "Orbiting without sugar"(???!!!)

"Bandidas" = "Sexi pistols"

"Crash" = "City of anger"

"Touching the void" = "Waiting for Joe"

● "Despicable me" = "How to steal the Moon?"

"Somewhere" = "Somewhere. Between the places" (yeah, why not?)

● "The hunger" → "Zagadka nieśmiertelności" ("The riddle of immortality")

● "Frozen" → "Kraina lodu" ("The land of ice")

● "Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind" → "Zakochany bez pamięci" (prim. ured.: "Zaljubljeni bez pameti")

"IT crowd" → "Technicy - magicy ("Technicians – magicians")
"Prison break" → "Skazany na śmierć" ("Sentenced to death")


"The bold and the beautiful" → "Moda na sukces" ("Fashion for success")

Buy me a coffee


"Dan in real life" → "Влюбиться в невесту брата" ("In love with the brother's bride")

● "Die hard" → "Крепкий орешек" ("Strong nut")

"Some like it hot" "В джазе только девушки" ("Girls in jazz only")

"Lost" → "Остаться в живых" ("Staying alive")

"The men who stare at goats" → "Безумный спецназ" ("Crazy forces")

"The hangover" → "Мальчишник в Вегасе" ("Bachelor in Vegas")

"The ring" → "Звонок" ("Jingle")

"Fair game" → "Игра без правил" ("Game without rule")

"Hitch" "Правила съёма: метод Хитча" ("Rules of the set: Hitch method")

"The other guys" → "Копы в глубоком запасе" ("Cops in deep stock")

"Public Enemies" "Джонни Д." ("Johnny D.")

"Intouchables" "1+1"

"The fast & furious" "Форсаж" ("Afterburner")

"Ted" → "Third excess"

"That's my boy" "Dosvidos, Dad" ["dosvidos" is a slang from "do svidaniya" (Good bye)]

"Internship" "Кадры решают всё" ("Cadres decide everything")

"Inception" "Начало" ("The begining")

"Sweet home Alabama" "Стильная штучка" ("Nice chick")

"The water horse" "Мой домашний динозавр" ("My pet dinosaur")

Čak Noris

● "The f word" → "Дружба и никакого секса" ("Friendship and no sex at all")

● "Frozen" → "Холодное сердце" ("Cold heart")

"Les Misérables" → "Отверженные" ("The outcasts")

● "Silver linings playbook" = "My boyfriend is nuts"

"Cinderella man" = "Knockdown"

"Factory girl" = "I seduced Andy Warhol"

"The heart is deceitful above all things" = "Chicks"

"No strings attached" = "More than sex"

● "The Shawshank Redemption" = "Escape from Shawshank"

"Tomorrow, When the War Began" = "Invasion: Fight for heaven"


● "Frozen" → "Ψυχρά και ανάποδα" ("Cold and up-side down")

"Final destination" → "Βλέπω τον θάνατό σου" ("I see your death")

"Austin Powers: International man of mystery" → "O κατάσκοπος που γύρισε από το τρίο" ("The spy who returned from the threesome")

"Saw II" → "Σε βλέπω ξανά" ("I see you again")

"Afternoon delight" → "Σέξυ νταντά" ("Sexy nanny")

"Inescapable" → "Απαγωγή στην Δαμασκό" ("Kidnapping in Damascus")

"That awkward moment" → "Τα αγόρια της διπλανής πόρτας" ("Boys next door")

"The to-do list" → "Το ημερολόγιο μιας πρωτάρας" ("The diary of a virgin girl")

"Blended" → "Μαζί… με το ζόρι" ("Together… by force")

● "The Texas chainsaw massacre" → "The schizophrenic murdered with the chainsaw"

"Annie Hall" → "Nervous Lover"

"Four Christmases" → "Christmas on all fours"

"Final destination" → "I see your death"

"Layer cake" → "Pills, bullets and 1.000.000 pounds"

"Monty Python and the holy grail" → "The brotherhood of the knights of the terrible table"

● "The blues brothers" → "Οι ατσίδες με τα μπλε" ("The viseguys in blue" (as in, blue clothes)]

"My stepmom is an alien" → "Η σεξωγήινη" ("The Sexlien")

"Bad trip" – "Πες αλεύρι …ο αράπης σε γυρεύει" ("Guess what… the Arabs are after you")

"Time bandits" → "Οι υπέροχοι ληστές και τα κουλουβάχατα της ιστορίας" ("The wonderful bandits and the mish-mash of history")

"Murder by death" → "Πρόσκληση σε γεύμα από έναν υποψήφιο δολοφόνο" ("An invitation to dinner from a potential murderer")

"Field of dreams" → "Ο ξυπόλητος Τζο" ("Barefoot Joe")

            Sometimes the desire to summarize the plot in the title outright spoils it:

"The Shawshank redemption" → "Τελευταία έξοδος - Ρίτα Χέιγουορθ" ("Final exit - Rita Hayworth")

"The jacket" → "Η πρώτη φορά που πέθανα" ("The first time I died")

"Shallow grave" → "Μικρά εγκλήματα μεταξύ φίλων" ("Small crimes between friends")


Šara na tepihu Klovn Penivajz (2017)

TLL 815

"The last supper" → "Καλή όρεξη και αντίο" ("Enjoy your meal and farewell")

"The lake house" → " Έρωτας χωρίς παρόν" ("Love with no present")

"Wag the dog" → "O πρόεδρος, ένα ροζ σκάνδαλο κι ένας πόλεμος " ("The president, a sex scandal and a war")

"North by northwest" → "Στην σκιά των τεσσάρων γιγάντων" ("In the shadow of the four giants")


"Brothers" → "Ουκ επιθυμήσεις την γυναίκα του πλησίον σου" ("Thou shalt not covet your neighbour's wife")

"La strada" → "Πουλημένη από τη μάνα της" ("Sold by her mother")

"Blackmail" → "Σκότωσα για την τιμή μου" ("I killed for my honour")

            Englesko govorno područje (iliti: sa engleskog na engleski)

● The TV series "Teenage mutant ninja turtles" was renamed to "Teenage mutant hero turtles" because of Thatcher, and the fact "Ninja" was considered controversial. I think they also edited out Michelangelo's weapon too…

● "Harold & Kumar go to White castle" (USA) = "Harold & Kumar get the munchies" (UK)

Not a lot of "White castle" restaurants outside of USA

"51st State" (UK) → Formula 51 (USA)

"The Pope must die" (UK) → "The Pope must diet" (USA, Italy, Vatican…)

"Avengers" (USA) → "Avengers assemble" (UK)

● "Braindead" (New Zealand) "Dead alive" (USA)

● "Lucky number Slevin" → "The wrong guy" (NZ)

● "Airplane" → "Flying high" (AUS)

● "Zootopia" → "Zootropolis" (UK)

"Sea level" → "Seefood" (UK)

● Not that we're always good with movie names, either. "8 heads in a duffel bag" isn't exactly an enticing introduction.

            Sa stranog na engleski

● In Korea where it was made, it was called "Hæundæ" after the famous beach where it took place. In Japan the title was "Tsunami" and in the US it was "Tidal Wave". It was a disaster movie about a giant wave hitting Hæundæ beach. Not really funny, I know.

            "Ajeossi" is the title in the original Korean, but that word does not translate directly into English. Literally it means "uncle", but in usage it's more like "the older guy who looks after me". The American title became "The man from nowhere" (???).

● My personal favorite translation is the icelandic film Hrafninn flýgur (literally "the Raven flies"), which recieved the english title "Revenge of the barbarians"


● Back in the 90's the "The naked gun" series got translated as "The gun died of laughter".

            So far so good, I guess, even if it assumes stupidity and the inability to look at posters, but after that series ended, things got totally crazy. Basically every ridiculous comedy that the title of which translators couldn't really work with ended up getting a "died of laughter" (=met mits'chok) suffix.

"George of the jungle" "The jungle died of laughter"

"Jane Austen's Mafia" "The Godfather died of laughter"

"Spy hard" "The spy died of laughter"

"Basketball" "The ball died of laughter"

"Deuce Bigalow - male gigolo" "The gigolo died of laughter"

"Wrongfully accused" " The escapee dies of laughter"

            And then you get hybrids like the Scary Movie series that were a melding between the above and the Hebrew name for "Die hard", which is "Really want to live" (=met lichiot. literally, "Dying to live"). So you got "Really want to scream" (=met lits'ok. Literally, "dying to scream") which references the "Scream" series, but sounds like "Met lits'chok" (Really want to laugh / dying to laugh).

● "Bee movie" → "Beehive in a movie"

● "Inside – out" → "Hakol barosh" (a pun: it can mean either "the voice in the head" or "Everything is in the head")

● "Hangover" → "On the way to the wedding we stop at Vegas"

"The expendables" → "The unforgettables"

● Since "Saving private Ryan" (which was translated fine), movies with Matt Damon tend to be called in Israel "Saving [name]"...

            Srbija i Hrvatska

● "Умри мушки" → "Die like a man" ("Die hard")

"Домино ефекат" → "Domino effect" ("The butterfly effect")

"Голи у седлу" → "Naked in a saddle" ("Easy rider")

"Дванаест жигосаних" → "The branded twelve" ("Dirty dozen")

Matica srpska

"Играј своју игру" → "Play it your way" ("Ocean's 11")

"О јагодама и крви" → "Of strawberries and blood" ("The strawberry statement")

"Цревна напаст" → "Intestinal pest" ("Cable guy")

"Мангупи оверавају матуру" → "The rascals are validating their graduation" ("American pie")

"Повратак ратника" → "Return of the warrior" ("Coming home")

"Чај у Сахари" → "Tea in the Sahara" ("Sheltering sky")

"Бекство из Шошенка" → " Escape from Shawshank" ("Shawshank redemption")

● "Kad jaganjci utihnu" → "When the lambs fall silent" ("Silence of the lambs)

"Ajkula" → "Shark" ("Jaws")

"Bogovi su pali na teme" → "Gods have fallen on their scalps" ("The gods must be crazy")

● "Shallow hal" "Ljubav je slijepa" ("Love is blind")

"The other Boleyn girl" "Dvije sestre za kralja" ("Two sisters for the king")

"The Lincoln lawyer" "Cijena istine" ("The price of the truth")

"Law abiding citizen" "Građanin opasnih namjera" ("Citizen with dangerous intentions")

"Intolerable cruelty" "Razvedi me, zavedi me" ("Divorce me, seduce me")

"The hurt locker" "Narednik James" ("Sergeant James")

"UP" "Nebesa" ("Heavens")

"Valliant" "Hrabri Pero" ("Brave Pero" – "pero" means feather in Croatian but is also a shortening of the name Peter, so he's a pigeon named Pete and has feathers)


● I don't have a source for this one (as I don't speak Japanese) but i've heard that in Japan "Titanic" is called "Ship out of Luck"


● "Napoleon Dynamite" → "Bus man"

"You only live twice" → "007 dies twice"

"Almost famous" → "Back in those days with Penny Lane"

"Twilight" → "Twilight: Puppy love"

"Fast five" → "Wild speed: Mega max"

"Austin Powers: The spy who shagged me" → "Austin Powers delux"

● "Jersey girl" → "I love my dad the best in the world"

"Army of darkness" → "Captain Supermarket!"

● "Big trouble in Little China" → "Ghost hunters"

● When I was living in Japan, the funniest one that I saw was for an action movie staring Jet Li called "Unleashed" but in Japan it was called "Danny the Dog."


● "Frozen" → "Lumekuninganna ja igavene talv" ("Ice queen and eternal winter")

● While on the subject of Batman, the original Finnish translation (in the comics) was "Lepakkomies", which, even if it might sound odd, means literary "Bat-man". However in Estonian, it is translated as "Nahkhiirmees", which again is quite literary ""Bat-man" but in Finnish ears it sounds something like "skin-mouse-man".


● "Monster in law" → "My mother in law is a bitch"

"Star wars" → "Războiul steleolor" ("Fight in the sky")

"Open Season" → "Năzdrăvanii din pădure" ("Sillyness in the forest")

"Despicable me" → "Sunt un mic ticălos" ("I'm a little bastard")

"Failure to launch" → "Cum să dai afară un burlac de 30 de ani" ("How to throw away from the house a 30 year old bachelor")

"Star wars: The phantom menace" → "Războiul steleolor: Ameninţarea fantomei" ("Star wars: The ghost is threatening")

● "Bring it on" → "Majoretele" ("The cheerleaders")

"Frozen" → "Regatul de gheață" ("The ice kingdom")

"In the heart of the sea" → "Spaima mării" ("The fear of the sea")

"The ghost writer" → "Marioneta" ("The marionette")

"Married... with children" → "Familia Bundy" ("The Bundy family")

"Iron man" → "Omul de oțel" ("The man of steel"). Basically by the logic of translation, Superman and Iron Man are the same person!


● "The avengers" → "Yenilmezler" ("The unbeatables")

"Scarface" → "The Sicilian"

"Bruce Almighty" → "Aman tanrım" ("Oh, my God")

"Léon" → "Sevginin gücü" ("Power of love") (???)

"Flash Gordon" → "Mr. Wholesome"

"Fahrenheit 451" → "Değişen dünyanın insanları" ("People of the changing world")

"Ocean's 11" → "Soyguncular" ("Robbers")


● Imena Diznijevih likova na indonežanskom:

Miki Maus: Miki Tikus (tikus = miš)

Paja Patak: Donal Bebek (bebek = patka)

Raja, Vlaja i Gaja: Kwik, Kwek, Kwak

Deda Baja: Paman Gober (paman = ujak)

Buldozi: Gerombolan Siberat (bukvalno: "Teška mafija")

Proka Pronalazač: Lang Ling Lung

Maga Vračević: Mimi Hitam (bukvalno: Crna Mimi)

Cakani Caja: Untung Angsa (untung = srećan, angsa = guska)

Praja: Didi Bebek


● Iz IMDB-ove stranice za "The Living Daylights". Bukvalni prevodi za neke od stranih naslova ovog filma su:

- "Spies die at dawn" (Denmark);

- "Danger zone" (Italy);

- "007: High tension" (Spain & Portugal);

- "Death is not a game" / To kill is not to play" (France);

- "007 and the danger zone" (Finland);

- "Icecold mission" (Sweden);

- "Facing death" (Poland);

- "His name is danger" (Chile);

- "The touch of death" / The breeze of death" (West Germany);

- "007 in the dangerous zone" (Israel/Hebrew);

- "007 destined to die" (Brazil);

- "In the line of fire" (Norway)

- "Breath of death" (Croatia)

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